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Don’t complain, we need 10 million population, said ex-HDB Chief Dr Liu Thai Ker

Posted by temasektimes on March 11, 2019

Singapore needs a population of at least 10 million people by 2100 in order to remain as a sovereign nation, said former HDB Chief Dr Liu Thai Ker.

Dr Liu Thai Ker

Speaking to reporters from the state media on the sidelines of a property forum yesterday, Dr Liu also blasted netizens for opposing population growth:

Before Singaporeans complain, they have to ask themselves: How long do you want Singapore to stay as a sovereign country?”, he questioned.

Dr Liu added his idea of the population increasing from the current 5.6 million to 10 million in less than a hundred years was a low estimate of the growth rate.

While the Government has been taking steps to curb population growth, he said:

“You cannot stop population growth, because as long as your economy is booming and you create new jobs, you need new population.”

The PAP regime had earlier released a Population White Paper in 2013 to increase Singapore’s population to 6.9 million people by 2030, sparking a massive outcry among Singaporeans who are becoming a minority in their own country.

2 Responses to “Don’t complain, we need 10 million population, said ex-HDB Chief Dr Liu Thai Ker”

  1. Honestly speaking said

    What does he knows about sovereignity of a country for an old goat who is just an architect? What is Iceland then? Old fag like him should spend more of his time repenting for turning HDB& URA into what they are now.

  2. Dd said


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