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Another PRC man after Sun Xu insults Singaporeans: You are not worth even a ‘fart’!

Posted by temasektimes on February 29, 2012

Less than one week after NUS PRC scholar Sun Xu sparked nationwide outrage with his now infamous remark on there ‘being more dogs than humans in Singapore’, another PRC man hit the headlines again by using new interesting ‘phrases’ to scold Singaporeans.

After getting into a brawl with a Singaporean at Chinatown over a staring incident, PRC man Aries Lin vented his anger on the Lion City Forum by hurling all kinds of insults at Singaporeans.

In the title of the thread, Aries described Singaporeans as ‘sb’ , which stands for “Sha Bi” (傻逼) – meaning ‘stupid cunt’ in mainland Chinese slang.

Aries also try to remind Singaporeans of their ‘place’ in the world:

“Please be reminded Singaporeans, you are all descendants of Chinese and the Chinese blood flow in you. Don’t think you have been transformed to ‘Singaporeans’ from ‘Chinese you can be arrogant. Actually you are not even worth a fart!”


When asked by fellow PRC netizens to cool down, Aries retorted:

“If all the mainland Chinese return home, you Singaporeans will have to eat porridge at home everyday.”


Though Singapore is much further away from China than Hong Kong or Taiwan, it is easier for mainland Chinese to study or work in Singapore compared to the two predominantly Chinese territories.

At the rate the mainland Chinese are flooding into Singapore, it is only a matter of time before Singapore becomes the 24th province of the People’s Republic of China – ‘Nanyang’ – or the ‘province of the southern oceans’.

Related article:

PRC man punched Singaporean man over staring incident

146 Responses to “Another PRC man after Sun Xu insults Singaporeans: You are not worth even a ‘fart’!”

  1. Our SG govt just love to see us being insulted…

  2. Clive said

    please be reminded that yes although still a Chinese, we are of Chinese descend, not a China Chinese. Learn the difference. No wonder Hong Kongers see themselves as Hong Kongers instead of people of the same nation. I havent seen our dear courtesy lion for so many years until recently. And not to mention no littering campaigns. Back to the days huh?

  3. Dear PRCs,

    Just go back to your own worthy country.
    Without you, Singaporeans will be eating porridge at High-Class restaurant.

    • I take issue with your address to all PRCs. Don’t drag everyone involved into PRC vs Singapore situation like the 2 Chinese idiots. Let’s be objective and deal only with the culprits themselves.

  4. Jsirias said

    yes i would agreed that we chinese singaporeans are the descendants of chinese from china.. there is no wrong about it.. the only difference is that our ancestors are just smarter to pursue a new life in Singapore.. rather than staying in China learning the art of faking all kinds of things. Tell me something that China is famous of… ask the world, you guys are good in stealing other people ideas and concepts. you guys are good in taking advantage of others, you guys just bullshit all the time. Singapore might be small, but we are rich than almost all other asia countries. Today you are given a chance to stay or work in singapore, is we give it to you… therefore learn how to respect and learn how to live with singaporeans and not saying anything negative about the people and country. You should know how the world look at china.. and how they look up to singaporeans! that is the difference of we both chinese dude!!!!

  5. not really, they wil put singapore as part of hainan province as a city.

  6. Charles Chong said

    Go back to your glorious country then, I rather eat porridge than have you on my soil.

    • Charlie said

      its not your soil/ it’s malaysias

      • Glen said

        Seriously now it’s Malaysia’s soil, why not just bring Great Britain since Raffles “founded” Singapore and we were under British rule until 1942 ? Please don’t leave such comments which have potential to sow discord, If that is your intention then you are no better then the PRC above …..

      • James said

        Wait wait wait… B4 that it was japanese land. Coz they all rule us for 3yr 8mths.. Konnichiwa..

    • E said

      it is indeed malaya soil… Singapore is in the the peninsular of Malaysia if u know your geography right we are surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia not China and Hong Kong thats makes Singapore very much part of Malaysia. Its not about who invades Singapore its about who are the natives people here. Thanks to you know who the whole world now thinks Singapore is part China

      • Glenn said

        If you think Singapore is part of Malaysia, then it’s much better than becoming a PRC province!

  7. frakpap said

    Arse Lin, your name means “屁股“。Your brains are smaller than your arse for having such a name, who are you to insult us? You have already insulted yourself by giving yourself such a stupid name. Although we are descendants from China, our development in terms of culture, behaviour, manners and confucianism are way more advanced than you. Not everyone in Singapore think that PRC are bad. I also know that not all PRC are bad. For the incident in Chinatown, you are not wrong initially. But your comments and insults to Singaporeans are way overboard. If you had just stated the facts for they are, no one will stand on the side of the guy who stared at your girlfriend. That is a personal incident that unfortunately happened to you. It might have happened anywhere else in this world because maybe your girlfriend looks too good. I am sure you have also stared at beautiful Singapore girls before. It is man’s nature to look at beautiful things. My girlfriend always gets lustful stares from men all the time as she looks too hot. I don’t go around asking them to stop staring, because I feel honored to have a hot girlfriend. That is where you are wrong, because it is other peoples’ freedom to say anything they want, look at anything they want. They are not saying these things to you but only among their own friends. You can insult Singaporeans among your own PRC friends too but don’t pick a fight. But due to your low level of civilization, country bumpkin, you had to confront others. You had better start apologizing now, otherwise the netizens will dig you up and you will have to run back to your mama for help.

  8. Jade said

    Nt all china people are like dat, but if they are like dat i prefer they dun come here.

  9. Lololol said

    But yet you guys learn English, improvise yourselves through OUR education, live and take advantage of OUR system, get OUR jobs, ruin OUR market, on OUR land.

    If we’re not even worth a fart, elaborate why typical sluts of your ‘glorious’ country would flock to our quaint island for OUR PR citizenship? Why not Hong Kong, why not another state in your country?

    Ask yourself; why insult us when you can save yourselves all that trouble, and go back from whence you came?


  10. Tisha Mohamed said

    Don’t stay at one’s soil when the one has given you this opportunity to upgrade yourself and escape from your miserable country. We’d rather be eating porridge than have you insult us in our own homeland. Go back to where you come from if you don’t like it here.

  11. lynn marissa liem said

    you can ask 100 people of ALL races IF they like an ah tiong, chances are 200 people will shout back an unanimous OH NO! NO thanks, NO TIONGS please! i rest my case.

  12. Ravi said

    Who the hell said Singaporeans = Chinese?

  13. Ravi said

    Sorry, Singapore Chinese. Not directed at you. Directed at the PRC.

  14. Michael Lim said

    Although I do have respect for some of the Chinese Nationals who have taken up to living here in Singapore, these few jokers really ought to be deported IMMEDIATELY.

    Why are we being subject to such language when we (Singaporeans) are not allowed to? Just see the cases of discrimination suits and how heavy the penalties were.

    This is a form of racism and WE DO NOT LIKE IT.

    If you are not happy here, feel free to pack your belongings and go back to whichever hole you came from.

  15. Dulan Singaporean said

    if all PRC return, you will be the one who will have to eat porridge, u are the one who really don’t worth a fart, thats is why you come here, if you all PRC are really that good, DON’T COME TO SINGAPORE, GET THE HELL BACK AT ONCE, no action talk only ARIES u are a piece of shit. and you are full of shit.

  16. Vincent said


    所谓 “过门就是客”,在我们的国家,请你记得:你们是客,我们是主。如果身为‘主’的我们是‘屁’,那一个离乡背井,远渡重洋,在我们的国家工作居住的你难道是我们的神吗? 不要拿炎王子孙,什么流着中国人的血也搬出来说,老兄,2013 年了,清朝灭亡了,中国开放了,美国中统是Obama了, 这一套没用了。

    没错,新加坡华人 (不是所有的新加坡人都是华人)大多祖先由中国移民而来,但是我们是华人,不是中国人!我们的护照不是中国护照, 我们地址不是中国的地址,我们的父母也不是中国人。请记得,中国国外的华人叫‘华侨’,不是‘中国侨’。


    • Bucksbunny said


    • Kwok Chee Kin said

      Well said, Vincent! When I worked in China as an expat, I respect their system, because each country has their way of life. When I worked in Saudi Arabia , I alway have to respect their society, because I am there just as an expat, I do not call the shot in the society. Therefore the same applied to PRC national coming to study or work in Singapore. Respect our Singapore system, and if you do not like it, go home.

      Sun Xu is not a kid anymore, but a young adult, classified as scholar. He should know to take responsibility of his act. I think he need to learn his lesson.

  17. Greg said

    I certainly believe that by letting Sun Xu off without properly reprimanding him has shown the other PRC’s here that they can afford to be more bold and make such statements. This has led to them thinking they are indispensable.

  18. margaret said

    This MIC likely did not know that Singapore is not A chinese country. We’re a multi racial country, we’ll not eat porridge if they want to go home.

  19. Harmony Please said

    This man/kid is a joke?
    If we not even worth a “fart” then you all keep bringing so many people to here to Smell our “Farts” ?
    Because our “fart” not worthy but smell very nice & shiok right 🙂

  20. Aaron said

    Isn’t it interesting how some people can call us a small red dot in a derogatory fashion…but once the PRC starts calling us dogs and farts, we get all angsty.

    • octopi said

      When an Indonesian calls us a Little Red Dot, he’s calling us that from another island across the sea. When a PR calls us that, he’s on our soil, in our faces, and probably coming after our rice bowls.

      Understand the difference?

    • Greg said

      I think that we are a small country and that’s a fact, however being called dogs and labelled as less worthy than a fart is certainly a needless remark especially when you’re earning your keep in someone else’s backyard. Yes some Singaporeans get really angsty about it but i personally think that the pride of being Singaporean shouldn’t take a bruising from such inconsiderate individuals.

    • K said

      I find it interesting how some people can so utterly fail to see the difference between being insulted by leaders of another country, and being insulted by a PRC who is not only on our soil, but also eating for free, living for free, USING OUR MONEY.

  21. […] Temasek Times: Another PRC man after Sun Xu insults Singaporeans: You are not worth even a ‘fart’! […]

  22. octopi said

    Hey, we are quite proud of our porridge!

  23. Local said

    When they leave, all singaporeans can finally sit down and eat something that most if not all singaporeans like… CURRY!!!

    Bye Tiongs….

  24. Susan said

    Please go back to your country if you not happy! We do not welcome you.

    Since Sun Xu said we are dog and u interprete that we have 流的中国人的血, then you are also a DOG!

  25. kidtaylor said

    Let’s be fair, Singaporeans say the same things of foreigners all the time.

  26. Steve82 said

    This might be his number.

  27. Steve82 said

    Two postings by him for room rental, same number.

  28. Steve82 said

    same number, but different website. could be the same person.

  29. Steve82 said

    He should be staying at jurong east st 31, blk 327

    judging from this thread and the prior room sharing advert.

  30. Steve82 said


  31. BenQ said

    Lucky we r not born in china as e Chinese are just simply too selfish , the stupid guy say wrongly , I think if china ppl do not come out from china , they will have to eat porridge . Looking at the recent small girl incident , she was ran over by 2 vehicles and lying there for so long and every passerby just walk pass her and simply dont care . When interview some ppl regarding this incident then a lot of sarcastic ppl just say they will lend a hand but the truth is they r simply too selfish to care about others

  32. Steve82 said

    He seems to be a student.


  33. Steve82 said

    another number, but only posted once at dec 2011.

  34. t.s said

    “过门就是客” agree what Vincent said!

    尊重,包容他人的文化一向來就是新加坡人的優點。因你們一小部分的自私與不包容,並且試圖把改變這裡的生活文化及破壞這裡的和諧,是否有點喧賓奪主?還有不要拿著雞毛當令箭:關乎民族意識。我想這是你們個人擁有強烈的文化沙文主義的意識形態~這完完全全是個人修養的問題,我認識眾多來自大陸的朋友, 他們沒有跟異族或來自異國的朋友有任何相處的問題並且能了解不同的文化,再者更能融入東南亞和新加坡特有的文化比如吃着印度煎饼配咖哩,嚷著還要多來一碟。不能接受的, 他們都能給予諒解。

    對,我們不能否認我們大家都是炎黃子孫的後代,但是國籍上是新加坡人,地域上我們是東南亞華人,都是先輩們辛辛苦苦與不同的族群(馬來,印度,錫克和其他)穩紮穩打在這裡生根建立起來,請你們要有這樣認知,經過時代的變遷與改革炎黃子孫並不等於“國籍上的中國人”,它只是在文化上起著啟承轉合的作用。 它讓我們知道我們的根源自哪裡, 知道古人的智慧, 華夏永久不衰的文化。

    還有那你們又知道從我們的祖輩開始到現時的年輕一代的企業家,他們都是默默地在幫助中國內地需要幫助的人民而且是無私的, 對於其他國家的幫助,政府與人民也是一樣的。如果你們能有這等能耐在這裡攻擊他國的人民,倒不如把你們的精力幫助你們國內需要幫助的人。


  35. Steve82 said

    It’s your call now, TR. 😉 Cheers

  36. Eddy said

    If not for you PRC idiots, lots of people in singapore won’t be homeless and jobless. So if you, idiot PRC, continues to insults us like this, singaporeans may just sign a petition asking ALL PRCs to leave singapore. Its you PRC that is taking up our space. So just get lost. WE SINGAPOREANS ARE NOT SCARED OF YOU PRCs. You are just trash.

  37. PharkOff said


    新加坡有今天的繁华,是依靠自己拼出来的 - 没靠大陆啊!没有大陆人,我们的屋价也不会给他们炒的那么高,政府也不必多买巴士来应付拥挤。少了他们,地方没那么拥挤,空气也跟新鲜,不必忍受他们的口臭味!

    • E.T said

      THIS IS SO TRUE, by accepting and allowing them to be in our mist, we have to take shit…… and we are to learn and give them their space, i think our government is about to remove the 1 year 10 months National service to plant Singaporean to stay in China to learn about their culture and living style, learn about their poison milk powder, fake eggs, poison toy, fake pork…… wa lau… what else….. YOUTUBE SHOW IT ALL…. (HELLO, Our Government do something!!!)

  38. Kef Ee said

    Yes, we may have to eat porridge everyday… but if they go back, they will eat 潲水 everyday! We’re much better off!

    • PharkOff said

      It’s just a matter of time that there will be fake rice in China. So what if we eat porridge – at least it’s REAL RICE! Mainland authorities can’t even get their act together to stop these fake food items from appearing!

      If that doesn’t stop, the future generations of China will soon have all sorts of health problems and mutated babies!

  39. Trellis said

    Another dumb headed idiot who has a brain full of china shit. What decendent is he talking about, ask him where is ancestor linerage come from. Condemed him for life and wish him a thousand death.

  40. magaret said

    Is he in the position to judge if our “FART” is worth smelling…???
    In the first place, why are these MIC so hard up to come our home land to snatches pieces of cakes from this ‘FART’ land.
    They should go back to their “FART WORTH’ land.
    With or Without them our Multi-racial country is known around the world. WE DON’T NEED THEIR FART HERE…..!!!

  41. kkelster said

    Fuck off please……

  42. skyeyap said

    dont say until like they very united leh… if they really so helpful, then why see the little gal kana run over by the truck 2 times also no one help…. really nonsense…

  43. GENG said

    I only feel that if not for our “wonderful” government giving those PRCs chance in singapore they will eat sweet potatoes back home rather then porridge:) so “kudos” to our government -_-

  44. 安居乐业 said


  45. Danny Yong said


  46. Wei said

    What all these PRC (only to the black sheeps) don’t understand is its not about whether we are Chinese or not… True our heritage comes from China but in today society we are talking about cultural differences here… You don’t go to another country and act as if you are still in your own… You must be able to respect, learn to understand and live in the other culture… Its the same in other countries Australia, Hong Kong etc, most people I talked to generally have the same opinion about PRC… So to the PRCs who think very highly of themselves, just because we are not born in your country which has almost “5000 years of history” does not mean you can treat us like a 2nd class Chinese or whatsoever… Its ok to be proud of your country but don’t be dick about it…

  47. Harmony said

    We are all human beings, don’t fight with each other anymore, harmony brings us fortune!

  48. ... said

    You know what? just fuck off and get run over in your own country, fucking china dogs.

  49. fdsf said

    i think otherwise, if all of the mainland chinese return home they have to eat porridge back home. lol

  50. Jasmine said

    There seems to be a crucial point being missed. Singaporeans do not ONLY include Singaporean-Chinese. There are other racial groups here. Too much hatred pouring out from we locals and the PRCs at one another. If they’re so unhappy at their treatment here and they can’t seem to ‘behave’, OUT OUT OUT they should go! Agree with Wei.. as the saying goes ‘when in rome..’

  51. Siao Lang said

    For all the people who inslut our singapore citizen, just ask them to open their mouth. I’m sure you can’t find a elephant ivory in there.

  52. wee kiat said

    we may not be worth anything and you may be the smartest, most talented people
    but then we don’t put plastic in our milk; nor do we watch a little girl die after being run over by a lorry.

  53. Siao Lang said

    For all the people who inslut our singapore citizen, just ask them to open their mouth. I’m sure you can’t find a elephant ivory in there.

  54. You know what I mean said

    Singaporeans consists of Chinese, Malays and Indians.
    Singapore is not part of China.

  55. tan said

    Just go home and plough your field, Singaporean will eat and sleep better without you all around. But without Singapore you could still be farming and sweating under the sun, but if you are hold a higher position in any offices here don’t think to highly of yourself, for most of you came with a FAKE CERTIFICATE. So just go home and boast to your country pumpkin back home but not here,

  56. Jes said

    You jolly well know that a lot of you PRCs, if you went home, you won’t even have porridge water to drink.

  57. borninsingapore said

    We should just send those who cause troubles back!

  58. KELVIN said

    ALL THIS ILL REMARKS is meant to make human and human quarrel. THE MASTER MIND OF THE QUARREL is the DEVIL who tricks this china man to attack singaporean….. If Singaporean pursues and quarrel with this China man , the WINNER is the DEVIL

  59. Aberdyn said

    It seems this guy is capitalising on his countrymen saga that of PRC student Sun Xu. He is putting more fuel to the already burning fires. Venting his angers over some staring incident with a Singaporean with his girlfriend in Chinatown. That’s what he had claimed. From the look of things, it’s solely personal between him and the other party involved in the brawl.

    Incidentally, he had this problem with a local Chinese singaporean in the brawl which is not so happy about, and then taking it venting his anger to all Chinese singaporean as a whole. And then dragging down the matter resorting to using abusive language to show his hatred and dislikes.

    No reasonable man will do that unless you are irrational and unreasonable or worst a barbarian So if this is so, this PRC peasant are unwelcome here in Singapore. We could not tolerate to see these foreign aliens hooligans treated Singaporeans as the like by hurling all kinds of derogatory remarks. They are guest workers or visitors here. They must behave themselves if they want to be here and there is no two way about it.

    It seems similar incident happened again and again and keep on repeating, hope could put a stop to it. This can only be done by the authority like the Police. ICA or any government agencies concerned. This trouble maker should be repatriated at once back to their home country. Once you have determined, confirmed and substantiated their offences, of demeanour and wrong doings the culprit should be kick-out of Singapore straightaway and banned for future entry to the country.

    I think we need this kind of stringent law for foreigners who misbehaved while in our country. This are to ensure they cannot abuse their right as guest workers of visitor while in Singapore.

  60. Proud SIngaporean said

    Oh goodness me i am a singaporean living abroad and i didnt realized the situation with these PRCs is this bad..i shall judge it for myself when i go home in approx 2 months.I just hope i wont encounter the fart face who makes such a bold statement about SG,

  61. mark said

    i love china prostitutes

  62. Peter Han said

    Who dare insult the China PRC, one long range missle from guangzhou and singapore is no more!!! Better to be safe than sorry……..thats why the PRC can insult singaporeans and flood the market with their kind, Dont Forget who allowed them to come in the first place……..!!!

  63. Anonymous said

    This guy is an idiot
    singaporean are not made up of just chinese
    you 1 year kid? are you really living in singapore? you blind? look everywhere you can see other races as well as racial harmony day

    bleh sorry hor our descendent blood is from china? no our descendants is singaporean and is made up of different races and nationality is singapore.
    and want talk about blood? learn your science lar our blood is not wad chinese blood or blah blah blah blood
    Its O type,A type, B type AB type of blood ok?there’s also a bombay blood type with hh antigen system..? and also pretty sure not all humans in the world are same blood as you
    so wad? if US’s american blood type same as you you mean he born from china’s people? think before you even speak when you got not even 1 bit of knowledge about blood

    however even our ancestor is from china and other countries they make their own country and is a singaporean
    its also the same for all other countries including YOUR CHINA or are you telling me before everyone was born there’s already a place called china in the world? sry no its humans that build china named it china
    if you want to talk crap please think first at least before even want to insult a independence country

    if all mainland chinese returns home we eat porridge?-before mainland chinese comes we already eating rice lar
    i think if you go back home your the one eating potatos or bread since you have to earn singapores money? talk until like you don’t need money earned in singapore then go back now? i am pretty sure instead of just rice we will be able to eat alot of meats as well if you are not here stealing job spots from us.

    and even before the china colonial happens
    i believe OUR NS Army will already capture/kill all the idiotic gov officials that wastes the efforts of [lao lee?] or aka. our anncestors and really defend our country before that even the colonize happen

  64. Anonymous said

    i believe our government’s anncestor who build singapore and make singapore independence gets insulted like this should really deport this guy
    or rather thats not even enough, it would have to be caning x fine for whatever he took before he gets deport.

  65. Anonymous said

    whatever citizenship we are born from then we are that citzenship
    singapore => can only be singaporeans what else you want?

  66. Someone Just said

    I believe the thread only affect those Singaporeans who hate mainland Chinese.
    I don’t hate them, I don’t feel insulted.
    And sometimes I think people are stupid, we know that we will never make any of them return to China and in fact a lot of them are already holding Singaporeans citizenship.
    So why not just get over it and get along, I have worked with these people they seem just normal.
    Of course there will be scumbags mainland Chinese and we do have scumbags Singaporeans too.

  67. Absent Singaporean said

    1881年 上海外滩 (今称黄浦公园) ‘ 华人与狗不得入内 ‘ . 这是洋人称华人为狗。

    2012年 就读在新加坡中国天才 (孙旭)写到‘新加坡狗比人多’。这是华人称华人是狗。
    一个世纪后华人是 ‘狗人一族.


    孙旭要是入了西方国籍,定会说 ‘华人狗都不如’




    1881 Shanghai outer shore ( Now Whampo Garden ) ‘ Chinese and Dogs are not allowed to enter ‘.
    Foreigners calling Chinese Dogs. A century ago Chinese was called Sick Man Of East Asia !!!

    2012 Chinese scholar studying in Singapore wrote ‘ More dogs than humans in Singapore ‘.
    Chinese calling Chinese Dogs ( Singapore 75 % Chinese ).
    One Century later Chinese are called Dog Man Of Southeast Asia !!!

    Chinese generation deteriorating !!!! We are becoming more and more ‘Dog ‘.

    If Scholar Sun Xu has a western Green card . What will he say ???
    I bet he’ll say ‘ Chinese worst off than Dogs ‘

    Since ancient times, most country traitors and squanders of wealth , are those who has talent but little integrity.

    It is Dog Chinese of Southeast Asia, eg. Tan Kia Kee who independently built and fund China Xia Men University of 16 years. Tan Kia Kee went bankrupt to fund Xia Men University.

    Also same Dog Chinese of Southeast Asia, who donated and fund China fight against Japanese Occupation in WWII.

  68. 龙的传人 said

    要不是中央政府照顾你们 新加坡就完蛋了!

    • PharkOff said


      • Alex Wong said

        你妈的龙的专人,争着眼睛说瞎话。TMD!!!! 把独吞苏州工业区的钱,还给我们。操你妈的!

      • Strong said


    • Guest come from HK said

      PRCs你們真的很討厭, 我的故鄉—–香港已經被你們破壞, 你們不要去破壞新加坡, 讓SINGAPOEAN過著快樂的日子!!!

    • t.s said






    • pompoussnoopy said

      Hahahaha shi ni men de zheng fu lai xin jia po xiang wo men xue xi hahahaha ni shi kang chong xiang xia chu lai de ba hahahaha……

  69. […] The Tamasek Times: Another PRC man after Sun Xu insults Singaporeans: You are not worth even a ‘fa… After getting into a brawl with a Singaporean at Chinatown over a staring incident, PRC man Aries Lin vented his anger on the Lion City Forum by hurling all kinds of insults at Singaporeans. […]

  70. K said

    We are Singaporean Chinese, not China Chinese. That makes a world of difference.

    We don’t kill our own babies with fake milk powder.
    We don’t reuse condoms to make rubber bands.
    We don’t take pride in copying/stealing/faking the ideas/designs of others.
    We don’t make videos of ourselves killing small animals by squashing/crushing/stepping on them with stiletto heels.

    And most importantly, we don’t go to China to eat/live/study/shit for free, and then call you dogs. We’re civilized that way.

  71. eddielung said

    now you guys realise fully the feelings of us “Hongkies” against the PRCers.

    You guys have your own country, you have nothing obligated to nor related to the PRC. An American won’t say British as ” flowing the same blood” in political sense although they are both Anglos, nor should you bow down to some extremist “Patriots” from thousand of miles away.

    We have no choice, you do, and dont give it up.

    -good wish from a “hongkie” from Hong Kong

  72. Guest said

    Thats why Hong Kongers called many of the mainland Chinese to be locust.

    • Guest said

      I am hong konger , dun let PRC’s locust come in ur country , they have been spoiled ur soil, special culture

      • Guest said

        I am hong konger , dun let PRC’s locust come in ur country , they have spoiled ur soil, special culture

  73. star said

    to 72
    is there any “like” button 😦 ?

  74. 123 said

    Stupid PRC without SG gov help i think they’re still threatening the world with their Outdated NUKE hahahaha…..

  75. The bottom line is, learn to respect where you are now, given a chance to excel & progress………My only concern is one Day when our world in invaded………

  76. Sachiel said

    Support from a Hong Konger over here.

    #1) 中國故然不是我們的「祖國母親」,這是已知的事實。

    #2) 「生娘不及養娘大」這個比喻根本不正確。

    #3) 他們中國人現在變得這麼醜惡,執政者故然有責任。

    世界上有邊個國家好似佢地中國unreasonable,and force a nationality on someone else


    人人都知道接受中國籍係一種懲罰,香港人有FREE WILL,選擇唔接受懲罰,你地中國人又要發癲。

    你地做o既每一樣野,根本都係 Reaffirm 緊「中國大陸,野蠻民族」呢個事實

  77. Strong said


    • James said


  78. Hate china people since 2008! said

    Come on China ‘pig’ Why did you guys come to Singapore in the first place if your country is so damn good??? Or your motive for coming Singapore is to cheat us of our money, which you guys specialise in? Be a PR and buy a flat over here, and go back to china, collect rental money over here and spend in china… What a smart way china ‘pig’ fxxker earn money…
    On the 90s, where singapore do not have so many FTs, we also never eat porridge. I guess is ‘china’ pig have not come to singapore, in their own china, they everyday eat porridge.. or maybe who know.. eat shit… no wonder their mouth so stink when they come to singapore…
    Adding on… If we are dogs, china people are worse… they are cold-blooded creatures! Hit and run is what they are best at. Creating fake products, sell and harm others are also their profession! These China ‘pigs’ staying in singapore, most of them are dirty (never bathe, never shave, never clean up their room) And they are very inconsiderate. Most guys are bastards, most gals are cheap. Just go back to your damn china la. We singaporeans also dont welcome you here IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

  79. HK younster said

    From Hong Kong to Singapore, mainlanders always say 2 things when blamed:
    1) We are all Chinese
    2) Without us, you cannot live well
    I appreciate you Singaporians. You fight for your dignity while many of Hong Kongers and our government lives like a dog under mainlanders, just for their disgusting money

  80. Guest said

    Just Chinks being Chink.

  81. 英中啊英中 said


    • t.s said


    • 123 said

      Zhong guo pao ni men you jin tian de chen jiu shi xin jia po zheng fu gei ni men de hao yi shuo ne hahahaha….. zhong guo you wu qian nian de li shi hai yao ba kuan yuan song dao xin jia po shang ke..! hahahaha….ni men de zhi shang zhen de bu yi pan de gao ya…. hahahaha hai hao XIN JIA PO, TAIWAN he XIANG KANG de hua qiao mei xiang ni men na mei xu zi..hahahahaha……

    • James said


  82. ttttttt said

    Taiwan is a independent country!

  83. Singapore rocks said


  84. chunlin said

    support Singapore join PRC.
    This is what you get for always wanting Taiwan to join PRC.
    Taste your own medicine Singapore.

  85. tth said

    Singaporeans are dogs and not even worth a ‘fart’ but these Mainland chinese keep crawling to Singapore to dig our gold. Why there are so many Mainland women coming to Singapore? Becos work as a chicken in singapore can make at least $4,000 per day, they charge per customer around $150 to $200. And there are many women who come here to marry Singaporeans men and said Singaporean men are stupid easy to con our money. Get back to your own country and please govt don’t pour all these trash onto us and made us take all these insults from these trash. We don’t want trash in our land.

  86. wuST said

    haha, they did it, again, now even SG is offended.

    Look likes the PRC guys really want to make enemies from everybody.

    If you can’t even get use to a mutil-ethic state like Singapore, man, you can’t get along with almost everybody on earth.

    Come on SG, we support you, you have an independent country, no need to kowtow them.

    A sympathic Hongkie

  87. Keyfrighter said

    All Hong Konger support Singaporeans !

    • One Hong Konger said

      We can’t avoid the locust in Hong Kong because of our rubbish government.
      Please kick all the locust out of Singapore!

  88. great china said

    要不是我们中国, 你们新加坡一早完蛋了, 在我们中国面前, 你们新加坡人有甚么优越感?SB新加坡人

    • ninja said

      Please know that your great leader Teng Xiao Ping once seek advice from SG to develope the coastal region in China..I wonder whether without China , SG will not exist or other wise!!!!!!!!! Stop all this rubbish and get a life….I cannot imagine future China with citizens like you,behaving like bullies.

    • Better DNA said

      Hahahaha….Stupid PRC’s!!! No wonder the World laugh when your they talk…. What A Disgrace!!! Even we spends millions on their Scholars also cannot help them much… Maybe Singapore should setup a sperm bank in PRC too!!! Help them to create Better CHINESE…

  89. RIZO said

    Sometimes the Singaporeans need to be sensitive on these foreigners. Remember that all Singaporean Chinese have their roots from China. The Chinese’s forefathers came from China n wasn’t treated this way. They were welcomed n work hand in hand to build Singapore. Remember your roots n where you originally came from. Both sides needs to be educated…

    • Sachiel said

      Come on, Americans had roots in UK and other European Countries. You don’t see the British forcing the British identity on them.
      Austria and Germany are common in both language and history, but you don’t see Austrians calling themselves Germans.
      Many Latin American countries shared a common language, ancestor and similar culture, but they each had their own identity

      We have to classify the following clearly from each other
      Identity: this is how you identify yourself, it’s personal, no one can decide it for you
      Nationality:It’s on your passport, a travel document
      Ethnicity: DNA plain and simple, what and where your great great great Grandfather came from, it shouldn’t define who you are






  90. James Wong said

    When any PRC insults Singaporeans they also insult the government and PAP leaders and members!

  91. een said

    sigh. singaporeans, now you know how hongkongese feel…

    • PharkOff said

      The last time when I went to Hong Kong, a local asked for directions in Cantonese, and I politely replied “I don’t know” in Mandarin. He gave me THE most nasty death glare and I was very unpleasantly shocked. He probably mistook me as a mainland Chinese! I had difficulty understanding why he had such a strong reaction, but now I understand why. I really feel for HongKongers, and more so because Hong Kong cannot shake off the relationship they have with China!

      I love Hong Kong! 🙂 It’s such a vibrant and bustling city!

  92. loopedlogic said


    editor/forum moderator and fellow Singaporeans,

    why are we stooping to the level of a few PRCs behaving badly by retaliating in less-than-decent ways?

    and to be honest, what were you expecting to come out of the dude’s mouth after being pummeled by one of us?

  93. daph said

    Singaporeans not worth than farts then go back China lor.. before the fart smell congregates and bombed you to death.

  94. 123 said

    These PRC’s fool still don’t know how the world look at them! hahahahaha……..

  95. James said

    It is prob true that we will have to eat porridge if they leave. Coz nobody to serve n clean the tables? And chinese=/= singaporean, den all malay and indians are chinese too? Human=angmo=indian=malays=japanese=chinese=china? Where is their logic?

  96. Nadiyah said

    It is called Temasek before it became Singapura. It’s a multi racial country. Be grateful that you are able to study, work and stay here. If you are not happy, go home and don’t come back. Without you, we can still carry on living

  97. hoho said

    i am from hong kong and some 1 here wrote this long ago :
    NATION “X” have “X”people
    they do things other nations cant understand

    A they love to be ruled
    B they hate people that are free from it and want free man be the same( this explains
    a lot)
    C when people tell them they are ruled,they denied
    D they ll be happy when the master of slave get stronger

    (sorry for lousy English)

  98. Logical Singaporean said

    Actually if the PRCs leave Singapore, we won’t be eating porridge.

    Think about it logically.

    It is because of the PRCs that there is rising social unrest in Singapore.

    It is because of the PRCs that the service standard is dropping like hell in Singapore.

    It is because of the PRCs that less universities slots are left for true blue Singaporeans.

    It is also because of the PRCs that true blue Singaporeans find it hard to get jobs (i’m not talking about service line here), wages get suppressed and HDB flats are at a skyhigh price

    So what will happen if the PRCs leave Singapore?

    1 – We will regain racial harmony

    2 – Our service standards will be better in the long term thereby increasing the sales and businesses of local service/retail outlets

    3 – True blue Singaporean young talents are given more slots/chances to further their studies

    4 – More Singaporeans are able to find jobs because of more equal opportunities, and HDB flats won’t be so expensive(although in this case the damage is already done)

    The problem is because PAP and many businesses in Singapore only think short term monetary gains and didn’t look at long-term investment alternatives. This is why everywhere you go, you see cheap service people (mainly PRCs) hired. Because businesses want to cut costs!

    They are addicted to cutting costs instead of looking on how to be more productive and come out with innovative and useful products!

    Singaporeans need to wake up! Do something smart this time in 2016!

    • Sachiel said

      Thanks for the beautiful statement, I can totally apply the same situation to Hong Kong by changing Singapore to Hong Kong as well.

      Just curious, does the baby of a PRC tourist gain Singapore citizenship if “it” is born in Singapore? Coz we are having major problems over here, their “offspring” / locusts are taking advantage of our public housing, healthcare, free education, social security etc. Situation is the same in Canada.

      I hope at least it’s not happening elsewhere, can’t Lee Kwang Yiu do something about it?

      • Logical Singaporean said

        In regards to your question on whether the baby a PRC tourist can gain Singapore citizenship if the baby is born in SIngapore…

        the answer is NO…

        the baby can only gain Singapore citizenship only if 1 of the parent is a Singapore citizen

        but then again no PRC tourist will want their children/babies to be Singapore citizens


        Because then their children (if boy) will have to serve compulsory national service (2 years)

        the PRCs only want to take whatever benefits they can out of Singapore and not contribute to it

        it’s too bad the blind Singapore government doesn’t see that when it’s so obvious

      • Yes it's True said

        Ya it’s true few of my PR friend told me it very stupid to stay and live in SG. They said work here for 20 yrs can Retired before 50yrs old. Then sell their HDB with their saving go home and live v..v..very comfortable. They told me they don’t even have to pay any HDB housing loan too!! Because they only need 1room the other 3 for rent. hahahah…………..

  99. MajullahSG said

    First, Singaporean Chinese are predominantly descendants of Southern Chinese; Fujian, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Hainan etc. Others slipped through Southern ports like Macau due to tighter immigration laws in the mainland. Though Nanyang Chinese are considered Hans, the culture differs from the Northern Chinese. Just take a look at differences in the cuisine, language and values. Mandarin is an adopted language here, forced upon Singaporean Chinese as their Mother Tongue during the nation-building years. It’s sad to see fellow Singaporean Chinese forgetting their roots and confusing their heritage to the PRCs. Historically, waves of Southern Chinese have been settling around Southeast Asia for the last 1000 years, progressively becoming more worldly through the trading crosswinds of Southeast and Western corridors. Northern territories under jurisdiction of imperial and subsequently communist China restricted immigration, foreign media and systematically eradicated mainstream religions, ultimately propagating hero worship of Chairman Mao to that of a deity and indoctrinating a Sino-centric mindset. Why do you think most PRCs have a different moral compass or lack of and expect the same cultural allegiance from you? The evolution of both cultures took on very different paths. What Singaporeans should really beware of is cultural imperialism under the banner of economic sustainability. Why let PRCs patronise you in their native tongue and impose their nationalistic values on you? Have we not seen enough of how they impose on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang? Isn’t the Total Defence campaign about protecting the social heritage of Singapore too? I usually remind ‘speak-no-English’ and condescending PRCs that they are in Singapore by replying in my dialect. If the situation calls for, I reply in English and simply state it is the lingua franca (putonghua) in Singapore. If you are proud of your Singaporean heritage, it is your responsibility to protect it. Are you still counting on the government to protect it for you?

  100. anonymous said

    Maybe its time we return back this land to its rightful owner. The native people of this county which is…..

  101. electric vehicles for sale…

    […]Another PRC man after Sun Xu insults Singaporeans: You are not worth even a ‘fart’! « THE TEMASEK TIMES[…]…

  102. candy girlz said

    I rather have Hong Kong people or Taiwanese to come here to work, their working attitude is much more better PRC, they are more polite, when you going take MRT at Taiwan, you will know. Go back to China, please, you are a worm in Singapore, I know there are good PRC in Singapore, but nobody notice them, become they never act the way the rest of PRC do, suing people, bad mouth people, they realise that they are foreign in Singapore, they are look how we behavour and follow. Not do like they are still in China. So please, those who think they are still in China, just go back. This not China, we don’t hit and run, we can speak english, so go back if you can’t stand the people, because guess what, we don’t like you here as well.

  103. Jus send this to STOMP

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