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NUS PRC scholar Sun Xu remains unrepentant: I’m only complaining!

Posted by temasektimes on February 20, 2012

Despite sparking widespread anger among Singaporeans with his offensive remarks on there “being more dogs than humans in Singapore”, NUS PRC scholar Sun Xu remains unrepentant and unapologetic.

When asked about the controversy by a Chinese tabloid, Sun replied nonchalantly without offering a public apology or showing any signs of remorse:

“I am only complaining. It is just a small matter and I do not want to blow it up. Anyway, I have already deleted the comment.”

Though Sun has deleted the comment on his microblog ‘Weibo’, he did not post an apology on it in writing nor express any regrets over his choice of words which left many netizens fuming:

According to information posted on his linkedin account before it was taken down, Sun Xu came to study in Singapore in 2006 on a MOE scholarship for students from China.

After graduating from Raffles Junior College in 2008, he went on to study Mechanical Engineering at NUS, also on an undergraduate scholarship provided for by the Singapore government. He is currently on attachment at Schlumberger, an international oilfield services company and is expected to graduate this year.

Meanwhile, NUS has confirmed that they have received complaints about Sun and is currently ‘investigating’ the matter. While some netizens have called for NUS to revoke Sun’s scholarship, it is unlikely to happen given the amount of public resources which have been invested in him over the last four years.

*Note: The Chinese article added that Sun ‘apologized’ for the remarks without quoting him. 


Related articles:

Netizen filed complaint to NUS against PRC scholar’s offensive remarks about Singaporeans

‘More dogs than humans in Singapore’ – NUS PRC student’s comments spark outcry

38 Responses to “NUS PRC scholar Sun Xu remains unrepentant: I’m only complaining!”

  1. Anonymous said

    […] […]

  2. VoidMain said

    Why is it unlikely to revoke the scholarship? Do you know that if the scholarship contract is terminated earlier, the scholar have to pay back everything, including additional interest, to the scholarship provider. Furthermore this is a government scholarship, so the more he have to pay if his scholarship were to be terminated.

    • mun said

      and how do you propose they enforce repayment of funds? -.-

      • ken lee said

        well this matter is up to our free scholarship provider! AS all know they bring the ingrate trash in the should know how to deal with it!
        you shit you clean!!

      • ken lee said

        well this matter is up to our free scholarship provider! AS all know they bring the ingrate trash in the should know how to deal with it!
        you shit you clean!! BTW the he is saying his own country, they don’t use toilet! they urine and shit all over the place. as recently they also do it in Singapore! even stomp before!

  3. jj said

    just leave out the words saying that “there are more dogs in sg den people” and that will be a complain. Bloody hell scholar and u dunno wats the diff btw a complain and insult?
    I say, revoke his scholarship. come here insult us den deny it…

  4. Ken said

    I know the importance of FTs but it doesn’t give them the immunity to our social culture. They should be the ones learning to adapt to our society, culture and people. Why are we always the ones to bear or tolerate them. When I’m in other countries, I tried to accustom to their culture, religion and people. Why do we have to let them make us feel inferior in our own country? This guy should apologise. It’s not about him complaining, it’s about social responsibly. He should respect our society as it’s our country, it’s our people.

  5. Josh said

    Email the NUS dean of provost here:

  6. dumbchinadog said

    Bring him here to our country with a world-class education FOC and this is what we get…? NUS should revoke his scholarship, I am sure there is definitely some terms and conditions to which he have breached. Let him pay the full sum back and deport this ingrate.

  7. China Dog said

    Of cos Singapore got more dogs than human especially in recent years!

    Firstly, local born Singaporean don’t eat dog’s meat.
    Secondly more ‘china dogs’ is coming to Singapore to ‘breed’ cos in China, ‘dogs’ are meant to be eaten and ‘it’ can’t even survive there!
    Lastly, geylang got lots of ‘bitches (female dog)’ from china as well for breeding with ‘china dogs’.

    Sorry, I am just complaining!

  8. SaneOrInsane said

    scholar with low EP and gov want us to suck it up? I don’t get the reason why unlikely to revoke, anyway he is getting the money. The tax he will paying for his time in SG justify for the society outrage? Let his go and cause problems in the society is right price to pay?

    Its never been about money for Singapore. Should just issue a ban on him travelling to SG forever and make life difficult for him send him back to china without a degree and no transcripts forcing him to redo his degree from GROUND ZERO. why so kind to ppl that cannot knowledge mistakes. He thinks he is right? if he is so great quit complaining and go some where else to get scholarship. quit milking the the country.

    without punishment, PRC only continues to take advantage of us. SG sets the example of caning a American, but in this case lets a PRC off?

  9. DogLover said

    what he has said is exactly things that alleviates social tension and sow discord. he should be arrested for that.

  10. davidvong999 said


  11. MdAlias said

    Watch your next step. My advice? Go lodge a police report because u will soon be courting with death angel, chinese prick!

  12. mark said

    i agree with that china man totally, singaporeans can be a pain in the ass, like while i was sitting down at the bus stop, this local guy will stare at u like u owe him money, when u accidentally brush against a some mid 30s local lady,she will use her hand to brush off where u accidentaly touch her skin like u got some kind of contagious dieases,like her skin is make of gold,and singaporeans canot talk nicely, they either shout or talk sacarstically to u or love talking behind ur back, singaporeans are a bunch of cowards, especially when comes to tougher foreigners, they become meek and only complain, lol bunch of losers

    • David Ong said

      I do agree with you, Mark! However, most of us couldn’t be bothered by the remarks that is posted here which is not widely circulated. Try to publish this in newspapers. See whether what kind of reaction you get… 🙂

      • ken lee said

        mark: David Ong: singaporeans can be a pain in the ass. but not animal! use you brain! his offensive remarks on there “being more dogs than humans in Singapore”. that’s the other way round! they don’t use toilet! they urine and shit all over the place. as recently they also do it in Singapore! even stomp before!

    • mileinna said

      Mark, than why are you still in singapore?? you should pack and leave.

    • cash said

      I am a Singaporean and I completely agree! If you want to save money and take public transport, accept the fact that you will be jostled, and stop complaining! Don’t be a barbaric dog!

    • Ann said

      I am trying my very best to understand…if we are that bad…than why are they still here???? Why? what is so wrong about their own country than they want to be here?

  13. tsh123 said

    Who’s money is it? Goverment scholarship?

  14. anti_AT said

    paathetic guy i don even know how to read his chinese name… get an english name or sth. or stay in China forever

  15. where are my SGcountrymen said

    Hi Mr Mark Loser, try saying that in the public, to the mid 30s local lady to the guy who stared at you. complaining here about singaporean doesnt make you better or change the situation. So your defination of coward is ” talk sacarstically to u or love talking behind ur back” , ” comes to tougher foreigners, they become meek and only complain” Thats funny… So you mean confronting foreigners is being courageous?
    Its true that singaporean are cold and can be rude at time, this is one extreme and THIS IS SINGAPORE. We dun want to hear you talking loudly over your own private matter, we dun want to get bumped by you when you dash into the train. You want to come to singapore and stay and earn a living
    PLEASE FARKING QUEUE UP. im not saying that 100% singaporean queue up, but most of us do. As much as im reluctant to say, PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES.
    Please talk softly in the public, like i mind my own buisness, you better keep your own farking business to yourself.
    SINGAPOREANS DO NOT LIKE CONFRONTATION- i believe like many other singaporean, I do give a nasty glare at anyone who will talking loudly on the train, and yes I WILL NOT STARE AT A GANGSTER TALKING LOUDLY ON THE TRAIN, tell me why should I when most probably i will get into trouble when staring person who looks like he will pose a threat on me when glaring at any other ‘normal’ passeng might shut them up? Confrontation doesnt always make you a brave or righteous person. This hokkien/singlish its call “Guai lan”
    Stop grumbling about singaporeans before you can truly understand us like how we understand you, in the first place, you are an OUTSIDER. Know your piriorities. We didnt want get you in because we want to give you royal treatment for nothing.
    Yes we cannot speak properly. What do you expect when we have 4 languages here and many other dialects? We speak SINGLISH and theres nothing wrong with that. Do you know that French was descended primarily from Vulgar Latin? ie unwritten varieties of Latin spoken mainly by the uneducated and therefore illiterate populations. Today, french was one of the most ‘classy’ language in the world. Maybe one day Singlish leh loh lah might become a romantic language one day haha!…. It moulded by our culture and demographics, and therefore if anyone don’t agree with that, better shut the fark up.
    Not happy? Get out this country la!

    • ken lee said

      is there a like button around ! super agree with you!

    • batman86 said

      we should vote number of vote sending him out of singapore n making him pay back e money. vote num 1

    • cash said

      Please lah, Singaporeans also treat other Singaporeans like dirt. I am Singaporean btw, and KNS not my fault also get scolded for “pushing” by an inconsiderate Singapore who wants her “personal space” when everyone else wants to come into the MRT during peak hour. HELP YOUR FELLOW SINGAPOREANS LAH. If you want to save money and take public transport, accept the fact that you will be jostled, and stop complaining!

  16. william said

    Should we write a petition to NUS to revoke his scholarship… its really an insult to us singaporean…. imagine that… our Tax money we pay every year is paying this prick expenses and studies here in singapore.. and he still insult us?

    petition to revoke his scholarship and ask him pay back… lets go Singaporean.. its time to show our unity…

  17. ah troll said

    clearly what the china kid said is right. just look at the PAPPPIES and the 60.1% who voted for them. are these people humans or…?


    … … … … … U MAD????

  18. bobby said

    I voted for pappy and I have 4 more years to repent =( Sorry fellow Singaporeans!

  19. Hey Mark, why the fuck are you still here when you so hate us? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE PRONTO. Don’t think that Singaporean women are so desperate for your sperm.

    Singapore is very small and you can be traced very easily. Be grateful we aren’t allowed to own guns or you’d be shot soonest.

  20. So this is PRC Scholar??? got balls to said insult and no guts to admit???? Disgrace to your father ,Sun Xu !

  21. Aon said

    If this FT came to Singapore on a MOE Scholarship, why is he not working at MOE for his attachment?
    Will he be serving in MOE after his graduation or drawing lucrative salary without paying back to Singapore?
    If he does work in MOE, do we want this kind of FT to teach our Singapore children or even be involved in the planning of our education?
    The issue about freely giving scholarships to “deserving” foreign talents was already brought up during the Election last year but nobody followed up….

  22. w7vistaxp said

    Count on me Singapore, Count on me Singapore
    Count on me to give my best and more, count on me Singapore

  23. Dan said

    “it is unlikely to happen given the amount of public resources which have been invested in him over the last four years.”

    What a load of rubbish! Where does the public resources come from? Us – taxpayers! Till today, more than 90% of the voters requested his scholarship to be revoked. Shouldn’t the government look into this ASAP?

  24. RuTing said

    Why why…?? Can we groom our very own Singaporean? Do we really want ppl like this here? Think should revoke his scholarship, if not can’t imagine what we will be call next?

  25. william ong said

    go back to your motherland.
    you can complain to HU and WEN

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