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Lim Swee Say: Journey ahead will only get ‘tougher’

Posted by temasektimes on August 4, 2012

Though the state media has been churning out positive news about the job market recently, PAP Minister and Labor Chief Lim Swee Say doesn’t seem to share their sentiments.

In his National Day message to the labor movement, Mr Lim urged Singaporeans to value the country’s achievements and pledge to work together to stay ahead, stressing that the journey ahead will only get “tougher”.

He cited the uncertain global economic outlook, slower growth and higher inflation in the medium term, as well as fierce competition regionally and globally.

“If Singapore can transform the economy and reshape the workforce better and faster than others, the country can continue to enjoy shortages of workers instead of jobs,” he added.

Mr Lim is the Secretary-General of the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC), the only legalized trade union in Singapore. There are no independent trade unions representing the interests of Singapore workers.


18 Responses to “Lim Swee Say: Journey ahead will only get ‘tougher’”

  1. iloveft said

    Shortages of workers? Wtf is this fucker trying to say? Our employment rate stands at more than zero. Is he staying in Singapore? Dumbfuck!!!!!!

  2. NaBey said

    I total agree with you, the way ur police raid, we forever shortage of loan shark runners, dvd sellers, bookies, ktv hostess, sex workers! We all die cock standing, have to go find 17yrs old pros and risk Kena jail.

  3. G man said

    all the things he talked, damn sia suay leh……
    but truly justify his name.

  4. ngpy said

    If the Minister is sincere in his words he need to uplift all the lower rung’s pay which are being supress by their employer who is supported by your union and subsidiaries. Work as a security guard for between 4/= to 5/= per hour for 12 hours solid, can the Honorable Minister comment whether it is appropiate. Dish Washers, Cleaners, Sweepers are being so supress by their bosses that they have to endure and overcome their plight and suffer in silience. HOW DOES THE MINISTER INTENT GOING TO UPLIFT THEIR PAY AND WORKING CONDITIONS.

  5. Hector said

    “Tougher” because of incompetent political leadership by PAP. The PAP is a “spent force”. Its focus is to stay in control at all cost, not to help Singaporeans. Time to scrap the PAP.

  6. CWS said

    Yes, tougher. Be prepared to pay more.

  7. STFU said

    He missed out the magic word – cheaper.

  8. Lim said

    ‘The journey ahead will only get tougher’? Does the govt intend to help us through these tough times or make it tougher by bringing in cheap PMET imports to fight jobs with us? And NTUC is on our side or on the other side? `Enjoy shortage of workers instead of jobs’? What unionistic masochistic streak is this to enjoy shortage of workers? If there is shortage of jobs for Sporeans the govt should not aggravate it sadistically by letting in more cheaper younger aliens. LSS is spouting his Zorrowistic brand of wisdom again!

  9. I'm Minority But I ll Fight the foreigners here. said

    This is a govt that CONTRADICTS itself in many ways and during often times over the last many years. Mere FACT – the PAP govt’s past and present many leaders do NOT and CANNOT answer simple question of WHAT is a Singaporeans Identity THROWN at them in seminars, meetings, discussions etc. Ask them, what makes A Singaporean, the ANSWER, yes, “What do you think”.

    Before the generation that came just after WWII, can coalesce and be a core group (as the PAP said today, Aug4th about a core), they import tons and by the 1000s, in the last 20 years TO DISASSEMBLE this core group. Now the next 20 years going forward, the PAP STILL GO BACK history 20 YEARS ago, repeat itself, saying Sgp need a core group. The precious CORE group were ALREADY forming into REAL substance BUT the PAP undone it in the 90s and naughties.

    See, the PAP IS GOING ROUND in circles. 80s, 90s Sgp were in the group of Taiwan, HK, S Korea forming the Asian dragons. HK has pulled away, S Korea grew their Samsungs, Taiwans’ TSMC, Foxcon, ASUS, what SGP? Yes Gambling DENS to boast.

    Our Gini IS THE LOWEST, WEALTHIEST the most numbers, Prodcutivity is at the DEPEEST – come on folks 60%, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

    Isnt the PAP talking about leaving NO STONE unturn MOONS ago? Didnt they PAP promised a SWISS standard of living moons ago?

    DID the PAP lied and broked their PROMISES???

  10. jaded said

    better and faster again? does he know anything else besides this?

    but at least no cheaper this time LOL

  11. bb said

    He is correct the world economy is getting worse and worse. Understand TH bought Chesapeake Energy where BHP get into trouble

  12. zorro said

    Tougher for the commoners. Folks like him put on silly costumes and fool around every day but collect one million in salary plus another million in bonus every year.

  13. Cher said

    Another lousy singapore minister, with mouth full of crap!

  14. Playfair said

    The UNION cannot do anything for you. They collect monthly fees and always give you sad stories. RESIGN from the UNION and stop them from using the money to breed potential PAP candidates.

  15. Rotten said


  16. if everyone votes wisely, we can have a truly democratic Singapore.

  17. To Be Fair said

    To quote, “In his National Day message to the labor movement, Mr Lim urged Singaporeans to value the country’s achievements and pledge to work together to stay ahead…” Since when we average Singaporeans taste the fruits of our country’s achievements? Yes, we saw the econmic pie growing larger over the past few years. But was the pie shared fairly with the average Singaporeans? Through progress package or rebates (like coins thrown into a beggar bowl) ?

  18. Amaze said

    I don’t like this guy d most!

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