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PRC man request contact number of MP to seek help in applying for Singapore PR

Posted by temasektimes on April 12, 2012

A PRC man has posted a thread on the Lion City Forum asking for the contact number of a MP to seek his assistance in applying for Singapore PR.

The PRC man noted that he read on the same forum last year about a MP who has been ‘enthusiastically’ helping PRC nationals and he wants the MP to help him write a letter to support his PR application.

One fellow PRC netizen asked him to find out more from the nearby Community Club:

“Go to your constituency’s Community Club to find the date for your MP’s Meet-the-People’s session.”


The PRC man can consider seeking the help of Tampines GRC MP Irene Ng who has a stellar ‘track record’ of helping foreigners obtain Singapore PRs, one of whom is Indonesian Agusetiawarman who posted on her Facebook to thank her in person:

[Source: Irene Ng’s Facebook]

22 Responses to “PRC man request contact number of MP to seek help in applying for Singapore PR”

  1. In said

    Baey Yam Keng
    Tel: 67822177
    Fax: 67835648

    Your ever-friendly MP for FT.


  2. alamak said

    So this is how MPs these days create problems instead of solving them for us.
    Since when do applicants need an MP to write in (or is this a more tacit endorsement) on behalf of them to get residency?
    If a resident can’t even do a simple job of applying directly and must go through MPs doesn’t that tell you the quality of the residents/PRs already?
    How do you expect them to pass an entry immigrant test (if there is even one to begin with!) when they need to be spoon feed every step of the way?
    Isn’t this another indirect vote-pulling exercise by the incumbent ? Stop all that nonsense already…
    In PAP wards and grassroots – they should change their tagline to “Have Connections, Will Enter”.

  3. Singaporean said

  4. Jenny said

    Not surprise, irene ng is not a Singaporean herself. She don’t care about the country anyway.

  5. Disappointed Singaporean said

    A member of parliament is a representative of his/her voters, so is Mr. Agusetiawarman a voter?

    I suppose Tampines GRC is pro-foreigners given the recent antic by MP Baey and now this by MP Irene Ng.

  6. Sean said

    I only ask that Irene is helping true “talents” to obtain PR and not “trash”. If her motive is be a popular MP in order to get more votes in the next election, I will say drop this at once!!!

  7. fpc said

    this shows that they tell us one thing and do another (yet again)

  8. fpc said

    there was once right after the ge11, irene ng go around telling people she works hard for singaporeans and nobody knows how difficult her work is etc… now we know what she has been busy with as an mp… helping ft get pr…

    an ft who needs the mp to get pr, implied that he/she initially doesn’t have the abilities / qualities to meet pr in the first place. that’s talent?!

    so all the new rules on restriction on pr is just talk.

    what happens beneath is something else.

  9. Sonar said

    MPs should only help Singaporeans and PRs not foreigners.

  10. PRCsAreTrouble said

    Irene Ng, are you paid on commision basis, like a MLM, more members you ‘convert’, the more bonus and higher up the echelon.
    your colleague Baey is gonna ask you to “reflect”

  11. Lim Soh Khai said

    I don’t see anything wrong about an MP who helped.

    There are many Singaporeans who marry foreign wives and husbands.

    Each MP must ensure they help all Singaporeans irregardless of race, language or religion.

    It is right for someone to be thankful to those who has helped like what the guy did.

    Even as a taxi driver, i don’t see anyone thanking us.

    Singaporeans are being very rude, demanding and selfish these days.

    I hope MP Irene continues her good work!

    Sincerely Taxi Uncle Lim

  12. Handsome said

    TR has published a 2010 article zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. ethan said

    This was a very pretty old case. so i think TR ought to review their post abit…

  14. IUseMyBrainYouUseButtock said

    this one is such an old story liao, dun U all have any newer stories to report. veri boring de leh. irene ng explained b4 what, that guy’s married to a singaporean and they have kids who are singaporean, she was helping the singaporean wife. even if the singaporean wife go to an opposition mp they will help her to appeal also one wat. where got mp so powerful can give citizenship to anyone one, use buttock to think also know la. we should be happi that there’s such an mp who is willing to go all out for her residents. shame on you all.

    • Claire said

      It’s a shame cause people here don’t have proper brain cells to think.

      Mr Chiam has helped me in my appeals when i was staying in Wan Tho Avenue kudos to those MPs who have helped be it PAP or Oppositions!

  15. Richard said

    SDP Stop playing your biased report. In fact Low TK approved my friend’s Vietnam wife so why never give him mileage?

  16. Claire said

    Good that an mp who is willing to go all out for her residents. Definitely someone who has good values. Not Wayang.

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