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Horny 22 year old Singaporean undergraduate stripped for porn video to ‘flaunt’ her body

Posted by temasektimes on March 20, 2012

A 22 year old undergraduate Singaporean girl was caught stripping online by her brother when he saw her porn videos by ‘accident’ and told his parents who sent her for ‘counselling’ subsequently.

According to inSing news, the girl had begun by uploading ordinary photos of herself on the internet which won praises from netizens egging her to reveal more:

“You’re so pretty, you must have a great figure too. Why not show it off?”

With her ego boosted by the words of encouragement, she began to strip and upload pornographic videos of herself on the internet.

The counseller discovered that the girl did so because she was craving for attention though she had done well both academically and in her co-corricular activities since her primary school days.

Despite the ‘counselling’, the girl remained recalcitrant and felt stripping online was very ‘fashionable’ and it was only right to show off her body – ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it’.

It is not known if she filmed the pornographic videos alone or with another person.

18 Responses to “Horny 22 year old Singaporean undergraduate stripped for porn video to ‘flaunt’ her body”

  1. Justsomebody. said

    What’s her name eh?

  2. watever said

    her brother is a moron , she did nothing wrong i don’t see, its her damn body.

  3. Elderly Couple said

    This is a case of being completely stressed out throughout life with academic achievements and then breaking down mentally when there is freedom. Ever wondered why when people suffering from a breakdown often remove all their clothes to set themselves free? Psychiatrists and psychologists should research on such behaviour in Singapore which has become rampant in our usually conservative country. Most kids are so stressed out that they can become more violent, or more withdrawn or seek avenues of sexual gratification.

  4. the said

    very disappointed as no link o porn video provided… sad…hiaz….

  5. She’s good, very good… how can I contact her? Best Man Win — BMW .kekekeke….

  6. Daniel said

    This girl needs to be sent to me for counselling. Immediately.

  7. VH2006 said

    “Got it”? How pathetic. Grow up, girl! By the way, you seem a bit anorexic and sickly.

  8. oldbandit said

    where the link?? where the other pics? Oh damn..

  9. Flaunt More Please said

    She is right. She does have a great body. That’s why she chose to strip. Aiyah c’mon la. She’s 22 not 12. If she chose to strip then so be it. She wasn’t forced into it. She was merely encouraged and it only took her mere words to do it.

  10. Boy Jones said

    yeahhh she’s 22 and she’s so proud of her body and wanto to share it 🙂

  11. Boy Jones said

    does anybody know where she upload the film ? 🙂

  12. Ron Lim said

    It will surface in those websites that are not censored. If she wants to show off herself, it is an open society. The images will be on Internet forever and may surface when she applies for her job, at her wedding, etc. She is an adult and knows what she is doing.

  13. lkl said

    pics or links to videos, or it did not happen

  14. Ray said

    how many times did the brother masturbate to her pictures?

  15. mate mat said

    this girl is a japanese model. Not a S’porean.

  16. Jack said

    The pic is fake, not sure if the story fabricated too?

    Mod’s reply:

    First reported by inSing news:

  17. din said

    is porn industry coming to Singapore? yeah!

  18. Dr Ken MANSUKHANI said

    Attractive Ferrari body! Mind blowing!

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