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15 year old teen contracted STDs from having sex with prostitutes in his home three times a week

Posted by temasektimes on May 3, 2012

The number of teenagers contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has increased steadily in recent years with more than one getting a sexually transmitted infection each day.

According to the latest figures from the Department of STI Control (DSC) Clinic show that, between 2006 and 2010, the number of STIs reported among 10- to 19-year-olds peaked at 829 in 2007. It has fallen since then, but the figure remains at close to two cases per day in 2010 (626 in total).

One teenager Jensen (not his real name) contracted gonorrhoea, a common STD when he was 15 years old. He reportedly paid to have sex with prostitutes up to three times a week in his home when his parents were away.

Besides prostitution, casual sex with strangers is also another culprit. A 22 year old NUS student Kelvin (not his real name) contracted HIV from having unprotected sex with gay men he came to know on the internet.

The easy availability of porn and sexual services on the internet may have fueled the prospering vice trade in Singapore, both legal and underground.

While prostitution is legal in Singapore in many brothels confined in red-light districts, many men still prefer to solicit the services of freelance prostitutes who market their services online either on their own or through pimps and social escort agencies.

Young girls are especially desired by men because of the misconception that it is ‘safer’ to have sex with them as they are more ‘fresh’. However, some girls in the vice trade have already ‘serviced’ many men like the underage prostitute involved in the online vice syndicate who had sex with 48 men 58 times in less than two years.

In spite of the recent police crackdown on having sex with underage prostitutes, a quick check on Singapore’s famous sex forum still shows many postings offering young babes for sex.


11 Responses to “15 year old teen contracted STDs from having sex with prostitutes in his home three times a week”

  1. Fish said

    “The easy availability of porn and sexual services on the internet may have fueled the prospering vice trade in Singapore, both legal and underground.”

    Can you please provide any evidence that the availability of pornography increases or encourages the use of prostitutes? Or is it a completely unjustified and unresearched claim?

    • AngryPyro said

      LOL come on doesn’t take lots of brain cell to to think the availability of pornography leads to or expose the use of prostitutes and one night stand ?? #YouDon’tSay

    • wtf said

      this is not a claim with the word may, duh

      • Fish said

        OK, it may not be a claim, but it is strongly insinuating that watching porn leads to buying prostitutes, without providing any evidence. This is poor journalism.

  2. Herp Durp said

    Actually this is nothing new. Before the wide spread online sites, IRC, hell, even you go clubbing you will get one night-stand if you know your way around girls.. Imho there is no cause of a panic here. Rather we should foucs on the topic of civil servents paid so highly, boasted as “incorruptible” are visiting this kind of site.

  3. Family Man said

    Are the authorities going to look for the prostitutes to charge them with underaged sex ? 😉

  4. John said

    Young girls thinking of going into the trade would be “encouraged” by the handling of the recent case as they would be “protected” by the law.

  5. hokkien peng said

    STD & HIV is caused by not practicing safe sex. Which is taught in every intelligent society, except here, which don’t allow the teaching of safe sex.

    It’s just a bunch of stupid people living with their heads in the sand, still thinking that promoting safe sex is a bad thing, while our youth suffers.

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