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Another WP MP Pritam Singh accused of ‘copying’ the works of others in his parliamentary speech

Posted by temasektimes on March 7, 2012

Another Workers Party MP Pritam Singh has been accused by netizens for ‘copying’ the works of others after fellow party colleague Chen Show Mao was slammed for reproducing an article written by a ex-civil servant on his Facebook page without giving due credit.

In his recent speech in parliament dated 1 March 2012, Mr Pritam Singh highlighted the importance of having an Ombudsman in Singapore. The speech sounded coherent and rational except that the content seemed to be copied directly from an article published in a blog “groundnotes” on 23 September 2008 entitled “Time for an Ombudsman in Singapore.”

Mr Pritam Singh’s speech prompted Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean to remark in Parliament:

“I was doing some background research on the subject and I was struck by how remarkably similar Mr Pritam Singh’s speech is to a 23 September 2008 article on the Internet called “Time for an Ombudsman in Singapore”. Almost word for word.”

The uncanny similarities between the original article by ‘groundnotes’ and Mr Pritam Singh’s speech are highlighted by a netizen below:

[Source: Facebook]

The netizen added:

“Though I am writing this piece with some amusement, it is indeed disappointing and somewhat saddening to know that Singaporeans have opted for an opposition party, thinking that they can provide the check and balances on the government but in many occassions we are beginning to realise that it is the opposition party which need the same check and balance. We want out MPs to represent our voices, our problems, needs and aspirations in parliament but that does not mean that you completely lift off passages and ideas from someone else who has already done it or said it.”

As usual, there were no comments from Mr Pritam Singh on the controversy. Surely it doesn’t take much effort from Mr Singh or Mr Chen Show Mao to acknowledge the good work done by others in their parliamentary speeches and Facebook notes which is basic courtesy and decency to do so?



Related articles:

Chen Show Mao accused of plagiarism by netizens

5 Responses to “Another WP MP Pritam Singh accused of ‘copying’ the works of others in his parliamentary speech”

  1. John said

    For the record Pritam contacted me for permission to use some of my text. I told him to go ahead with my blessings. No acknowledgements were necessary. I am happy he found my thoughts useful. Lets keep our eyes on the bigger picture. – Groundnotes (

  2. 2wwilly said

    everybody copies everybody…where did our english vovabulary comes from the english alphabet…..who copies word for word from the “abcdefg….

  3. Temasek Times Lacks Credibility said

    The original author already gave permission to Pritam to use it. And you are picking bones by writing this article. Shouldn’t you have the decency to correct your article in light of this revelation? Or you are simply anti-WP?

  4. Tan Ah Hock said

    “I was doing some background research on the subject and I was struck by how remarkably similar Mr Pritam Singh’s speech is to a 23 September 2008 article on the Internet called “Time for an Ombudsman in Singapore”. Almost word for word.”

    A trap was unknowingly set and some dumb ass just step into it, how to trust such idiots to run the country.

    • octopi said

      How and why is this a trap? Why is it a bad thing that the Opposition co-opts the voice of the internet and brings it into parliament? Is that not what they were supposed to do? Why does the Opposition have to say something that nobody has said before in order to have credibility? Are they supposed to avoid saying things just because other people have said it before?

      Seriously, do people do their thinking before they criticise?

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