News and views from an unique perspective

High society sex scandal with underage prostitute: A young man speaks his mind

Posted by temasektimes on April 20, 2012

Dear readers: ,

I am typing this article in order to express my growing anger and indignation at the irresponsibility of the mainstream mass media regarding the current underage prostitute saga , as well as to vent out my grievances and arguments I have always had against the current ruling government of Singapore and its skewed policies and doctrines that have served to put us local citizens at a detriment position.

Firstly, I wish to get a rock off my chest about the recent underage prostitute saga. Speaking personally as a man, putting aside all arguments of morals and ethics about the men involved in seeking commercial sexual services from women, I find the charges against the men lawfully unable to stand, and as a matter of fact the information that has been available mostly points to a very sloppy work-up of prosecution charges by the prosecutor in charge of this case.

In an earlier interview by lawyer Subhas Anandan he has made statements attesting to the lack of information about the exact details of the prosecution charges against the men, specifically the name and age of the girl involved as well as her identity, and how this put him and his clients in a difficult position trying to defend their position, what with the girl being a “hardcore prostitute” according to Lawyer Subhas who “didn’t need any protection from the law”.

Following the saga, although I cannot attest to saying that the men were necessarily morally right in seeking sexual exchanges outside of their marriages or in their personal life, I feel that the current media attitude in reporting out the full names and ages, and in some cases even their occupations and past connections to past organisations unsettling and to be frank, extremely underhanded with great potential to do harm and humiliation against the subjects involved.

[PHOTO: One of the men charged trying to escape the prying eyes of the media]

Speaking from a personal point of view, I can feel their distress, anger, and shame at being rightfully or wrongfully exposed to such scathing media spotlight in such a saga involving so many people as I have been in a similar position before, of which I would elaborate in the future if there was a need to.

I also feel great indignant at several comments by Members of Parliament Dr Halimah Yacob and Teo Ser Luck on the subject of keeping the female “underage” prostitute’s identity a secret and not pressing any charges against her, in the blind hope that such anonymity can allow her to have a clean start in life later on without vice or crime. I feel strongly in my heart as a male adult, that in this whole saga the female prostitute was equally to blame as anyone else involved.

Does it mean that you can take being shamed rightfully or wrongfully in the public eye because you are a male, and you are allowed preferential treatment in personal privacy in the same situation just because you are a female? Such sentiments have been echoed repeatedly online by both genders, with calls to name her as a witness or even shame her publicly in the media as they are doing with the men being made. I would not go to extremes to advocate such actions explicitly, but I can and I will pledge my implicit support for more transparency with regards to the saga, especially on the part about the females involved.

For one thing, the court’s stand on not revealing information on the girl involved, evokes particular suspicion as to whether she is as of the present time, even still considered underage, which is to say, younger than 18 years old. And even in the unlikely scenario that the females involved are still currently underage, then it calls even more question as to the whole nature of the vice ring operated by the convicted pimp who has already been charged. Were the girls coerced into selling their bodies?

How did they even end up in such a situation? Was it by their own choosing or were they possibly blackmailed or arm-twisted into their current situation? And if it was by their own choosing, how could they have chosen such a twisted path to riches? Where was the social and moral safety net that was supposed to prevent such things from happening?

All evidence points to a willing and complicit participation by the female party involved in this saga, and this would evoke even more moral and ethical questions about protection of the girls under the Women’s Charter. Is the prosecution fearful of AWARE, the local feminist rights groups, which is why they refuse to rightfully disclose information about the female prostitutes involved? And speaking of which, is it not a hypocrisy to call our country a meritocratic country without sexism when we need to have gender equality groups existing to lobby their own agendas to the government much like the lobbyists for big businesses in America? Or even more so, that the open solicitation of commercial sex deals by females or males is illegal, when one can take a walk down Geylang every night and observe how many legal brothels there are in Singapore?

To me I Feel that this whole thing about the law punishing freelancing sex workers is much more motivated by inability to track and tax incomes of subjects involved than anything else, including public moral good and crime rate control. And I am pretty sure that I am not the only person who feels this way. Call me a chauvinist if you wish, but if you have a womens’ rights group in Singapore, surely there should be a Mens’ rights group as well to protect men from women who misuse the Women’s Charter to sell their bodies, make quick money, and then withdraw behind the protection of their gender and sexuality?

I personally feel that the current high-strung emotions surrounding the saga is due to the fact that to all of us the public, the main character in this whole saga, the female underage prostitute herself, has supposedly been able to get away scot-free and stay out of media scrutiny, while the men are unduly exposed to the world by the mainstream media which is acting too much like private investigators.

I do not see the point in exposing so much detail about their education histories, their personal lives, or even their connection with various organisations and schools and I do not feel that such information serves a purpose of reporting objective news to us the public. Here I shall have to put in a well-deserved bemoaning of the state of the local mainstream media which I Feel is no better than or even worse in terms of news integrity and professional conduct than compared to online social media.

To top it all off for my anger and indignance at the handling of the saga, a psychologist who was interviewed by a Chinese tabloid went so far as to say that it was the parents’ responsibility to teach the right moral values to their children, and in this case the parents of the underage prostitutes should apologise to their own daughter for “failing them” in this respect. Really? Seriously? Sometimes you have to consider the fact that parents can only do so much to help their own children, and when their own children choose the road of rebellion against their parents during their growing years there is little that can be done by them to stop any slippery descent into the depths of crime and debauchery short of declaring them as Beyond Parental Control.

The prostitute involved opened her legs to forty over men for consensual sex in exchange for money, of which we can assume a significant portion going to fund her own lavish lifestyle and the rest going to the pimp himself. This is no innocent kid who has been failed by her parents that we are talking here. I do not see the point of protecting her so hard especially under the current situation of the crucifixion of the men involved. At the very least, the mainstream media and the law should take a closer look at the female prostitutes themselves as complicit partners in crime, rather than just mindless innocent sheep waiting for the slaughter by the hands of evil preying wolf men. And since the ladies involved did their trade in the freelance escort way, which is clearly illegal under local law (open solicitation), they should be prosecuted for that in tandem with the men who supposedly had underage commercial sex with them!

Here I See fit to turn my verbal venting to further analysis of the current saga with respect to the general domestic situation in Singapore. Given the extremely sloppy handling of the case by the prosecution as well as the undue spotlight attention given to the saga by the media in Singapore, it is perhaps food for thought to think that barely 24 hours before the saga broke a few days ago, the news was dominated by a far more important news, that of the start of the public inquiry into the MRT system breakdown back in December 2011.

Perhaps there is a conspiracy to create a massive smokescreen by trivializing and sensationalizing this whole underage prostitute sex saga out of proportion, in the hopes of diverting public attention from the more pressing matter of getting the truth about the MRT breakdowns, as well as answers and remedies for the breakdowns that happened? It is everybody’s guess, but given how past scandals involving sexual scandals between government employees and private company employees for commercial benefits as well as the failed extradition case of the Romanian diplomat have been swiftly swept under the carpet without due explanation from the government or the parties involved, I Cannot help but suspect that the conspiracy theory holds more water than it initially seems.

We have created a generation driven only by dreams of material wealth gained by any means possible, and this has resulted in a breakdown of morals in society where what used to be taboo is now the norm. As they say, in the land of lies, telling the truth is considered high treason. Why has this happened? It is a common known fact that the local education system has been more geared towards a “winners take all” model than a more inclusive “everyone gets a share” model.

Short of preaching communism in education here, I as a concerned young Singaporean call strongly upon the Ministry of Education to take a close hard look at its education structure, and revamp it in such a way that takes the emphasis off pressure-cooker dog-eat-dog style of education to one of a more holistic and moral “roundedness” so to speak, model. Clearly civics and moral education should be taken a lot more seriously than they are now, and also the media should do its part by being more objective and responsible in reporting news and portrayal of dramas locally.

We cannot expect a healthy society to exist in an environment where we see in the newspapers day after day some news about extramarital affairs, or dramas that involve sex and violence in a way that glorifies them. However, I am not calling on blanket censorship of materials, as that would be too infringing on our freedom to information and freedom of speech. I am just calling out to society to take more responsibility in its actions to other sections of its own and not just do or say things for the sake of sensationalism, drama, and ultimately, money and profits.

I have written this article partly to vent out my inner frustration and anger regarding the current situation in Singapore, and also partly to share my views with you viewers and create constructive discussion about the issues involved. I am open and I welcome constructive debate with me over the points that I have made in my written article, and I do hope that this article will be the first in a future series of articles that I will make to commentate and analyse local news and trends. Thank you for reading.


* The author is a 18 year old young man waiting to be enlisted for National Service

219 Responses to “High society sex scandal with underage prostitute: A young man speaks his mind”

  1. I Love SG said

    hello young man. go study law and be a first class lawyer before you waste time and write this shit. You are, in blog terms, keyboard warrior. Do you think what you have wrote will weigh itself onto the case? dream on.

    Btw, by SG laws, it is common law that a gag order can be imposed as the girl was < 17 yrs of age during when the offences were committed. It do not need to take 2 ministers to come out and say that she needs to protected. It is just common law in Singapore.

    Law is law and what you had preceived is your own opinions that, simply, are worthless. I have wasted enough time in writing this shit. Go figure or self reflect.

    • Wow said

      Your opinion is worth shit all, too. How about you learn what the term “opinion” means before wasting time and writing a shit comment that makes no sense whatsoever.

    • K said

      This young man has the courage to speak his mind, unlike spineless conformists like you who think law is law and opinions are worthless. Change always begins with a dream, and in that regard you’re right in advising him to dream on. Apart from that the only thing to credit you for in your entire post is your recognition that what you’ve written is shit

    • J said

      I totally agree with what u have said about this article carrying no weight. Instead if writing this long article, be somebody who can make a change instead of ranting off hoping someone who read it will feel your pain and do something about it.

      Law is law, everyone knows that. However law is written by man and is not without it flaws. That is why there are always exceptions to the statues. Furthermore, as our society transforms, what was previously the law might not be relevant. New statues can be introduced and old ones can be amended or repealed.

      To the owner of this long rant. Be somebody to make the change.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        J, I have plans to advance my career into the realm of politics in SG in future, so rest assured, what I’m writing is definitely not me just jawing off and not wanting to do anything concrete about it.
        Of course, that’s another story ten years down the road, but if one day i come to where you live to campaign for your vote, do please support me.

    • Whatsright said

      Your reply is exactly the issue he is addressing. Which means, you possessed almost close to a nil effect of comprehending his article.

    • abusedhusband said

      I hope that one day, your wife want to divorce you, and you will understand how unfair the Women’s Charter is to men in Singapore. I am suffering in my marriage and have to give in to every whim and fancy and get scolded for no reason by my wife every day and I have to swallow my pride and give in to her for fear of losing my child and hard-earned savings. She can threaten to divorce me anytime she wants and I will be dead. I still have to serve my reservist, pay for all the bills and escalating living costs all out of my own pocket. We still have to suck up to our bosses and work like a dog to pay off COE, HDB. Do you know how unfair it is to men in Singapore? In Singapore, if you have sex with a girl you meet or like, she might suddenly accuse you of rape. If you have sex with your wife when she don’t feel like it, she can accuse you of rape and divorce you. If you watch porn and DIY, you are also breaking the law for possessing porn!!!! So what to do? These men go and pay for sex, and in the end they still end up getting charged. Its like damned if you do and damned if you don’t. We might as well go and castrate ourselves so as to keep ourselves out of jail! So who the fuck are you to be self-righteous and condemn the smart boy who wrote this article?
      I hope someday u suffer retribution for your words today, and get destroyed by a woman. Get a taste of how it feels like you motherfucker!!

      • Gezza said

        mate – I can only sympathize with you… living under the womans skirt makes a man lose his mind- you are between a rock and hard place.. hope you find some room for yourself..good luck!

      • Jon Ashley said

        Hey man. She sounds like she ain’t worth it. Perhaps you can be happier with someone else. there is no shame in divorce.

      • Barn said

        “If you have sex with your wife when she don’t feel like it, she can accuse you of rape and divorce you”
        oh, so you’ve been raping your wife and now you’re wondering why she hates you? Hmm.

    • Weixian said

      Leaving an opinion that says that opinions are worthless. The number of persons that have benefited intellectually and sentimentally from your arrogant comment is exactly zero. I have wasted enough time in writing this shit.Go figure AND self reflect.

    • el-o-el said

      your reply wasted 15 seconds of my life. gtfo thanks

    • 25yearsinSG said

      “I have wasted enough time in writing this shit.”

      Glad you know the quality of your post.

    • copingwhateverhesaidjustbecauseican said

      Hello old man.

      Why don’t you study to be a person that is able to stand for himself before you ask people to study law and become a first class lawyer before you waste the time and write this shit?

      Btw, on the internet, it is common that I will just give you a retarded post and write nonsense and waste your bloody time because you wasted my time.

      You are, in whatever terms, lolwtfpwned. Do you think whatever you have wrote, will have meaning and people actually take it seriously? Dream on.

      You’re are stupid to be a single minded person and what you have percieve is your own opinion that, SIMPLY, is worthless.

      However, I may have wasted enough time writing this shit but wasting your time is well justified. Go figured or self reflect.

    • FirstClassCitizen said

      You sir, are the perfect example of a person who is easily manipulated by the legislation and the government. Sure, you can be a first class law student/lawyer for all I care, but what the young man has done here is perceiving things and being critical (which you probably have no damn clue about because you just take the law as it is). Law is law, we ought to obey it. But you should learn that nothing is cast in stone. Neither the law, nor a government who passes it. Most importantly, we, the people, should not be cast in stone.

    • Slutty Lim Chee Bai said

      “Law is law” my foot.

      It was also a “law” to send Jews to the gas chambers under Hitler. Civil/Criminal Law ought to be guided by a higher law – moral law/ethics e.g. equality, justice etc. It is also law to send political threats to jail under the ISA. Shouldn’t that law be scrapped? And shouldn’t this slut/whore be exposed?

    • Anaconda said

      So who the fuck are you. A lawyer by trade or a wannabe. So what if there is a gag order for under 17. Even Ryan giggs
      Could not stop his affair
      From getting into the press with his super injunction.

    • Eric Toh said

      “One must be a trained professional before being able to make a public comment.”

      So in other words… you want to turn our country into a fascist dictatorship. If a medical issue crops up, you must go to medical school and study for 4 years with 2 years as understudy to comment. If a sports issue crops up you must have represented Singapore before. If a religious issue crops up you must be a priest.

      Naise. *sneers*

      • Eric Toh said

        @IloveSG: Come at me bro, I am certain I have more credentials to make comments than you. Just come at me.

      • said

        Gogo. IloveSG. We love to see a debate here. Go at Eric since he has more credentials than you. GOGO bro!!!

    • Your opinion is not thought out properly said

      Ilovesg is right actually. The law is meant to protect the right of minors. And regardless of what you argue that it is unfair to men, there is no surmounting reason to question the law in this case, because there are so many reasons why this law should be in effect. The point really is about the media circus that is going on isn’t it? Some self-restraint in the media would do some good for them – publishing every single lurid detail is way beyond gutter- i agree wholeheartedly. But no to the reasoning that its therefore unfair that the girl is protected- the law is for a reason. That is just mucking around for something to complain about, isn’t it? Spurious really, the argument.

    • Angry Bird said

      Then such law should be modified. Law is made based on people’s opinion on what should be the right thing to do, to be fair to everyone regardless of sex. In this instance, I support the point raised by this young author that the girl should be punished as well!

    • Corporal00512 said

      There is no need to use vulgaries to express your indignation. The English Language is full of beautiful words to express your frustrations. Use of the s**t word shows that you are probably uncultured, poorly educated or lacking in values [poor upbringing].

  2. indignant said

    I totally agree with the writer.

  3. Disgusted NSF said

    The media listed the names of the clients. If the clients felt no shame at having taking advantage of an underaged girl because they had not done anything wrong, then for god’s sake, they don’t have to accuse anybody of shaming them.

    It is a fact the this society condemns perverts who solicits sex from an underaged prostitute. Some men have stinking money to buy sex, and now they kow beh kow bu that they are shamed?! Are we going to allow rich people to buy respectability too?

    Respectability is as you do. If you screw somebody’s underaged daughter, and when your name rightfully appear in the newspapers, don’t complain or whine for respectability.

    • Harvard said

      Actually i think his stand is that the “extra information”, such as past organisations or education, is uncalled for.

      Like I say this sex offender is from “AAA School” then it will create the impression that “AAA School” produce such students.

      Most people will be logical and not draw the same conclusion but we cannot deny that some will so this extra piece of dug up info is humiliating in a way to “all subjects involved”

      • DustyP said

        The thing that concerns me is that regardless of charges made against these men, they are entitled to a fair trial(if indeed it comes to that). Whatpchance is there of that happening now? It is customary for these details to be released AFTER trial & sentencing not before.

    • Whatsright said

      I guess Harvard stated it right. Disgusted NSF, you should attempt to digest the article again.

    • K said

      A few quick comments:

      a) “..taking advantage of an underaged girl”???
      For heaven’s sake the girl in question prostituted herself. Did you not see the term “prostitute” in any of the articles related to the matter?

      b) “It is a fact the this society condemns perverts”
      It is also a fact that hypocrisy and double-standard are practised by many in society

      c) “Some men have stinking money to buy sex”
      You can “buy sex” for a few tens of dollars at any of the Geylang brothels, which are legalised by the government. Since when does one need to be rich to buy sex?

      d) “If you screw somebody’s underaged daughter…..your name rightfully appear in the newspapers”
      The men who screwed her weren’t aware she is underage. Even if they were she’s the one who availed herself to them via the pimp and internet. Shouldn’t her name rightfully appear in the papers too?

    • elle said

      i agree with you on this – i’m uncertain about Harv’s thoughts on the “extra info” though – cause.. well, if someone’s head of a certain organisation then i guess it’s going to put more pressure on the person to be upright, etc.

      high positions = high level of scrutiny. don’t be sensitive… too often idiots lacking social graces will say “EH YOU’RE FROM THE SAME ORG AS THAT ONE WHO SLEPT WITH UNDERAGE GIRL ARH?!”

      just like how you won’t put say, a woman (or man, for that matter) who’s a offences pedo in charge of a kindergarten. as for the association – that’s part of the unfortunate process of shaming, but that’s why it works, too.

      as for those who intentionally make the embarrassing link – ignore them – those are educated but unschooled, and very probably wishes to cause consternation to you.

  4. Singapore Researcher said

    Bravo. This article is excellent. You are brave enough to rant, brave enough to state your stand, and most importantly, stand up for Men. Yes, Women need to be protected. But Men also need to have equal rights.

    • elle said

      mmm. agreed. back when the news were on the female teacher who had sexual relations with her student, the teacher was not named as well. of course the young boy’s identity was kept secret, but she wasn’t named and shamed.

      • zzz said

        Think back about the scandal involving a married female with chief of CNB and SCDF. The female wasn’t shame as well.

  5. Well said young man. Especially the part about the morality of our present day society and the Pressure cooker education system. Schools do not allow freedown for a child to explore their potential but impose the existing system of exam focused criteria on them. Then the top performers go on to become scholars with a twisted mind and end with many scandals which the main sream media will just sweep under the carpet. Look forward to more of your comments.

  6. Erasmus said

    One word: YES.

  7. dreamwalked said

    well said Ming Jun. Well said.

    as far as i’m concerned, if the girl lied about her age to earn a quick buck – why should the men be prosecuted?

    court decides to protect the identity of the girl (which has already been revealed on the internet), because it will affect her future…
    how about the men?

    i’ve always been in support for a Men’s rights group. women hide behind the charter whenever something that is non-beneficial befalls them – regardless who’s fault it is. end of the day, the men suffers.
    Sexual equality? i beg to differ.

  8. To the author:
    It is a legal axiom that the judge cannot be both the prosecutor and judge. In the present instance, the 44+ men had in probability confessed to hving prior knowledge of the girl being underaged for the AGC to consent 2 their court prosecution. So it is now 4 the Defence to prove in court that they were unaware that the prostitute is below 18.
    We shd nip the problem of paedophiles preying on our young and underaged b4 it becomes rampant for our young girls to be unsafe even walking the roads for these DOM (Dirty Old-er Men). Instead of taking the side of the 50 sex predators of our young, we shd rightly compliment the policemen involved for work well done as they’ve shown no fear or favour in the case with so many prominent names being mentioned.

    • Whatsright said

      Applauding your decent command of the English Language, an appeal for you to understand the writer’s content is suggested before a comment like this is posted.

  9. Lee David said

    I cannot see what is not RIGHT about this letter, i had said before, 1 willing seller n 1 willing buyer, yes u can says the child is under-age, but understand this, they can do more position then u have ever know. I dare to says because I have been to South East Asia countries with LOTS of child sex thing, a very sad tale, but without food, the family will be DYING….so they learn to be a BETTER PERSON by ‘TRADING” without having to ‘INVEST’

  10. Lee David said

    it is like asking ” who is more wrong,the one buying,or the one selling” if these people had got the ‘NORMAL’ hooker to service, maybe these would have been an issue, unless they r all ‘ROONEY'”GIGGS’ N ‘TIGER’, so this is a matter of who is STIRRING the ‘SOUP”

  11. maddog2020 said

    Mr Wong,

    You have written a very good and thought provoking letter. Everything you have wrote here holds true meaning.

    Most Singaporeans I feel, love all these sensational news involving sex and high positioned people and it is these same people that start spreading false rumors which is picked up by the tabloids. This is the very reason why I don’t read “The New Paper”. It reminds me of those sleazy and gossip tabloids from US & UK. The locals papers just want to keep up the readership and hence when something like these comes along, they’ll run the story till the cows come home.

    And yes, I too feel that the government which coincidentally controls the local tabloids loves this sort of news so as to throw the spotlight of them as they are performing badly of late in every aspect.

    If you can charge a “teenage boy” in court for the death of another, why not charge the “teenage girl” for selling (can’t use the word soliciting as it was the pimp who did it) sex. Could it be that the teenage girl involved is related to a high profile individual. There is a distinct possibility that this is so. Give it a thought.

    • Corporal00512 said

      There is no need to use vulgaries to express your indignation. The English Language is full of beautiful words to express your frustrations. Use of the f**k word shows that you are probably uncultured, poorly educated or lacking in values [poor upbringing].

  12. Not from SG said

    First of all, I don’t know in SG, but commonly if the people involved are of legal age(er 18 above) the names won’t get protected and such, but it’s very typical/normal for underage people involved to have their names be censored out of all media. No, it’s not a Sexist/Feminist shit, it’s one that involves “of legal age” matters.
    Though correct me if I’m wrong here, this is just what I’ve perceived from the thousands of articles I’ve read across the years.

  13. In most situations, there is a benchmark or bottomline. In the case of sex with a minor, the age limit is set at 18. So unless the law is changed, this is the legal limit that anyone engaging in sex, consensual or otherwise, wld hv 2 observe if he/she wants to act within the law.
    It’s really that straightforward.

  14. peterysbsg said

    The girl was alleged by the escort agency to have lied to them so that she could get hire as an escort. What was her purpose? Obviously to earn money. Was she able to foresee that an escort job was simply to go shopping with some rich man or chat with him over a cup of tea? Did it really never occurred to her that there is a reason for having a age requirement of being 18yrs? Why didn’t she choose a Macdonald’s job instead where there is no age requirement? It can be inferred that she has the knowledge what an escort job requires, ie addition services of sex which is the reason why it pays so well and the reason why there is an age limit. She lied about her age because she knows that she couldn’t get the job, which she wants so badly, by telling the truth and through this we can infer that she knows she is protected under the law as an underage person. All this point to an argument, ie she went into it with full knowledge and understanding. It should be argued that the law should not offer protection to someone who has full awareness of their actions and abuse an act of Parliament for their own purposes. Neither would the reason be, while the act was debated in Parliament, to offer refuge to people who intends to abuse the law.

    • CSI said

      Are you saying that the girl lied about her age to get the SE job, but her stupid Pimp/Agency really trusted and didn’t bother to card her?
      So who is being negligent here or ‘playing dumb’ really?

  15. peterysbsg said

    The girl was alleged by the escort agency to have lied to them so that she could get hire as an escort. What was her purpose? Obviously to earn money. Was she able to foresee that an escort job was simply to go shopping with some rich man or chat with him over a cup of tea? Did it really never occurred to her that there is a reason for having a age requirement of being 18yrs? Why didn’t she choose a Macdonald’s job instead where there is no age requirement? It can be inferred that she has the knowledge what an escort job requires, ie addition services of sex which is the reason why it pays so well and the reason why there is an age limit. She lied about her age because she knows that she couldn’t get the job, which she wants so badly, by telling the truth and through this we can infer that she knows she is protected under the law as an underage person. All this point to an argument, ie she went into it with full knowledge and understanding. It should be argued that the law should not offer protection to someone who has full awareness of their actions and abuse an act of Parliament for their own purposes. Neither would the reason be, while the act was debated in Parliament, to offer refuge to people who intends to abuse the law. That loophole that should not make a mockery of the law and that loophole should be plugged up.

    • Zackery said

      Oh yes. Though I’m a female, I do agree with you on this. Honestly, I don’t believe in Fairness, I believe more in Justice. be it exposing the males who did this or the ‘hardcore’ girl, it do not salvage the situation now. why dont the legislation of SG do something about this kind of matters? Like protecting the underage pro but make sure she get her fair share of punishment and taints on her life profile just like the males did when she is of legal age? I’m sure doing this will calm many down.

  16. Ethics said

    What protection does she deserve when she was still prostituting herself all the way till the pimp was caught? Innocence? Naivety? If that is what you so called “conservatives” think then obviously you are still living in the dark ages. Teenagers nowadays know more of the ugly side of life than you possibly know even if you let your imaginations run wild. The problem is that adults treat teenagers like kids while the latter believes they know it all. This has been an on going chicken & egg issue since evolution & there is absolutely nothing anyone can do anything about it.

  17. disgruntled said

    Ditto that.

    First of all, I am a lady myself. I agree if SHE has decided to sell her body for riches, she does not deserve the protection of the law unless she was coerced to do so.

    Secondly, personal details of the offenders were not necessary. Why ruin other’s life while trying to protect one who doesn’t even care about her own body/life? Not too mention that most of them are high-net worth personalities and have much more to protect and salvage.
    The saga does NOT deserve the front page and that much attention, unless she was trafficked and forced to have sex with these men. While these 48 men are here going through all the shame and scrutiny, shes back there in Chanel enjoying all her money she made.
    And perhaps the saga might even get her more business!

    • ImLovinSMRT! said

      Read all the comments and found yours in sync with my opinion. I couldn’t agree with you more. She’s a WILLING party only underage. That’s all. The stupid SMRT case should be the front page with full attention. Even now, its delays and breaking down is prominently increasing. omg.

  18. Tiffany said

    I agree with you.
    The absolute innocent victims are the parents, wives or/and children of these men. There is no need to dig out details of these men which are irrelevant to the case. Their family members need protection too.
    If the prostitute was operating without a license and was lying about her age, she should be prosecuted too. With or without her identity revealed.

    • Youthnotexcuse said

      Absolutely agree. She should be named and persecuted. Woman of any status or age who do not know how to self respect should be given their dues. How many good woman, girlfriends and wives, will live in misery and shame from their man’s infidelity committed due to her seduction? If her parents cannot bring her up well, society can. There is one, there will be more. If we let this go, from willing party, we will soon be handling coerced parties and more vice rings to tackle. As a young woman with two daughters, I’ll say her thoughts are very thwarted by material obsession to the point beyond hope. Everyone gets punished and then given second chance. She should not be any different.

  19. ngpy said

    Well presented facts. The Procecution and the Court in this case must be damn HAPPY in their decisions. But in the eyes of the General Public it is the biggest ERROR in the Court of Law to have cause such humiliation and so much ambarassment suffer by not one but by so many whereby they the Courts and Procecution have not consider the consequences which may have happen. SHE IS A HARDCORE, A PROFESSIONAL PROSITITUTE OUT FOR PEOPLE TO SCREW HER. THE COURT AND THE PROCECUTION EXPECT A THIEF TO INFORM THAT HE IS A THIEF, THAT IS TO SAY, EXPECTING HER TO TELL HER CLIENTS THAT SHE IS NOT OF AGE AND CANNOT BE SCREWED, SO IS THE COURT EXPECTING HER TO SAY THAT TO HER CLIENT. THE COURT HAVE ERR IN LAW.

  20. Mike Wolf said

    i am not as profound nor highly educated… but i do understand what this saga is all about…

    i do agree with the writer’s comments… why is there a need to protect a girl whom she parade herself in the sex trade… and best of all… she lied about her age… all the more she should be exposed and be punished… Women Charter is to protect those innocent… my question here is… is she??

  21. sierra.p. said

    As much as I am a guy, I personally disagree with many of the writer’s points. It is a matter of sound legal proceeding that the identities of any involved parties below the age of 18 be protected from the public. To deviate from this modus operandi and demand that the identity of the underage call girl be made known to the public would be a direct contradiction that compromises the integrity of our legal system. I do not think that a precedent for such demands should be set under these circumstances. Such policies and regulations are not arbitrary in nature but exist for the protection of minors. Perhaps this is something you’ll learn to appreciate as you get older, and hopefully wiser. Besides, two wrongs don’t make a right. You should not be looking at the morally questionable deeds the underage girl has committed and say in light of this, let us waive her right to protection. That in itself would be morally questionable.

    With regards to the writer’s point on the extent of coverage that has been provided by our mainstream media on the men that have been allegedly involved, I once again disagree that censorship of any form should have been exercised. As a citizen, I would expect our mainstream media to extol the virtues of truth and objectivity in all its reporting. As a citizen, I want to be informed and it is the media’s role to do just that. They have not crossed any lines in failing to exercise self-censorship, they are merely executing their roles as information producers with thorough effectiveness. The idea that the reporters/journalists harbor intentions of shaming the involved men is but only your opinion. From the perspectives of reporters/journalists, they are simply out to inform the public with lenses of truth and objectivity. People have often accused our media of its censorship, if anything at all, the media personnel reporting this case acting in a direction counter to that notion. I find no fault with them. To me, it’s far worse when half-truths are reported as compared to whole-truths.

    • SF said

      Kudos. Well said.

    • KCO said

      Well said. As a lawyer, I have to say that there is good reason for the existence for such a provision to protect the identity of minors. The law is not concerned with individual cases/facts, but public policy. Young man, if you ever go on to study law (which I highly recommend if you intend to enter the political arena), you will see that sometimes the law produces grossly unfair decisions and results. But, there will always be a strong underlying reason for that statute to be in place.

      As with regards with the media’s coverage of this matter, I have to disagree with you Sierra. In order to facilitate as fair a trial as possible for these men, the media coverage should have been kept as minimal as possible until a final verdict is passed. Although this is more relevant in jurisdictions that have jury trials, a judge is still not immune to public/media influence. What if one of them is acquitted? Yes, he may be able to seek compensation possibly in defamation or malicious prosecution, but his reputation will never be the same again. People have mentioned that if a man dares to do such a thing, he should also be subject to it being publicised to the world. Well, that’s not really true is it? If someone does something wrong, his penalty is specified clearly in our Penal Code. His punishment should be just that, no more no less. This is made even worse by the fact that the details of the defendants are being published prior to a guilty verdict. While it is not the fourth estate’s duty to care about these sort of things, maybe things would be better if they would just be a little more sensitive to the broader issues at play. After all, lives should not be ruined for the sake of sensationalism in the press.

      Just my two cents

      • Corporal00512 said

        I totally agree with you on the publicity part. These people are being punished twice. They can tolerate and probably get used to a jail sentence. But to be publicly identified in the press carries a long-term stigma which can never be erased. Their loved ones also suffered and many have been known to move away to a new location to start a new life. Punish them if you have too, but don’t shame them in public. All of us make mistakes. Let’s be more forgiving.

    • JT said

      She lied about her age. She should be charged for criminal breach of trust.

  22. empathetic but unconvinced said

    Apologies but I see great problem with the author’s article. Indeed there are very real issues being addressed. I agree Singapore’s education system is in dire need of review (as with many systems around the world). Additionally, there is a widespread social problem of gender inequalities (not only in Singapore, but around the world as well) with women themselves demanding respect and rights while complaining about the lack of chivalry and lashing out when confronted with the lack of requirement to participate in national service.

    Of course, the side of men are equally confused with plenty of issues regarding chauvinism and domestic violence while others argue that modern feminism is too over-the-top.

    Your link to these issues based on the scandal, however, are tenuous and poorly justified as best.

    The education system does promote inequalities but do be careful in implying that it has contributed to sexual deviancy in the upper class. If anything, it is the widespread distribution of modern pop culture from the west (and increasingly from asian media power houses like korea and japan as well) that has promoted sexual deviancy instead. Such is a problem with the global spread of capitalism and globalization, not in particular the government. Although admittedly, there lies a responsibility with the government to address it, there should be caution in mixing frustration with modern culture and frustration with the government. I have not personally seen any government material promoting underaged sex, or sex in general. In fact, it has tried extremely hard to promote the wholesome nuclear family to invigorate population increase. That, however, has a whole bag of issues that I shan’t bring up.

    Concerns regarding a materialistic society, however, are valid and yet more care should be taken in linking this issue to a degradation of morals in society. Indeed greed is a problem here yet lust is a whole other sin that might not have direct influence from the materialistic nature of our society.

    Also, there are two completely different clashes here that have been mixed in a rather cloudy manner. The issue here is not a matter of men vs women. While that is a valid frustration, the issue here is more old vs young. There lies a responsibility with those of older age to guide the young into the future and not corrupt them. The reason why these men are prosecuted, therefore, is not due to their gender, but due to their age and their important education positions in society. Should this issue concern adult women and an underaged boy, such prosecution should occur as well. If it does not, the argument of gender inequalities, therefore, is valid.

    I do agree, however, that the media is irresponsible in leaking so many details of the men. It is indeed a tad over sensationalized. These men have contributed to society in other ways and it is a little unfair that they be so openly thrust into the public for slaughter. They do not, however, share equal blame with the girl. As men of the older generation, they had a responsibility to educate and protect the young. Their taking advantage of her, whether or not there was monetary transaction, leaves greater sin on their part than her.

    The media is also being unfair and exercising plain poor journalism in blaming the girl’s parents. Objectivity is sorely lacking in that article.

    That said, the men should have been given the chance to have their identities preserved to some extent. I do believe, however, that the shame that came from having their names revealed is quite deserved. Sex with an underaged minor is quite a heinous sin. Male or Female, taking advantage of those who are younger is, indeed, a rather heinous crime.

    Much can be forgiven for your article as I do see it was written in frustration and, as such, might have been clouded by your emotions at the time. Do, however, take time to read your own article and reassess your points. Coming up with conspiracy theories yourself is committing the crime of the journalists. Without any basis, indeed generating conspiracy theories might be a greater sin that sensationalizing the news. That is not to say, however, your frustrations with the local transport system are invalid. They are certainly valid. The local transport system has certainly degraded into a joke.

    Overall, your passionate writing does indeed have a few valid points but they commit major fallacies without substantiation. Writing in a public forum of any sort, whether or not for professional journalism, holds inherent responsibilities. I don’t know if you hold a firm education in the area of law but I do believe that before you continue to criticize the prosecutors involved, you should pull up relevant supporting evidence from the relevant sources.

  23. Fairminded said

    Sad for those who succumbed to seduction by a young underaged sex professional. Careers, family and reputation wrecked by trysts with this pro well marketed and promoted by the PIMP Tang Boon Tiew. This pimp would have deviced ways to hide the age of the under age pros and would have coached her how to lie to her well heeled clients. They must have been misled by her well endowed assets and her ability to satisfy their sexual desires that belie her age. Although there is a law to protect innocent under age girls from been led into the sex trade, this case points to full responsibility by the PIMP and the not so innocent under age poly student cum part time model cum professional sex worker. Lock the both of them away for as long as the law permits. My 84 year old mother advocates a life sentence for the PIMP and full disclosure of the girl’s identity so that no one should ever marry this youg whore.
    Hope the SG law takes a fair and sympathetic view on those lives these two have wrecked.

  24. Terence Chan said

    Yet another juvenile article based on weak foundation, lacking in facts and put together from the very source he’s trying to vilify? Come on! Don’t waste your time Wong Ming Jun. Get better educated first.

    • jack said

      if people like you are going to criticize, i only wish you would think a little first. whatever you say about the article lacking in facts, do not forget it is an extremely well-written article for an 18 year old. telling people to get ‘better educated’ and after making sweeping statements like ‘juvenile article’…it doesn’t reflect that well on you, does it.

      Wong Ming Jun, don’t be disheartened! Although I think you’re way above this.

  25. Private Profits Social Costs said

    Just steer clear of the law – in everything you do. Without an ombudsman, proper opposition, press freedom – there is little you can do once the police get hold of you.

    Many people commit crimes due to ignorance. As for this case, where the morality of the offenders is crucial, I would not be the first one to throw stones.

    It is the oldest profession in the world afterall.

  26. Cyric said

    Very well written. There are some points which I agree with you on, and couple others I disagree, to various degrees. Unfortunately I’m still at work, thus am unable to post a more detailed reply. However, I will try to pop back once I am home to give a more in-depth comment.

  27. CivilSerpentsScholarsArePedoPerverts said

    Please write concisely, I bet you failed your ‘A’ Levels GP.

  28. Injustice and Inequality said

    This law is logically flawed. In all other laws, the seller is always more guilty than the buyer. For instance, in a narcotic abuse case, the peddler (seller) is more culpable than the abuser (buyer). Yet in this case, the seller (prostitute) goes absolutely scot-free without facing any consequences or penalties, while the buyers face all humiliations, potential jail terms and even canings, and not forgetting the costs involved in the court case. I’m not saying that the men are not guilty. I am stating the obvious here by saying that the prostitute is as guilty as the men, if not more. While the guilty men are undergoing hell here, the prostitute is laughing all the way to the bank with her “dirty money”. It is not as if she was forced to do any of these against her will. She is definitely not a victim, although she might act like one. Is this really justice?

    • KCO said

      Funnily enough, this system of punishment (where only the man is charged) has been hailed worldwide. If you have the time, do take a look at prostitution in Sweden. The Swedish have used this method with great success in ridding their society of prostitution/human trafficking, while reintegrating prostitutes back into society.

  29. Tan Big Tan said

    Too much waffle – he has great potential to become our next Foreign Minister. Frankly, who gives a damn? Men have always wanted to have sex and some are willing to pay for it – and some women are willing to sell their bodies for cash. Isn’t that a win-win? Unless the women are being forced or coerced into the activity I don’t see a problem with it. With regard to this 17 year old prostitute – do we really to have make such a public spectacle of the men and ruin their lives, careers and families over a few hours of consensual sex? How the heck were they able to tell the difference between a 18 and 17 year old girl when she herself claims to be at the age of consent. Are we still stuck in a Puritanical Age? People are getting their knickers all knotted up because they are such nyoa wowsers. Grow up.

  30. car said

    This article raises good points and I cannot disagree that the girl should be exposed as she had indeed deluded these men deliberately. However, I can certainly see why the media is doing so.

    Besides, the point that she might have been under 17 and therefore would be protected under the law as a minor, I think it’s crucial that we understand that despite being “westernised”, Singapore is still largely a chauvinistic society. In fact, it can even be said that in some western countries, their society remains highly chauvinistic. For example, with this recent saga we see men who have cheated on their wives. People comment with “that’s expected, they’re rich…” and half an hour later probably forget all about it. Just answer truthfully, would you not instantly label her as a “whore” if it was a women who cheated on her husband? Remember Tammy from NYP who was in a sex video that leaked and spread viral? And who was the guy that starred in the same video as her???

    My point is: ultimately, the repercussion for the girl would eventually be far greater than that of all 40 men combined. Perhaps all they’re trying to do is give her a second chance.

  31. oiaiojoialala said

    F*** YOUR ALL

  32. Lee, James said

    Young man, when you grow up, and eventually have kids, you’ll realize why laws are designed to protect minors. Remember you were entitled that same privilege before you turned 18.

    The law should not protect individuals who willingly commit to having sex with a minor, even if it was consensual. The issue at hand considers two issues: sex with a minor, and prostitution. The arguments for both cases have different origins, and outcomes, that formed the basis for the written laws and penalties enforced.

    Boundaries of the law are clear. The men were educated, and should be aware of these boundaries. They chose to cross the boundaries, and took risks for their pleasure. They got caught, they face the penalties. Lesson learned: stay within the law, or, if you choose to break them, don’t get caught. You’ll learn more about such principles when you grow up.

    • Dennis said

      What is it about being a minor that automatically entitles one to being protected by the law as regards to sexual activity? Legal protection of minors as regards to this issue is based on an overriding assumption – that minors generally tend to be victims of sexual predation. But in this case, it has been revealed that the men were presented with false information about the girl’s age, leading them to believe that they were not having sex with a minor. Would you then say that the girl, in this instance, is a victim of sexual predation when she knowingly lied about her age in order to work as a prostitute? Would you not think that she, in fact, abused the legal protection afforded her? To the detriment of the men who were duped into having sex with her?

      Consider the work of a police officer. In our country, no one can legally carry guns except a police officer. This legal provision for police officers to carry guns is based on an overriding assumption as well – that these officers may use their guns when the situation compels them to do so for the public safety. But I am sure you would agree that an officer who uses his gun unnecessarily to hurt people does not deserve the legal protection afforded him to carry a gun. In fact, I am sure you would agree that this officer should be punished by the law – because he abused the legal protection afforded him (to carry a gun) to the detriment of the public.

      In this case then, would you also not agree that the girl should be punished by the law as well? For abusing the legal protection afforded her as a minor to the detriment of others?

      • rico said

        I think Dennis, you’re a bit confused over the contention here. James was referring to the protection of the girl’s identity from the public and not protecting her from the legal repercussions of her criminal actions. True, she has committed a criminal act involving deception and prostitution and should be punished under the law accordingly for her misdeeds. This point most would agree. But the I don’t think her identity should be revealed nor should she be publicly shamed given that she is a minor and there are legal provisions in place to protect the rights of minors. As someone above mentioned earlier, those rights are an entitlement under the law, and should not be waived simply because she was deemed guilty. The fact remains that she is a minor. Two wrongs don’t make a right and I don’t think a minor should be publicly shamed in such a manner.

      • HUWAT?? said

        Dennis, I agree with your last statement. I am a woman myself, married with two daughters. Albeit what the men did are wrong, the girl is in the wrong too, despite her being underaged. More so, if she does it with the ‘right state of mind’ that she is not being manipulated or forced into committing those acts, but do it on her own accord, all the more, something should be seriously be done to her. Counselling itself will not serve as purpose or deterence for future wannabes to be just like her for material gains.

        Yes, women need to be protected and I am glad that the women are protected under the women’s charter, but there should be a time, place and occasion when to protect and when not to protect.

      • HUWAT?? said

        Dennis, I agree with your last statement. I am a woman myself, married with two daughters. Albeit what the men did are wrong, the girl is in the wrong too, despite her being underaged. More so, if she does it with the ‘right state of mind’ that she is not being manipulated or forced into committing those acts, but do it on her own accord, all the more, something should be seriously be done to her. Counselling itself will not serve as purpose or deterence for future wannabes to be just like her for material gains.

        Yes, women need to be protected and I am glad that the women are protected under the women’s charter, but there should be a time, place and occasion when to protect and when not to protect.

        Sorry for the repost….left out a letter in my email details.

  33. TO said

    Come on boys. Ming Jun is just expressing his thoughts just go easy on him with ya >!?!

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      LOLS, I can take the heat as well as I can dish it out. And sometimes in order to perfect a diamond, you gotta cut it with another diamond. So it’s fair play here. No harm no harm.

    • @ TO

      I totally agree with you on Wong Ming Jun’s view. And I am impressed with his view when he is only 18 year old.

      Whether he is right or wrong, he is merely airing his view which he had indicated in the beginning of his long texts. So bloggers, let’s respect other’s view which is the objective of forums.

  34. Weng Seng Flamingo said


  35. neo said

    The media is used to create buzz and at the same time allow singaporeans to create a controversy out of it so subsequently the court of law can be constantly augmented to reflect what is a “deviant act” in this era as compared to the dinosaur times. In this sense the media succeeded for without which this thought provoking article wouldn’t have been painstakingly thought out and published. In this sense failing to “humiliate” or, in a fairer word, to “publish” and “update” the saga would be tantamount to suppression of information and restriction of thoughts. After all society need to progress and single dramatic cases like this will be bound to affect the rule of law of commercial sex “crimes” in the future. In a sense these 48 man and counting are scapegoats for the greater good.
    As for the accused, yes they are lustful but certainly not criminals. I don’t think Singaporean men will be condoning these sexist law any further. The verdict of the court will make or break men’s confidence in the law of Singapore. And I am sure Mr Subhas anandan and the other top-tier male criminal defense lawyers will do all they can to protect the integrity of the accused and more importantly uphold justice and challenge the flaw of the penal code.

  36. sweetee said

    Why did you not write when Singaporean were called Dogs?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      Haha, I didn’t have the idea of writing a long article on that incident because others have already done so. However I am pretty active on the facebook pages of the temasek review as well as temasek times, so no worries, I’m not a one-shot wonder.

      • icedwater said

        Also, you mentioned elsewhere you were planning on running for office in the future. While this is a noble goal, it should be, like anything else on the Internet, taken with a pinch of salt and a heavy dose of extra research 😉 But if it is true, do consider being more active on other forums as well – I don’t really like the Temasek Times’ approach of focusing on the “sexy” news. This, in my opinion, is merely following the lead of the mainstream media.

        However, I have to commend them for allowing and promoting discussion, something you won’t really get with the Straits Times site. Older articles get put into the archives and are no longer as readily-accessible as they are here.

        Keep the discussion flowing, TT, and please take a parang to the jungle of distractions that the MSM is trying to grow.

  37. TMD said

    The young writer is right. Those running dogs who have no dinity better don’t make baseless attack with no substance. I hate running dogs because they are no human beings.

  38. Wong Ming Jun said

    The fundamental question here in hand is not the question of whether or not the men convicted of having underage commercial sex with this freelancer are actually knowingly guilty on all counts. If there is one word to represent the whole saga here it is the word “MISREPRESENTATION”. The defence might not possibly prove the prosecution wrong on the charge of the clients knowingly having sex with a minor, but they can prove beyond conclusive doubt that under any circumstances, the prostitutes AND the pimp would have misrepresented the girls’ true ages simply because they want to earn the money offered for their bodily services. Under such circumstances, it will be pretty hard for the judge to say that the convicted men are all guilty of knowingly screwing a minor.

    Say I was the guy. I met this girl. I asked her age, she told me 17, I still say ok no problem and proceed to bed her, then yes, guilty as charged, no questions asked.

    But what if I was the guy, i met the girl, i asked her age, she told me 19/20, I trusted she won’t lie about it and she looks her age that she told me (and really from all the uncensored photos being exposed online, can you really believe she is younger than her looks?) , I bed her, Would i be guilty then? It’s not even ignorance here. It’s misrepresentation of information. The pimp is the biggest culprit here for helping to lie so openly about her age. The hookers share equal liability with the pimp. And whatever charges the convicted men can be brought up with, can already be mitigated by this one very simple fact that the pimp and the hookers LIED KNOWINGLY.

    At the end of the day, it all boils down to one very simple question. Should prostitution in any way or form be LEGAL in Singapore? YES OR NO SIMPLE ANSWER. That alone should settle a lot of issues. We will never see the end of such sagas so long as our law is double-standarded and self-contradicting by legalising brothel houses and yet punishing freelancers because they can’t tax their income.

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      The thing here is, there is not enough evidence to prove either side of the coin, unless the judge is willing to call up the pimp and the hookers as witnesses and cross-examine them for any culpability in knowingly lying about the hookers’ ages. So best bet is that the court dismisses the case altogether with only warnings issued to the men involved for patronising illegal freelance prostitutes, the girls walks free because they’re protected by the Women’s Charter, the pimp goes into jail for pimping, and we have so far 48 men whose lives have been wrecked by irresponsible reporting.

      • Han Ming Guang said

        The men choose to screw their lives by going to a FL an underage one. Do what you want, but don’t get caught, SAF’s 8th motto which you will learn in time. Also the only evidence the DPP needs is the dob of the lady and the day the lady and the gentlemen had some fun. It doesn’t matter if the guys know or do not know the age of the lady, as long as she is underage, they are going to be charged.

    • Terence Chan said

      > At the end of the day, it all boils down to one very simple question.
      > Should prostitution in any way or form be LEGAL in Singapore? YES
      > OR NO SIMPLE ANSWER. That alone should settle a lot of issues.

      Just goes to show how naive you really are. It’s not that simple. And if you can’t understand why it’s not that simple, in time, you will, when you learn how the REAL world works, not your imaginary righteous one.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        And why should we overcomplicate things more than they deserve? How different is prostitution from drug abuse? I say make your stand extreme and clear. You either legalise everything, or you ban everything. No leeway to create mess. It’s just going to be cleaned-up two way streets. And how old are you Terence, to say that I live in an imaginary righteous world? I dare to dream. You don’t. You stick with present facts and say “oh no, nothing can be changed or done to better effect”, while I look at the facts and say “if I were the judge or the person in charge and in position to exercise power in this situation, what would I do?” And then do what I think I should do accordingly to the best of my abilities within real life constraints. I form my dream before reality clamps it down. Will you ever find your own dream Terence?

    • Han Ming Guang said

      Doesn’t matter, you have sex with a underage girl even if she is willing and told you she is more than 16 (legal age to have sex is 16) or in this case have business transaction with a prostitute who is below 18 you are screwed, the key is what kind of punishment do you get. There are cases where people get off with a fine, something very light because the female in question was lying about her age (the case where an underage girl had sex with 10-20 people and all of them were hauled into court), so there is where these factors come in.

      Also prostitution is legal in Singapore, The sex worker has to be licensed, she/he cannot publicly solicitate and can only operate within a certain area.

    • Han Ming Guang said

      Prostitution is legal in Singapore, the sex worker needs a license to operate. However, she cannot be found to solicitating in public.

      Also, misrepresentation/ignorance is not going to cut it in court. You have sex with a sex worker below 18 or consensual sex below the age of 16 or worse even 14, you are committing a crime. The only difference is what kind of punishment you will get. (Do not this is a relatively new law, the one that can jail your ass for having sex with a sex worker below the age of 18 even if you committed it overseas.) The pimp is going to get some shit, but because he cut a deal with the police, I think his punishment will be somewhat lighter as for the lady, I have no idea what will happen to her.

    • JJ said

      srsly…i think the law is clear on this…if u wanna pay for sex, better make sure she looks old! lol…dun go for Sweet young thing cos no guarantee!

  39. ChickenRiceBoy said

    Yes it is only right that she isn’t named to protect her future. However it isn’t fair that the men are named and shamed. Looking at the previous cases, take the female teacher and male student case. Since both of them weren’t named, in this case the men should not be named as well. It is only fair.
    At this rate, how are our future generation sons in Singapore going to survive?

    • Han Ming Guang said

      Because if you leak out who the teacher is, it doesn’t take a genius to find out who the male student is.

    • CSI said

      What was the reason given that the female teacher was not named? Is she not adult?

    • ChickenRiceBoy said

      In this case it is the same. If the guys are leaked out, sooner or later the girl’s identity would be too. In this case, her identity has already been leaked. So in the first place when such cases involve minors, no one should be named at all. It is only fair this way. However seeing how things are, it seems like the law really favors women too much.

  40. oppppsss said

    Just curious why of all the guys being shamed why only the ang moh no picture?

  41. Farmer said

    Words to ponder upon.


    We all know she’s underage, but she continued to spread her legs anyways. Prosecute here as well. Burn em all.

    ‘nough said.

  42. Uniquely Singapore said

    I support your sentiments.

  43. Michael loves jazz said

    Spare the rod will spoil the child. ‘Execute’ (reveal) the chick’s identity in front of the audience would serve as a lesson to any young gals who intends to prostitute themselves for fast money and lavish lifestyles (prevention/precautionary measure is better than cure) She is still young and there are many years ahead to move on and recover from this ordeal … Unlike the guys who have to deal with many issues … Especially those with careers, family and approaching in their 40s and 50s. Would you all agree that finding a job or career transition for guys in Singapore is increasingly getting more tougher each day?

    If the rod is spared, some people might think that they could get away with it because the law protects them – and thus will engage in this shady double life to pamper their lavish needs and lifestyles.

  44. Is the 17-year-old prostitute the only one or there are more than one around. What is Complete Education to nurture our kids from age 6 to grow up and become brilliant youths and young adults of tomorrow? Are we in a degenerative age that lacks moral values of loving the self? If MOE does not know what it is, are we using an incomplete educational system? Does our educational system gives our kids quality ballast for them to have strong moral values of self love?

  45. seiya78 said

    pls la…..they think this young gal will accept a new clean start of life ??? To her mentally, where can she find easy money of 5 figure money by been shake for 45min exchange for $500/- with so many man.

    She is not in their high status where just sit in office talk a bit and every mth with 5 figure salary in bank acc.

    I think the Sg law have protect the ladies too much protect have to see protect under what, her case is not been rape, she openly go for flesh trade herself so why bother to cover her identity.

    Beside base from the website, i believe those high educated high pay victims may not be so stupid to risk their future by breaking law just to enjoy themselves with underage gal.

    They are by misleading by the pimp or other words call OKT what is written in the media.

    If you are been mislead by some advertisement, you can go to CASE lodge complaint to claim their loss, now they are mislead by this OKT, so where can they complaint and claim their loss?

    • JJ said

      eh srsly…old cows eat young grass rite? but they shld also practice abit more common sense and fear la…18? Go for it?! WOW so tender and young…wtf?! Go for those 20, 21,22 la….purposely aim for 18…asking for it la these men…

  46. calibabounet said

    I am not a Singaporean, but I am also annoyed by the way some media act today. They take themselves as prosecutors and as what was said prior in the responses play the “instigators”. I think there is on one hand the need of the public to stay informed, but on the other for the justice to be able to make her works finish, without having all this gossips going around. Once the situation has been judged and cleared, then a final statement can be issued and displayed in the media. There is and should be some presomption of innocence, until somebody is judged by LAW, and not by the people. It’s a bit like this famous movie scenes: Panem et circenses, all what you need to entertain the crowd. Sorry, but I strongly think such voyeurism, lived by most part of the world population and proned by the media is quite questionable.

    Otherwise, great post, hope it can make some critical discussions flourish, since despite the scatological assertion of some, are in my opinion worth being discussed

  47. Hijacked said

    Nice article. At least u got guts to write such an article with your real name. It’s indeed indeed surprising to know that our third-world education system with its emphasis on grades and solving textbook problems has produced people who can think. Get out of the system early while you are still capable of thinking. Or you might end up like the 60% who voted for PAP.

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      I got out of the system actually. I was from a local JC under the Integrated Programme scheme. But i was too much a specialised learner, good only at a few subjects and bad at all the rest, as well as a late bloomer. So my grades were deemed to not make the cut, and due to my persistent disciplinary record problems courtesy of my lack of anger management as well as my failing grades, I was coerced to leave the school when the then-principal Ms E offered me a less-than-satisfactory alternative. As a result i had to go to a private international school to take my A Levels, and I have no plans to study locally in Singapore for university. I rather fly overseas for four years, study what i can, then decide whether to stay overseas to work or return to work. But whatever choice I make, Singapore will still be my home, and no matter how long I leave these shores, I will always return.

      To be truthful, I vote more for the leader than for the party. If the opposition comes to my ward and campaigns with some random guy picked off the streets against a well-standing and good MP from the PAP, I’d still vote for the PAP MP, not because i agree with the party’s policies, but because I see no need to crucify good leadership in a bad organisation. Just fyi, my place is overseen by Dr Amy Khor, and in my opinion she’s one of the best people in the PAP and she will deserve going far in future in politics.

      • JJ said

        the thing here is not whether good leader or not…ppl can be good all the time but…is there a system/person/power or sort that is controlling them on certain major decisions?!

        think abt that.

  48. Joker said

    erm..think everyone got it wrong on the numbers.
    40+ is being charged for having sex when she is under 18.
    After she is 18, how many clients she have is not disclosed….. (any form of sex grooming involved ? )

  49. Hijacked said

    Someone wrote on a blog: “it seem that the whole Government is now trying to be super “efficient “, after GE2011! In other words, they are going overboard on all fronts, trying to act as a upright administration.”

    It actually backfired badly. The way they condoned the unscrupulous reporting of the media just shows how morally depraved they really are!

  50. Sally said

    Too many cliches ming jun. Firstly, this isn’t an issue of protecting female rights above male rights. It’s about protecting a minor’s right. You are right in questioning whether she’d been coerced or arm twisted into this position. What if she had? Or even if she hadn’t, presumably, as a 17 year old, she isn’t mature enough to be fully responsible for her actions. Dont you think the cheapening of herself, the numbing of the soul, the depravity of mind that she has already undergone to put her in such a position is punishment in and of itself? Secondly, while parents certainly cant take the full responsiblity for the actions of their children, a lack of parental guidance is a often a pre-requisite to delinquent acts. If her parents loved her and cared to teach her, and inculcate proper mindsets and morals, she wouldn’t have ended up this way. Not saying her actions are right, they are disgusting to say the least, but I think you’ve taken the wrong perspective here.

  51. Darren said

    Words of advice to these guys who were charged.

    “Reputation is king. Honour it.”

    These high society members jolly well know that they risk being exposed by the media if they are found to be visiting prostitutes, whether or not these prostitutes are underaged.

    However, I do agree that the prostitute should be named for transparency purposes.

  52. Lynchthatbiatch said

    Simple. Get her bloody picture, everyone print 20 copies stuff it in every mailbox you see or paste it everywhere that you can paste. Caption her name and school on the picture. Let every person in Singapore know who she is even if they don’t follow online social media. If everyone makes the effort, together we can make the difference and shame her even if the media choose to act dumb.

  53. Mark Roche said

    Well spoken.
    It’s a pity that our leaders cannot speak their mind like this as well. I agree that the men involved will have been punished enough because of the court charges facing them. Not to mention having to answer to their family, friends and employers.
    Now all their family, girl friends, anyone who cares and is a known associate of them have to share the public shame as well.
    The fact that they already face jail terms should be enough, why hurt their images and private lives.

  54. lawsanass said

    There’s more than meets the eye when the mainstream media feature these men on the front pages of ST, BT, TV, radio, etc. This is all inside pages stuff and does not befit responsible media organizations.

    As for the law, it is surely out-of-date because young people including women are far more worldly and sophisticated and at 17+ know what they want and how to get it. Age, in this case, is a hook to hang the men from. Like Al Capone being charged for US$1 tax evasion when the FBI needed a reason to collar him.

    And you cannot tell me a smart guy like her pimp did not check her creds and know her age!

    What hypocrites we are here – SIngapore just likes to give the outside world the impression we are whiter than white.

  55. Jax said

    Imagine the tables are turned and this story involved over 40 adult women, who paid for sex with a 17 year old male prostitute. You know what? I frankly wouldn’t give a damn about the identity of the male prostitute. He is 17 and thus protected by law as a minor, regardless of whether he chose to sell his body or not.

    Many of you argue that because this girl willingly sold her body for sex, she should be exposed. So what if she was 14, or 12? Still think she should be exposed?

    The truth is, many young people DO STUPID THINGS. I know this, because I was young once. I have had many many many friends who did reckless, illegal things when they were young. Some of them got caught, some of them didn’t. My point is, the law takes into consideration that minors should be held less accountable for their actions than adults.

    Whether you commit murder, rape, deal drugs or prostitute yourself, if you are under 18, the law does allow you some degree of protection.

    The men who got involved with this, are all adults and they willingly took a risk. Too bad they got caught, now they have to deal with it. This is NOT a gender issue, this is an AGE issue.

    Like I said, if the tables were turned, I wouldn’t care about the male prostitute’s identity. I would just hope that he would learn from his reckless, stupid behaviour and start again. Unfortunately, when you’re an adult, you don’t have that luxury.

    So stop whining, and grow up.

    As for all of you who feel bad for the wives/children/reputation of these men… These men should have considered how their wives and children feel about their actions, and how their reputation would be affected, BEFORE they slept with a prostitute and got caught. There’s no point giving the, ‘Think about my wife and children” excuse now. THEY should have thought about their wife and kids first. Don’t pretend to care so much AFTER you get caught.

    Besides, these men are already putting their wives and even unborn children in serious danger by sleeping with a prostitute, what if they had caught an STD? It’s obvious that the married men involved in this did not respect their wives enough to care in the first place.

    • Well said bro.

    • zenith said

      if she (or they) had been honest with her age, in wat way had they broke the law?

      • blilas said

        according to a lawyer friend, if they had asked and she refused to tell, and they went ahead with their ‘transaction’, apparently the men would still be at fault. ultimately, it is the men’s responsibility to check. if she had been honest with her age and they went ahead with their ‘transaction’ knowing that she is underaged, i imagine, they will be slapped with a heavier sentence. no matter how you look at it, the 48 men have either knowingly or unknowingly broke the law and is punishable by law, just how severe.

    • Socrates said

      Why are you talking about morality? The crux of the issue is the unfairness in how the case was handled by the media. The accused should not have their names and faces and occupations published in the papers. Furthermore, I think that even if the law is like that, we should not take things at face value but question. In this case, I think that we have to question if the girl was really unaware of what she was doing. The writer should be praised for questioning the system and not taking this at status quo.

      • Jax said

        If you commit a crime as an adult, your name SHOULD be released by the media. If this was a murder/theft case, names of the accused, their faces and even their occupations would be released and no one gives a damn about that.

        So why now? Just because it’s a ‘scandalous’ issue? If you want to engage in this kind of behaviour as a mature adult, sure, go ahead. But be prepared for the repercussions, no matter how severe.

        Every action has a consequence. It’s not unfair, it’s called being accountable for your actions, and it’s something that all adults should do.

  56. One of those idiots who thinks saying something in 10,000 fancy words when you could’ve in 100 simple ones makes you clever. C’mon kid, read what you just wrote. read it slowly. say it aloud. 3 very important words in this sentence. “they should be prosecuted for that in tandem with the men who supposedly had underage commercial sex with them!”

  57. S. Tan said

    I totally agree that e willing teen sex worker here should not be spared n ought to be charged.

    We certainly do not want other underaged teens to think they can get away with everything.

    As for the men involved, it’s an awakening call for the public.. And yes they deserve to be punished.

    When the demand stops, the supply will too.

    My sympathy in this case only lies with their immediate family members.

    Spouses and children left betrayed n in shame, possibly with additional financial burden too.

  58. Edward Pang said

    If you ever studied journalism or mass communications, the reporters are merely doing their job. Full names of the prosecuted, their occupations, and other details are the basic requirements of court reporting.

    It’s not a pretty job but somebody has got to it.

  59. MoreDramaMorePopcorn said

    More Drama *brings more popcorn*

  60. Phil said

    I find the arguments made by the writer flawed and consisted some hypothetical arguments which are non relevant to the topic at question. However, I do agree with him in that the law on protecting minors is flawed.

    Granted, the laws protects the minors on the basis that they are not capable of making a mature decision under the age of 18. Then the question is why is the age for consensual sex 16 instead of 18? If this is the reason why the government is setting the minimum age for commercial sex to be 18, then they should similarly raise the age for consensual sex to 18 as well under the same argument.

    Next, to be fair to minors who need to be protected, surely the men deserve protection as well. The law says so, innocent until proven guilty. Are these men found guilty as charged yet? With the media glare on the men involved, how can these men lead their lives if they are found innocent subsequently? They will still carry the guilt of visiting prostitutes, which is not illegal to begin with and THAT is going to ruin their lives as well as their families’ lives. So why is the gag order not given out to protect the identities of all the men involved until proven guilty as well? I admit it won’t do much with all these rumours easily accessible via the net, but I think that’s the least the law should provide for.

    The lawmakers should have seen such blind spots coming when they raised the minimum age in 2005. A shame really.

  61. jaffy said

    A gag order not to identify a minor…what bout the children of the accused..Dont they deserve the same protection?

  62. […] I came across this article on Temasek Times (by the way, all links open in another tab), and was probed to think […]

  63. exasperated said

    absolutely right. the law was made to protect minors who are usually the victims and it seems the men were the victims in this case. the morality of the men’s actions are objectionable, no doubt, but subjecting them to so much humiliation while letting the prostitute off scot free is ridiculous. the argument that she did not know better totally does not stand in this case. to willingly spread her legs for about 50 men means that she was perfectly aware of what she was doing. lying, again, means that she was aware of the legality issues. she should be prosecuted for abetting the men to break the law, whether or not her identity is revealed by the media. anyway, we all know where to look if we’re curious about her identity.

  64. Boycott Tabloid Journalism and Support Objective News Reporting! said

    Whatever the court decides will impact our future reactions.

    This is a very strong signal to the demand side of underage prostitution no matter boy or girl regardless if the patron bother to check his/her age or not. The reaction may be for future patrons to protect his/her risk by verifying prostitutes age against underage sex risk. Which is what the court wanted: lesser underage prostitution due to lower demand.

    For pimps, they understand the consequence now and may become even tighter in their age screenings and be even more evasive in operations so as to protect their business assets and their valuable clients’ identity.

    For patrons, they may not be willing to share their identities to pimps and choose to go anonymous in future to protect themselves.

    And all go even more deeper underground and hidden…

    The deterrence to the supply side however may not be as strong, the reaction to the court’s decision may create even more supplies.

    For example: If you know that for a particular reason that you cannot be charge for stealing or be held responsible for anything at all, would you go it again or ask other people with similar reason to join in as well?

    In reality, the supply can stimulate the demand as well.
    Just imagined, many young, good looking and willing underage prostitutes throwing themselves at you, flirting and seducing. Would you be tempted and seduced when it seems that no one will be able to find out and it remains a secret?

    It is human nature to be succumbed to greed, gluttony……. no matter man or woman, high status or low status and rich or poor at any one time or more in life.

    We are only fueling the supply of more public shaming with our strong interest and buying more tabloid journalism stories and thus more profits and more shaming. How about sending a strong signals against them and supporting the victims by boycotting such shaming stories and reduced their sales profit from sensationalizing on other people’s plight.

    Time for citizens to react strongly to tabloid journalism and support objective news reporting!

  65. Han Ming Guang said

    I don’t get the corroleation between underage prostitution and the Singapore education system. If you want to piss on the Singapore education system, do it in a separate piece instead of lumping everything together. Prostitution and under-age prostitution exist everywhere, even in the countries that some people here worship for their educational system. Does that mean that their educational system is a failure because there are cases of girls selling their bodies?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      Is it not precisely because of the failure of the local education system in instilling core-values and self-respect in our children that has resulted in these kids growing up to become materialistic and flippant in their means to achieve their ends for money and branded goods? Both are interlinked no doubt, all the more so when you consider that when the main prostitute in the picture first entered the trade when she was 17. Where should she have been during that age? In a school studying no doubt? And yet is it excusable to say that “oh, she was studying in ITE/poly, so there was no need for civic education and moral safety nets to be constructed for these students”? If our education system did not glorify fame money and riches so much, do you think girls in their right minds would even be thinking of selling their bodies to get what they want instead of doing something legal? We are but encouraging them to use illegal means to earn quick bucks, and believe me when I say this, but even the present social media crucifixion of the ladies involved would be considered short-term repercussions for them. How good can your health be 30 years down the road when you have already bedded somewhere like 48 to 80 men? And who would ever marry such a woman ever again and give her the gift of being a married wife and a mother to a child in future?

      • Han Ming Guang said

        Ehh, again you are going back to the assumption that the local education system is flawed, hence you have this girl coming out to be a prostitute which itself is a fallacy that you have taken up because of your anger towards the local education system that has basically ‘kicked you out’. On one hand you say it’s not precisely the failure of the local education system and next you draw that link again. Why is your target only the local education system, how about the parents, her peers, or herself? For every one of her, there are way more girls that sure are not saints but are not prostitutes and they too have come up from the educational system that you have said is deeply flawed and encourages young men and women to glorify fame and money which basically encourages them to do some illegal stunt to achieve that aim. Surely if you read your post, you do know how ridiculous you sound right?

        It is all right to have misgivings about the educational system in Singapore, it’s not perfect but then again no system is ever perfect, but your anger towards the educational system that has kicked you out (whether is it valid or not) has just clouded your judgement and your writing.

        On another note about not naming the girl, the Singapore legal system gives added protection to minors, which are basically people below the age of 18. Like it or not that is how things work in Singapore and if you want to set a precedent where this girl who was below 18 (do note that the issue here is that it is illegal to engage in sexual service of any male/female below the age of 18 and not the legal age of consent to have sex which is 16) is now being treated as an adult by having her name splashed on the media, this basically sets a precedent for people below 18 to be tried as an adult. Remember the Anthony Ler case where the teenager who killed for Anthony Ler, he would have been hung if he was tried as an adult. (He was below 18 when he committed the act) Are you sure you want that?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      Alright, to each his own on my supposed fallacy on laying part of the responsibility for the current saga on the education system, I believe I wrote my essay not to just debate who to blame for the saga, but make a call for more transparency in the law with regards to gender and age differences, as well as more media responsibility to not act like nosey paparazzi tabloids that we find overseas. It is a matter of choosing the right time to be exposing people to the public, and I believe for this case what the men did is in no way warranting such media scrutiny and crucifixion.
      And just to follow with your argument with the teenager who killed for Anthony Ler, if I were the judge, yes I would make the cruel choice and try him for manslaughter and put him behind bars for ten years with a chance of parole for good behaviour, short of putting the death sentence on him. All we ask for as the public now, is for such deterrence punishment to be meted out not just to the men who in my opinion got duped into the whole affair, but also on the underage prostitutes to drive home the message that sex should NEVER EVER SELL for women, be it legal aged or not. I believe a term of corrective training, counselling, maybe even women’s prison if necessary, should be inflicted on the women involved, just to equal the possible punishment that is waiting for the men not just from the law, but from the irresponsible mass media as well.

      • Han Ming Guang said

        Transparency in the law, I think it’s all there at least for this case, all you have to do is read and understand the penal code which is there for anyone to see online. Or you can ask a lawyer or someone who knows the penal code to explain it to you.

        I do not like tabloids, but the fact is like what Eddycurrent has mentioned, it’s the viewership as well. Court reporters do report on the bigger cases that are on trial and they do dig up personal information on the accused, that is their job. I would argue that it’s the people on the internet who have dug up more shit and posted it online and the reporters especially reporters for tabloids like Sin Ming and TNP to just use it. So it’s not just the media but the online community as well, even your rant generates more interest on the case, which then means that more people want to know about the shit. It’s like like the gossips in schools and workplace, people like scandals. It would take a morally upright editor and reporter to say no, but the bottom line is to generate readership. However, I don’t really get your logic, should the media not splash their names because they haven’t been sentenced, or because you take pity on them and it’s all right to list out all the details on suspected (mind you they haven’t gone to trial yet) hit and run driver, suspected rapist or anyone who is in custody but yet to stand on trial. If it was the former then ok, I do get where you are coming from but if it’s the latter, then how special are the 44? Why is it that it is ok for a suspected hit and run driver to get named and not someone who boinked an underage prostitute?

        So you agree that the guys who boinked that girl will get charged and punished correct? Also, will the girl get charged, the AG hasn’t said anything about it yet, so far what they have said is there is a gag order because she is underage. They haven’t said that they were not going to charge (of course I’m no officer of the court so I don’t know if she can be charged for something, maybe she might be charged for some thing relating to prostitution once she turned 18) her. They might after the whole group of guys get their sentence. This then relates to your point about the protection of minors, if the AG do charge her for some prostituted related thing, it would be those stuff she did after 18. However the court cannot reveal to the public the stuff she did before she was 18. Just like the public does not know who the 15 year old kid who killed for Anthony Ler is, even till today.

        Oh for the teenager for Anthony Ler’s case, he was charged with murder (btw it’s up to the DPP/AG to come up with the charge and not the judge), which iirc is is MDP, Mandatory Death Penalty. So if you were the cruel judge and wanted him to judged as an adult, well you just killed someone who killed someone when he was 15.

      • Dear Ming Guang,
        The whole problem today is that the law has not evolved to keep up with the information revolution. The girl has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion without a single shred of evidence that she was a willing participant and not a victim of necessity.

        It is unfortunate that our law and practices do not allow nor require the AG to explain his decisions nor allow any other body to speak out for her.

        It is also extremely unfortunate that while the AG will win in the arena of the Court, the wider forum of public opinion has swung against protecting a minor from the evils of predatory older adults. As a father of two, this is a horrifying development. And to make it worst, some of those who have condemed this minor without hearing her side of the story are amongst the most reasonable people I know.

        I would suggest that this incident and the recent CPIB incident show that it is time that we review the traditional cloak of secrecy within which the AGC acts when prosecuting.

        The AG’s role cannot just be about enforcing the law. It must also be about education and defending the rights of the victim. This will require if not, the AGC to manage the public’s understanding of cases, and not just leave it to the media.

        Perhaps it is time for Singapore’s legal system to evolve. Protecting her confidentiality in the hope of protecting her identity is a pious hope in the age of search engines when her face is posted on the Internet.

        If we can’t protect her identity, the next best thing is to give her a voice to speak for her. I for one hope that the court recognizes this and appoints an amicus curae or a lawyer for her as they do for vulnerable children in divorce cases.

        But regardless of what is or is not done in this case, I do hope that the powers that be take note that the final and most important arena in which this war must be won is the arena of public opinion. Our present systems do not appear to be sufficient. For the sake of our children, I hope we improve them and soon,

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      And just to add a point, I believe the protection for minors is extended only until they reach legal age. In this case, although what happened was when the girls were underaged, they are already 19 years old now at the least, thus should they not be subjected to scrutiny as adults now?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      My logic as you questioned was that there is no point splashing out every lurid details about the men involved until they have been properly tried and sentenced, which apparently has not happened yet. It’s like public trial now except there’s no fair jury and the charges are rigged by the irresponsible media to make the men look like wolves.

      • Han Ming Guang said

        So you are against the media for exposing all the details about the defendent and what he or she supposedly did since he or she hasn’t been sentenced yet. Therefore, I would assume that you are ok with the media not discussing and not reporting about supposed hit and run drivers, supposed murders because they haven’t gone to trial and are not found guilty yet? I’m not being sarcastic or anything but I just want to make sure that it is what you are saying and if you do agree with what I said then ok I get where you are coming from.

        PS: It’s ironic the place you are writing to has just exposed more details about a client of the under-age prostitute

  66. i am beginning to hate the media said

    Well done in writing that long entry.

    I just have to agree that for the past several days, i have no idea what the media is trying to get at.. i do not see the point in exposing the details of the men involved to such extent. I do not condone such acts by the men, and i wouldn’t say i ‘pity’ them. I just think it’s pointless sharing all their background information with the whole singapore. I pity their wifes, gfs, career, family, kids, etc… which/who may all be destroyed emotionally, mentally…

    there was so little focus of the crack down or prosecution of the prostitution ring. and for goodness sake, the PROSTITUTE is obviously not innocent too!

    i don’t know what to say. just hope this stops. the papers stops, the news stop. Cos i don’t think anyone is learning or gaining from such news. report once, and stop. spare me the details..

  67. Guangyingchen said

    To Wong Min Jun
    Well done!
    Our country needs young men like you who dare and take the trouble to speak up and reveal your name. Stand up to be counted.
    Don’t worry about the negative remarks or slamming of your post. How many of these people have actually stated their actual name?
    I shall be looking out for you!

  68. If I might take your article a little further.

    Your point about the media, while sounding reasonable, doesn’t take into consideration the psyche of their audience. So it was sensational, yet, when Howard Shaw’s identity was revealed by the media, it was immediately spread by the social media as well. What that shows is that for all the criticism leveled at the media for what they reported, the audience did have the appetite for it and was more than willing to spread the news. A media is usually defined by what its audience wants to see or read, and as much we can stand by the sidelines and say that they should hold to a higher standard, it is hypocrisy if we press that “share” button ourselves.

    As for not revealing the girl’s identity, I’m afraid that it’s not a matter of gender, but of age, though arguably, the age issue only came into effect because of the Women’s Charter, which is about gender. Many here seem to think that she knew exactly what she was doing simply because of what she has done, slept with 48 men for profit. The argument should really be, at 17, does she really know what she is doing? And if the opinion is that she does and should be held responsible. then perhaps it is the law that needs to be argued. And as a society, we do have to decide whether our children should be shielded from the full punitive effects of the law if we argue that 17 is old enough. How do we determine an age of maturity? What if she was 12 and did exactly the same thing, would public sentiments still be the same, that she’s a prostitute and therefore, not innocent?

    I have, sadly, in my lifetime, met women selling their bodies for money as young as 13. Mostly, they come from families who do not provide them a solid moral compass. I have never felt anything but compassion for these young girls, but I guess society at large has changed.

    • Han Ming Guang said

      Basically, it’s Schadenfraude. People like it when someone high and mighty falls and all the shit comes out and is displayed for all to see. If it was some political or former political figure or someone high up in the society, there would be people saying well done to the media for exposing the failings of them

    • jarylgoh said

      I agree with your sentiments, and like
      most comments above, i agree that the issue isn’t one of gender but of age. I do not know how did the arbitrary number of 18 come about, but it is high time that the law recognizes that imposing a numerical threshold only supports more instances of abuse. who knows how many similar underaged prostitutes are out there following the outcome of this case to plan their future actions. the men and pimp should be punished, but I don’t think that girl should be let away unscathed. it would only serve as a signal to her counterparts to act the same. i don’t think the law should promote such behavior. perhaps the law should leverage on the current extent of media coverage to make an example of out this case. after all, laws are triggered by events.

      • Han Ming Guang said

        On the contrary, setting an arbitary number doesn’t make things perfect but it lessens the chance of abuse both by a potential defendant and the prosecutor.

  69. Silly Guy said

    Haha… like others things in Life (in Singapore).. suck it up… stop whining… when you shiok the time doing it with the underage pros, I don’t see you complain…

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      You might be the one morally depraved enough to go and screw a prostitute. I’m not. So let’s not start making sweeping statements about men enjoying it when they’re not caught alright? Because not all men are like you.

  70. Wee Siong Khor said

    Apart from the fact that the prosecution went too far in trying to suppress the name of the victim in the charge, I can’t possibly disagree more with you. First, you should not prejudge the girl. That is just unfair.

    As a man, I feel that a man should not have to pay for sex. It demeans the man. It demeans the woman. It demeans the entire act.

    If he wants to pay for sex, then, he is taking some pretty big risks. He increases his risks of STDs tremendously.

    But, the other fact of life is that sex will always be a commodity. Education or morals will never stamp it out. That is why they call prostitution the oldest or second oldest profession in the world. (Some say the oldest is war, but, I think the two are tied.) And, the biggest problem is that many of the older man want younger girls because they think younger girls safer or tighter with better sensation. Some of these older men may even opt to go without condoms, thus, putting both themselves, the minor, and, sometimes, their own families at risk.

    Should we go easy on men like these? Unfortunately, the lesser of two evils is naming and shaming them as a deterrence to other like minded potential patrons to try to control this vice. The prosecution are doing the best to hold the line. But, we really need to look at our morals and the realism in our legal system.

    We need a long term solution. And, it cannot be a hypocritical one. We have to accept the reality of life that men and sometimes, women, will get itchy. Prostitution cannot be prevented. It can only be regulated and prostitution needs proper regulation for the sake of both sex workers, and, their clients.

    This government should seriously consider following the Dutch example of having licensed brothels and red-light districts. They can then issue prostitutes licenses, and, making it the duty of the client to check the license, and, the prostitute to show the license before any connection. This is the only way that we can protect all parties and stamp out the underground trade.

  71. After reading, perhaps there are 2 points that really tinkle….
    Point 1>>
    this whole thing about the law punishing freelancing sex workers is much more motivated by inability to track and tax incomes of subjects involved
    Point 2>>
    a conspiracy to create a massive smokescreen by trivializing and sensationalizing this whole underage prostitute sex saga out of proportion, in the hopes of diverting public attention from the more pressing matter of getting the truth about the MRT breakdowns

    He has his points too, I shall agreed.

  72. oldbandit said

    Those who mention about law is law is those who are scare to venture outside and hide behind the curtains of laws,, Laws are dead, humans are alive.. Laws have loopholes hence the need of LAWYERs to play with the loopholes and DPP to mend the holes or vice versa..

    We are not talking about the law here, we are talking about the needs to protect someone who knowingly know is illegal but still decided to do it or unknowingly step into the minefield of the written law.. Law are needed to uphold justice and integrity but not to be abused and shield people who broke the law and seek protection from the law.

    The very important question is here, underage boys who broke the law by raping underage girls by pretending to be possess gets reformative training, aka punishment by the LAW.. Now underage girl sell herself for money and those buyers get punished but the girl is protected by LAW.. We are looking at TWO underage case here, but why is there a double standard? Guys can be punished but not girls?

    Women right group keep fighting for equal rights but their protection is totally one sided.. So I would suggest screw those so called women rights and treat all HUMAN equally before the eye of law..

    • Han Ming Guang said

      Ehh cause there are 2 different cases altogether??? Furthermore the boys who raped the girls got RTC, not jail time.

      • Hijacked said

        I don’t think u get the point.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        The point is the boys got RTC, which is their equivalent of jailtime. So the question now is why are these illegal and then-underage hookers still out of the law’s reach? They can turn up blatantly in court to “testify” against the 48 men and yet not get arrested in chains for illegal prostitution? Is that not double-standard of the sex and gender kind?

      • Han Ming Guang said

        I don’t get that point because it’s because they were under-age that’s why they are sent to RTC (although people have said that RTC is much worse) instead of prison. The same goes for the girl here she is not revealed to the public because she is under-aged. Also, I have tried checking the penal code, selling your body for cash is strictly speaking not illegal even if you are not licensed. The only problem would be if you publicly solicitate, however I am not sure if advertising online is considered public solicitiation (pardon my spelling). If it is, then she should get charged (punishment I have no idea what it is) but like I said the AG hasn’t said anything concrete about her yet.

  73. Kirakira said

    No offense intended but while you shared your views of how the media had and is still overhyping on the whole saga, you do realize that u are also “fanning the very flames” of the saga with this article and your invitation to constructive discussion… at the very same period that trials and still ongoing and people are still being charged?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      I may be fanning the flames of the saga with this article, but that is not the point of this article. The point of this article is to highlight my grievances at the law’s unfairness in handling such issues against us men, flaws in the Women’s Charter and the underage protection laws which are clearly outdated, as well as the media’s irresponsibility in overhyping the saga by digging useless background information of all the men involved just for the sake of selling papers.

      • BlackWidow said

        “flaws in the Women’s Charter and the underage protection laws which are clearly outdated”

        Singapore Law is based on the English Law, which has the similar application throughout the commonwealth countries. So simply because you “feel” there are flaws, the law should be rectified throughout all the commonwealth countries? You mean you did not know that Singapore Law is based on English Law? Do you even know what is involved in the rectification of 1 law?

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        Singapore Law might be based on English Law, but I don’t think we still come under the rule of Her Majesty’s government do we? This is not the United Kingdom we’re talking about. Just because we used to be a British colony does not mean we cannot come up with our own unique changes to laws that would suit our societies more and act in a much more relevant and protective as well as judicially fair way!!!

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        And if you’re so hung up about my call to change laws that are supposedly used throughout the Commonwealth, maybe you should take time to read this.

        Admit it. You lost. So maybe you should just shut up, move on to another page that is to your liking, and stop wasting all our times here.

      • hawkeye said

        Such juvenile attempt to shut up someone who criticize you. Singapore is already making changes to some of the legislature, like abandoning the jury system, some ammendment and additions to the wordings of the various acts. But the principle of how the Law is interpretered, still dates back to cased tried in English Courts. You obviously have not held any judgement before, or submitted any bundle of authority before the courts to understand what I am talking about, but simply starting a debate on the legal system based on tv series the pupil or some guy wearing the wig on TVB drama series. I didn’t say don’t clarify the law for more clarity, don’t improve on it.

        Why throw people an article of 2 bodied cow and claim that its an authority that now thats how cow should be born, so that we can double the milk?

  74. Gabriel said

    If I may summarise the points I wish to reply to.

    1) The girl is a hardcore prostitute and doesn’t deserve protection. The gag order on her identity is unnecessasry.
    2) The men are suffering while she gets off scot-free

    I note that at least one of the men is proceeding with his wedding plans. Howard Shaw who got married after the fact still has his wife who while sad about the matter is standing by her man (tho the ungracious on the internet has cast aspersions and derision on her decision). While some have lost their jobs or resigned as the honourable thing to do, most are still in their job, tho perhaps facing some personal embarassment, shame and unkind whispers behind their backs. One or more have even sought permission to leave SG for business.

    My point is, their lives go on. One year from today, You will be hard pressed to remember one of the 48 names. But if the girl’s name is revealed, it will be remembered. Like Monica Lewinsky. Like Annabelle Chong. The men will move on. Get married. have kids. The stigma of being the girl who brought down 48 men will stay with her for a long time. Make that the underaged prostitute who had sex with 48 men.

    Our society is still forgiving of men’s indiscretion, while setting a higher moral standard for women. And women or girls that fail that higher moral standard are labeled as sluts. Or in this case, a Hardcore Prostitute. I must say, this is the first time I have found “hardcore” and “prostitute” taken together as a phrase.

    I like Subhas Anandan for defending the undefendable and I take his comments and criticism of the case and in particular the gag order as his sincere and legitimate complaint. And certainly, his decision to portray the girl as a “hardcore prostitute” is as much a legal and publicity maneouver as it is sensationalistic.

    Because the law clearly states that 18 is the legal age for commercial sex. The girl is not yet 18 and so should be protected. If Subhas gets his way and gets to declare to the court that the girls is a hardcore prostitute and so do not deserve protection under the law, then guess what? In all future cases, the opening salvo by a defence attorney is to make the “Subhas Gambit” declare the girl a “hardcore prostitute” not worthy of protection. Regardless of how many or how few customers the girl actually had.

    But that won’t happen. Because the crime is in purchasing commercial sex from an underaged girl. She has not committed a crime. And the wonderful New Paper (and please read “wonderful” with the sarcasm I intended) has even done a few sting operations to find that men are undeterred despite the enormity of this case.

    Did you read that in the New Paper? The men are UNDETERRED.

    But when they are caught, they run. they hide. They disguised themselves. And the newspapers take great joy in publishing pictures of them with bags over their heads, running willy-nilly. In shame. Only two or three had dignity and courage to face the press and face up to what they did.

    One 17-yr-old girl can take down 48 men who are rising in their careers, at the top of their game, businessmen, a banker, a director, a principal, a legal counsel (who should have known better!). Unfair?

    Of course that statement’s unfair! She didn’t “take” them down. If she had her way, she would still be making money from them. And they would be happily paying her for her services. (Well except for Howard and the other guy who’s getting married. I hope.) At least until she turns 20 and is not so perky. Or 21 and younger girls are coming online.

    Yes, you are correct. The law is lopsided. But there is a reason for that. The young should be protected. And the men who would exploit them should be criminally liable. Because the young lack the maturity, and the men should know better than to let the head between their legs rule the head upon their shoulders. Even if the young girl is a so-called “hard-core prostitute” the question is how did she get that way and why should men be allowed to exploit her? Annabel Chong was apparently raped and because of that she sought to take control of her life using sex. I am unable to comprehend that, and I will not try to pretend I even understand how she arrived at that decision.

    And I agree with you that the media should not hound the men, but while those that have been caught are generally ashamed… no I think they are only embarrassed, not ashamed at all… those that are still trawling online are undeterred. It would seem then that the message has still to get through to these men.

    So we need to look at the bigger picture. Men are still looking for underaged girls. They should know better, but they don’t seem to be acting on that knoweldge. As such they need to to be told in no uncertain terms that this is wrong and they can expect to be shamed and punished for this.

    As for under-aged prostitutes, I don’t think it is legally right for the girl to get off scot-free, but there is a perverse kind of justice in the lopsided law that I actually like. Like I said, these are powerful men, but they are at the mercy of this girl if she actually ever thought of it. And if you leave this lopsided law, it means that any man that wants to take advantage of a underaged prostitute is at the mercy of that prostitute because she can name names, get him charged with no legal hazard to herself.

    I say leave the law as it is. It will make the men think long and hard before they get long and hard with an underage girl and end up behind bars for a long time doing hard time.

    • hawkeye said

      With the slight exception to the why anabel chong was raped, and she decided to have more sex after that, I fully agree with you to a certain extend what you have said.

  75. angmunhoe said

    I want to comment this young man for daring to speak out. He brought up precisely the main problem that we Singaporeans are facing now, it’s a breakdown of morals in our society.

    Is the court afraid of Aware? so only women got rights? What about the men? Let’s not forget all 48 men involved in the case have been publicly shamed and hounded like dogs by the paparazzi reporters. Except for the 2 teachers who pleaded guilty, the rest are still not proven guilty! So who’s going to protect them and their families?! Let’s have some fairness here, either protect all or protect none of them.

    What about the girl? Is she not at fault? or issit the fault of her parents? I dare say if in the olden days out of shame they would have drowned her in a cage with their own hands. But parents today are different. Their children are so precious, do wrong also cannot punish them. I look at the children of my relatives and i see the same attitude. Thats why i rather not have any children when i get married.

    It’s plainly a lack of moral values in the people today. Look at the 2 teachers. They are supposed to be teaching good moral values to our children, yet they themselves do not have any. As the chinese saying goes, if the upper pillar is not straight, the lower pillars will also be crooked. With such corrupted teachers, no wonder we have corrupted students like this teen prostitute.

    Mr Wong, i think you have great courage to come out and point out such evils which many in our society choose to ignore. If ever one day you decide to run for government, you will have my vote. We need more people like you to change our society!

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      Thank you for your support. I shall count on your votes in future when I run for office!

    • blackwidow said

      @Angmunhoe: Since when is moral being taught in school? They have since taken out confucianism as a topic in main stream school for many years (40 years if my memory doesn’t fail me). You mean, training kids to be masters in algebra and C maths and F maths, will make them more morally upright? Morals is the responsiblity of parents, not the school.

      Putting morals aside, teachers are supposed to be role models and not teach morals, and as their lives goes on, and admitting their mistakes, and pick up the pieces from the media frenzy, are they not role models in that same sense?

  76. Owin said

    I am a female, absolutely agree with the writer & I could thanked him enough for his bravery. I think all of these issues were what I was trying to bring out as well & was scolded for it; we have to change the law & the system. Women’s Charter is meant to protect the women in the past & now we are all almost educated enough to know where the perimeter of the law lies.

    My only guess is that why the girl is not being charged because she handed the dairy as evidences to the police. Then, figured out with your imaginations of the in between.

    I am sure that in so many comments, majority of the people have disagree or opposes with you. There are a lot of people who are wise, intelligent & far-sighted to support you.

  77. BlackWidow said

    For a whoremonger from SBF who recently was featured in Shin Min for soliciting for Fuck Buddy, your entire article is flawed.

    The point should be, within the purview and definition of the Law, how can men better protect themselves. For the author, he does not have the financial capabilities to pay $500 for the prostitute, but if he have the capabilities, would he not have subcumb and become part of the statistic? The debate should instead focus on, how can men, being men protect themselves from such exposure.

    How can the men, successfully win the support of media, and use it for the benefit, in light of the negativity. This would make for an interesting debate as well, and outside of the court’s jurisdiction as well, since even the MRT breakdown is attributed as a poor PR and not a real technical problem. Given the circumstances, and the media attention, perhaps some PR guru could come forward and suggest, the kind of soft approach the men could apply to reduce his sentence, or be acquitted. Within the purview of the law, judges are allowed to be sympathetic to the accused.

    The author obviously does not understand law, nor does he understand history, and what is politics. Politics is getting people to come together, regardless of your beliefs, and getting them to work for your purpose and/or goals. This involves a large degree of convincing people.

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      Whatever that was reported was clearly fabricated information about me done by somebody impersonating me online in that website. I have no wish to discuss that issue as it has already been settled with the help of the police. Believe what you want, it is precisely because I have been in the position of the men, shamed for no reason and out of the blue for some hidden vendetta propagated by others that compels me to write this article.

      Sure, that photo was me. But no, I was not soliciting for a sugarmommy, neither was I soliciting for a friend with benefits. Just because my photo was used, does not mean that person was me. And if you have the guts, do please leave your name down so we can talk and mediate things over if you have so much of a grudge on me over this article that I have written. 90% of the comments agree with my stand, who are you to me for me to care about what you say?
      My branch of politics is not democracy. In fact I believe democracy to be highly flawed as it only encourages compromise without concrete action done for any lasting good. Too many hidden agendas. Why can we not have a benevolent dictatorship like the wise kings and queens of old who knew power when they held it in their hands and actually be altruistic enough to use them to better society at large instead of filling their own coffers as our ministers are doing now with their multimillion salaries? Do not come at me with the argument about dictatorships being evil, because it is not the power possible that is evil, it is the men who choose to wield it and do evil things that make it so.

      And lastly, do not even DARE to lecture me on History. You are talking to a straight-A in history student here. I know my history. Perhaps you should know yours as well.

      • blackwidow said

        Well, the Law said that Hiltler was a traitor, and he was put infront of the court. He knew how to incite the emotions of the media, as well as the emotions of the judges to sympathize with him. While I am not condoning the actions of hiltler, that chapter in history, which you have failed to understand or perhaps you did not even know exist demonstrate the flaw analysis in your lengthy article above.

        As to the report in shin min, as well as the apology you posted in sammyboyforum, a local sex forum patronize by whoremongers. A quick check there reveal that your first posting was a solictation for a fuck buddy to procreate in a public toilet. I reckon you should stay out of politics.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        What, are you attacking me for my honour and integrity now that I have a history of patronising such websites before in the past? So what? At least I took ownership for it. Nobody said politicians have to be saints. It’s what I do that makes me, not my past.

        I know most of my history from the period of WW2 to the end of the Cold War, Of course I would know the travesties and the various things that Hitler did as leader of Germany. He was never put in front of the court because he was already dead by the time Germany surrendered. He might have incited the media as well as public emotionns to his benefit, but does it necessarily mean that his own benefits need necessarily be bad?

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      I also consider it a personal affront to my honour and name for you to even imply that I, and by extension, all men would willingly go to prostitutes if we had the financial capabilities. Like I said earlier, even if I had the money to spend on ten of these hookers, I’d probably spend it all on something else of much more worth. Like university tuition fees for example.

    • Wong Ming Jun said

      “Politics is getting people to come together, regardless of your beliefs, and getting them to work for your purpose and/or goals. This involves a large degree of convincing people.”

      Convincing people? I only need to convince those who matter. Black Widow, you’re not one of them. So take my view, or leave it. That is all i ask from you.

      • BlackWidow said

        Straight A student who does not know, how politics work. Dictatorship, even monarchy operate on the same dynamics. Hitler had first to be voted first, before he can eliminate his foes.

        Allow me to give you a little prelude to ww2. Hitler was in the army at the end of ww1, and after the world, he formed the Nazi party, and stage an unsuccessful coup against the government. He was trial before the court, but he manipulated the media, and the judges were sympathetic towards him. His manefesto was writen in prison to the letter how the Jews would be killed and erradicated.

        long before Hitler was elected, he had learnt how to manipulate media, and was an eloquent preacher. He know how to manipulate emotions, much like how my posts here have evoked much emotion from you. A politician must accept criticism. Yet, with just one posting, you asked me to meet up with you with no purpose at all. I suggest you go hit the books again, do your research before you reply “Hilter never went on trial, he died”.

        Politicians have to be someone of integrity. That’s why this year, there are so many scandals against politician elsewhere. At a young tender age, your desire for sex which is a reflection of your desire for respect and power when you don’t have it, what more when you have it? Politicians have to appear that they would not be corrupted by power when. It is dangerous to put someone who crave for power in position. So its better for you to go through university , get a job, find a girl get married and get $1000 a month so you have enough to buy a HDB. And reading without understanding is no use. The system produced many straight A guys that built flats that can’t put a double bed in. Try reflecting on that.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        Hitler was tried and sentenced to a token prison sentence by the courts because he was the mastermind of the failed Beer Hall Putsch against a government that was even more inept and weak than the government we have in Singapore now. That particular sentence made him a political martyr who successfully lived to exploit the popularity and fame that he had gained during the course of the trial. I do not doubt that even during his crazed mindset of killing Jews to purify Germany, he was still very much a nationalist at heart. That’s the kind of leader I wish to be, one for Singapore, and not one for myself.

        Is it wrong to crave for power and respect when you’re young? How many times you see events happen and decisions made when you were younger and you realised how stupid those who wielded power were? And then wouldn’t you think “if it was me in their positions I would never do this/that”. That’s what drives me to climb up into politics and seek a leadership position. Precisely because I am no saint, that’s why I know best the perils that face our generation and I know how it is like to go through all these things, and all this personal experiences would place me in much better creed to put forth better solutions that actually work for the people.

        I’m a supporter of dictatorship, and as I said, nobody else I can trust to be a dictator other than myself because I know for myself that I am way past the stage of craving for power to seek advancement for myself. So what if I have to repeat the same things Hitler did to get into power? Get elected in, then proceed to abolish the government with an Enabling Act, all that sort of thing. If it takes an electric jolt of leadership from a particular individual to mature Singaporean society and politics, then thank you very much I’d love to be that catalyst. Because i do not care about what history wants to write about me in a hundred years’ time, and all i care for is that I have done the right thing for the people and for myself, and that I can live with my decisions and their consequences.

        I’m a straight-A student only in History. You’re not talking to a straight-As everything student here. I know my limits, I’m not blinded by my academic achievements, little as they are. I still aim to be a normal person on the streets no matter what I become in future, because there is no point in getting locked away in your own little ivory tower of fame and success once you gained it. This is the reason why I took such offense at you saying I do not know my history as well as your mockery of me to earn a thousand each month to get a flat, go through university, find a girl and settle down. Because I know my history, and because i dared to write differently in the exams from what cookie-cutter formats that we were made to learn, that’s why I could get my Grade A. So please, don’t demean my results or my intellect and make that seem like you have the upper hand over me. This is supposed to be a discussion, not some dirt-digging session for you to feel self-righteous about in digging out my past and trying to shame me publicly for it.

      • blackwidow said

        Glad that you are going back to the books and reading up on hitler. last night you didn’t even know what he did. See, that means you still have much to learn.

        “Is it wrong to crave for power and respect when you’re young? How many times you see events happen and decisions made when you were younger and you realised how stupid those who wielded power were? And then wouldn’t you think “if it was me in their positions I would never do this/that”. That’s what drives me to climb up into politics and seek a leadership position. Precisely because I am no saint, that’s why I know best the perils that face our generation and I know how it is like to go through all these things, and all this personal experiences would place me in much better creed to put forth better solutions that actually work for the people”

        This area here has to do with parental upbringing, nothing more. Yes, its wrong to crave for power and respect. A good father, teaches his son whose opinion of him really matters, and doing the right thing is more important than the opinion of man. The father tells the son daily, that a higher being loves you and respect you, and the father also loves you, gives the son a confidence that he knows that he does not need to earn the respect of man. As his confidence grows, he already know he has power and authority, and does not crave to have power.

        This example is liken a crow prince and an insecure prince.

        Type A: The crown prince is taught daily that everything he say have power, and he already have power. He grows up concious of power, and does not crave power. He is concious of his father’s love for him, and does not need his servants or the peasants to respect him. Instead, he wants to understand them, and be taught by them, understand their needs and grows in wisdom and stature.

        Type B: The insecure prince, he does not know what he wants, he feels that the father does not respect him and love him, so he demands his subjects to give him that respect, and goes about trying to conquer land that is already belonging to his father. he is likely to say “”Is it wrong to crave for power and respect when you’re young? How many times you see events happen and decisions made when you were younger and you realised how stupid those who wielded power were? And then wouldn’t you think “if it was me in their positions I would never do this/that”. That’s what drives me to climb up into politics and seek a leadership position.”

        Throughout Chinese History, we have been taught that type A makes a benevolent king because he is not destroyed by power. Type B, even if he assumes power, he will likely be disposed off in a couple of years. Romance of the three kingdoms and the Sun Tzi Art of war makes for good reading and support my view that people who crave for power and respect, will usually not get them. Sun Tzi even goes about to say, NEVER use them as generals, or entrust them with authority.

      • blackwidow said

        “I’m a straight-A student only in History” – “straight” is a poker term I think, referring to a series of A. Your clarification that you only have A in History, means you are not a straight A student, but a student who managed to score A in History because you spotted the questions correctly. While you blame the Pimp of Mispresentation, in your own life, and your own affairs, you do the same misrepresentation, which you retract after some light scrutiny. Mr Dictatator can shoot me, once when you have assumed power. I’m waiting for the movie to come out by the way.

        To err is human. If you have a less than perfect past, don’t act like a saint, saying “I won’t do it”, when you are doing it everyday, that “its not me, its not me”. Its easier to say, “its me and go through that period of time, when I was a whoremonger, just like the 48 men, allows me to empathetize with all of them, and while I was fortunate that I did not have to face the full burden of the law, I know how depressive it is to be under scrutiny by the media.”

        Even people who disagree with you, agree that they empathetized with the men being hounded by the media. Nobody is trying to make you look like an idiot, its what you say that making you look like an idiot, Mr I – Want – To – Be – A – Dictator – When – I – Grow – Up. Its not a crime to want to be a dictator, and thats the best part about limited freedom of speech, even in a country such as ours.

      • Wong Ming Jun said

        You’re not a bad teacher you know Blackwidow. Even as much as I would love to feel the vindication of shooting down your psychoanalysis of my character and of you calling me an idiot supposedly because of what I write, you have actually managed to make me think back and relook at my motives and my underlying subconscious drive that makes me want power and leadership so badly and in such extreme terms.

        I will not say that your analysis of me was right, but neither will I say you’re entirely wrong as well. Perhaps the only thing I can say to you is that not everybody is as lucky as you are to have had a proper psychological upbringing. We all have our own flaws and struggles, and nobody here should be acting high and mighty.

        Just for the sake of supporting my words above, I have never mentioned anything about the men being innocent of screwing an underage girl. I only said they did not deserve the punishment that would normally be meted out under other more damning circumstances as well as the media scrutiny that has all but destroyed their lives.

        And you said it just as well as I could possibly say it myself with these words. “It’s me and I did go through that period of time, when I was a “whoremonger” (I object to that label however as I have never and I will never have any intentions of patronising commercial sex workers), just like the 48 men, allows me to empathise with all of them, and while I was fortunate that I did not have to face the full burden of the law, I know how depressive it is to be under scrutiny by the

        End of the day, we all take away a little something from all this discussion. I’ve learnt my lesson and heard the views of people who have differing viewpoints from me, and I do hope you have heard mine and at the very least taken acknowledgement of my stand and given me credit for being responsible for saying things by putting my name on the line. Let’s leave it at this shall we? No need for hard feelings, though I cannot discount the possibility of me tracing you out should I become supreme commander of this country and have you secretly executed in some cell in Changi Prison, just because you’ve probably pricked a nice little hole in my ego and honour.

    • Han Ming Guang said

      I find it ironic that you want to be a dictator (too much military history and such) and yet seem to want a ‘fairer’ judgement of the people. Doesn’t really computer tbh.

  78. k t said

    I am gonna try to be as neutral as possible. I think those men who slipped behind their spouses back to commit adultery isn’t wrong. You can say i’m uttering rubbish here but hey, humans have needs. And i when i say ‘human’ , i am referring to both sexes.

    Seeking sex isn’t a crime, and this mindset is often misunderstood. Even the nicest of person would have desires and wants. However, having intercourse with a minor is; as the law states so we can’t escape this fact.

    In short, i would have to concur with the writer. Both parties are at fault. The underage prostitute included , and she should be attest to prosecution as well. Only this, could the influence of media have an effect on the government’s control on syndicates that deals with underage prostitution in SG. This case could be a lesson learned; a form of education.

  79. S Sid said

    The law is the law and that is how it will be as far as this case is concerned but be it male or female related if a society just sits there and accept any wrong doing or even to the extant of being unethical than there is obviously something very wrong somewhere. Where exactly??? Go figure… The law is there to give justice and serve the people (at least the majority if it comes down to a number game) and not the other way.

    Dear writer: if ever, you have my vote

  80. Lee said

    If rules were made to ensure justice, how could it be justified that those who have fallen are guilty for being ignorant on verifying the girl’s age. It is true that protecting a minor is essential. However, severity should be weighed accordingly on a case-to-case basis. If a minor who has committed an act of murder could be sentenced to death dependent on the degree of intention, why couldn’t the law view this case from a similar aspect. The question whether this girl should be treated as an adult especially when she had knowingly “lured” her preys.

  81. I believe a script on this scandal will be written and many will help add in the juicy parts to make it into a movie. There is no movie director or producer in the list of the famous 48 males, but it can be added in to give it the extra length and reach to make the movie more popular. Jack might canned it into Sex Not Enough to give it the extra mileage of fantasies if he could find a willing 16 to lead her the way into stardom.

  82. Will more people be hauled into court in 2012? A contact asked me on Facebook whether I am sure none of the 48 men in this sex scandal is christian.

    I replied: “Christians? I did not have them in mind whether Christians or followers of any of the other religions.”

    I believe he is the first person to bring up religion whether Christians or any other religions in respect of this case. The 48 males are now charged in court for having sex with the underage hooker.

    I am not sure whether anyone has yet asked whether the girl has a religious background.

    Whatever her religious belief or family background, I hope her identity is kept secret forever to protect her future.

    Her hard-earned experience, rare to many young girls of her age, will be a wow-factor to her future husband when she starts a family.

  83. v said

    I applaude you all. 17 year old. Conspires to murder, and a 17 year old, driving illegally crashes a car into a pedestrian.

  84. The ex-school principal has been jailed for 9 weeks for the indiscretion in a moment of physical weakness that the mind and body could not differentiate between good and evil. Nine weeks in there will be like a lifetime, like eternal. A painful experience that is unforgettable for life to many. Some have this stigma deep in their soul forever, irremovable. I hope those who ended in jail will know the secret of putting it down and not carrying it emotionally for life. I hope many people will not end up on the wrong side of the law and be hauled into court this year, 2012, as it is not going to be an easy year for many. Let us not be caught off guard even momentarily. There are rules to play chess. So too there are rules for not taking things for granted.

    • Corporal00512 said

      The ex-principal has probably made the greatest mistake of his life, seeking the company of an underaged prostitute. But we cannot deny the fact that he is remorseful and that he has betrayed his wife. Still being the head of a school carries a lot of responsibilities. He must be a paragon of virtue. He must be a role model not only to his students but teachers as well. There is still some redeeming features in him, the fact that he is the first to plead guilty. Let’s hope this serves as a lesson to every full-blooded male in Singapore. Keep your pants zipped up but if you have to release your sexual tension, do it legally. I am sure there is a lot of willing females above 18 who can satisfy your primal needs. If you have to pay, just pay it. Nothing in the world is free except air and a lot of bullshit.

  85. Have any economists asked the Japanese people whether they would like their Yen to return to 10 Yen from 1000 Yen by removing two zeroes, which they have added to their currencies after WWII due to rising inflation and COL?

  86. dejavu said

    All I can say to you is
    “When the buying stops, the killings stops”

    • Corporal00512 said

      What the heck are you talking about. Who is buying and who are you killing? Be speficic. Don’t beat around the bush. You’ll get confused yourself.

  87. Alan said

    The law is said to protect the underaged below 18 from being exploited. But if the prostitute here was never coerced or forced against her will, why do we still want to protect such persons ? Some teenagers below 18 can be devils in their own right and why does our law gives them the right from persecution ?

    Why is so difficult in preventing our law enforcers from investigating such cases to a higher level of scrutiny to differentiate those exploited from those who are not and make the rightful recommendations as to whether to charge such suspects in the first place ? If they can manipulate with the drug amount and charge suspects withtrafficking only 14.99g of drugs, why can’t they apply the same standards here ?

    I think the writer is correct to suspect that there may be some conspiracy of some kind to put up a wayang to distract the public from the SMRT blunder.

  88. Geo said

    Very well written and all particpants deserved praises for contributing their thots except for a few who write “nonsense” without expresing their comments and needs be given the “rottan” on their backsides.

    Our law on this issue need more debate and amendments. Maybe Mr Chen Seow Meow, being a lawyer, opposition Politician and also in Parliment should bring this as a matter of debate, unless the PAP politicians will bring it up. Let’s see!



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