News and views from an unique perspective

Archive for April 29th, 2012

Alleged underage prostitute to lodge police report over ‘mistaken identity’?

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

According to reliable sources, the girl accused of being the underage prostitute involved in a high profile sex with minor case is contemplating of lodging a police report to clear her name.

Since the saga first erupted, photos of the girl and many other innocent parties have been published on a notorious porn site known for its ‘gutter journalism’ and widely circulated on the internet despite a gag order imposed by the Singapore court against exposing her identity.

The girl claimed that her photos were unlawfully used by the online porn site without her permission and she has lodged police reports in the past. She has not come into the open to clear her name yet because she is worried of more unwanted and unnecessary publicity.

Meanwhile, the ongoing saga took another twist when one Australian blogger claimed to have hacked into the email account of the person who first sent the photos of the alleged underage prostitute to several news sites in Singapore and Malaysia including the porn site.

He added that he has traced the identity of the sender to an IP address in Singapore:

“For starters, I found the account that alerted the media and that pesky pseudo porn, totally unjournalistic website on the purported identity of “the witness”. Interesting to note that the originating IP for the account signup came from Singapore. You’ll have more info when I do.”

The porn site which has a history of defaming and maligning the wrong individuals, has promised to release more photos of the so-called underage prostitute in the coming days.


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Posted in News | 2 Comments »

PAP’s ‘online warrior’ Sear Hock Rong awarded ‘Youth Medal’

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

Controversial PAP ‘online warrior’ and grassroots leader Sear Hock Rong has been awarded the party’s ‘Youth Medal’ in recognition for his efforts in putting the PAP in cyberspace.

Mr Sear is one of the younger leaders of the PAP and is the Chairman of PAP Eunos branch. Two years ago, he was accused by netizens of using his position as a grassroots leader to benefit his business in funeral blankets, a charge which he denied strenuously.

In an interview with the PAP newsletter PETIR, Mr Sear recalled the ‘dark’ days:

“Support from family and friends helped me stay strong against allegations and attacks. They know what kind of person I am.”

After receiving the award from party Chairman Khaw Boon Wan, Mr Sear urged fellow PAP members to forge greater loyalty to the Party:

“Go out and have fun. Stick to facts and don’t take things to heart. On the internet, everyone is entitled to his views.”

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Angry Singaporean scolds PM Lee on Facebook: You SUCK!

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

Since Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong set up his personal Facebook page one week ago, it has been inundated by numerous complaints from ordinary Singaporeans as well as words of support and praises from the immigrants and foreigners who remain in ‘awe’ of the Singapore government.

While PM Lee has been updating his page frequently, he is unlikely to have time to read through the hundreds of comments posted by his fans and detractors unlike daily including this comment posted by a visibly angry Singaporean Edmund Khor today:

“PM Lee, I think you and your government has done a shitty job. Stagnant wages, escalating cost of living, overcrowding, crumbling transportation system, and the poor are stucked in a vicious cycle.”

Edmund Khor added that the quality of life for Singaporeans have deteriorated for the past few years:

“The quality of life for ordinary Singaporeans has deteriorated over the past 8 years since you took over the government. If you can’t improve the lives of Singaporeans, it is time to let someone else take over. You sucks.”

We manage to take a snapshot of Edmund’s post before it was deleted:

[Source: PM Lee’s Facebook]

As usual, there are no replies from PM Lee or his administrators. PM Lee has earlier pleaded for patience and support from netizens to solve the long-term problems besieging the nation:

“These are complex, long-term problems. My government is working hard on them. I ask for your patience and support to deal with them together, as one nation.”


Related articles:

PM Lee: Social media makes it difficult for government to work well

PM Lee thanked netizens for their support

Posted in News | 79 Comments »

Exposing the 6 major flaws in the PAP’s immigration policy

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

The twin issues of immigration and foreign workers have perpetually hogged the headlines since last year, an indication of how it has become a “national obsession” of Singaporeans.

Despite the ruling party’s fervent attempts to assuage rising resentment, frustration and anger on the ground, Singaporeans remain unconvinced by their reasoning that foreigners are “essential” to Singapore.

To be fair to the PAP, there is nothing fundamentally wrong in Singapore recruiting more foreigners to boost its declining birth rate – the root cause of the problem lies in the way the policies are implemented which takes into little consideration the possible long-term impact on the rest of the populace.

Three questions come to mind immediately:

1. Why do we need immigrants?

2. How many immigrants do we need?

3. Who are we targeting exactly?

The first question has been addressed many times by the PAP leaders and academics – being a small nation without any natural resources, human resource is our greatest asset.

Singapore’s birth rates has been declining to below the level needed to replace the population and if no measures are taken to rectify the situation, we will end up like Japan – an aging society with manifold repercussions for the nation.

Hence, we need immigrants to keep our population growing and to economy competitive.

Unfortunately, the PAP appeared to have implemented the policies too hastily under their ambitious plan to increase Singapore’s population to 6.5 million people while neglecting the other intangible consequences of immigration.

Six major flaws of the PAP’s immigration policies:

1. Too many, too soon:

Singapore has been accepting immigrants since the 1980s and 1990s from Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan without causing much discomfort to the local population.

This is because the immigrants have come in smaller numbers and are similar to Singaporeans in terms of culture, language and beliefs and have few problems assimilating into Singapore society.

The pace of immigration picked up when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong assumed office in 2003 and all of sudden the floodgates are opened to accept foreigners from all over the world especially China and India where the majority of the newcomers hail from.

In the span of less than 5 years, foreigners now make up 36 per cent of Singapore’s population, up from 14 per cent in 1990. Of the remaining 64 per cent who are citizens, a significant proportion are new immigrants born overseas.

Does Singapore really need to let so many foreigners into the country within such a short period of time?

In 2008 alone, there were over 90,000 PRs and 20,000 new citizens which is obviously stretching the nation’s infrastructure, such as public housing to accommodate all of them.

PM Lee now promised Singaporeans that the rate of immigration will be continued in a “measured and calibrated” manner. Is this a tacit admission that the uncontrolled influx of immigrants between the years 2003 – 2008 had been a mistake?

2. Inadequate infrastructure such as public housing to accommodate newcomers:

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that with so many foreigners flocking to study, work and live in Singapore, one needs to increase the number of public amenities and upgrade the infrastructure to accommodate them such as public housing.

According to HDB financial report 2008/2009, only slightly more than 11,000 new flats were built between the years 2006 – 2008 when there were over 90,000 PRs and 20,000 new citizens alone in 2008.

The lack of foresight on the part of HDB to plan beforehand to build more new flats to house the immigrants is appalling and its failure to do so has led to sky-rocketing HDB flat prices today.

Due to the lack of new flats, especially those in the prime districts, Singaporeans have to compete with PRs in the resale flats which resulted naturally in the rise of the prices of resale flats.

Public transport such as buses and MRTs are also poorly prepared for the increase in population as evidenced by the packed buses and trains every morning.

3. Targeting the wrong people:

Singapore should be targeting foreigners who can add value to Singapore and not open its doors indiscriminately to every Tom, Dick or Harry.

Mainland China is one important source of immigrants for Singapore, but we are not getting their cream of the crop.

According to a Gallup poll done in July 2009 among Chinese college students, their top emigration destination is the United States, followed by France and South Korea. Singapore isn’t even featured among the top five.

Why isn’t Singapore attracting the best Chinese talents? Instead of examining the cause, we settle for their “lesser talents”, many of whom are uncouth peasants from the poorer inland provinces.

What Singapore is getting are not first class talents but economic migrants who cannot survive in their own countries and they are now competing with Singaporeans for limited jobs because they cost much less.

China is vast country with 23 provinces and more than 1 billion people of various races and religions.

The ethnic Chinese in Singapore come mostly from the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian.

Singapore should be focusing on luring prospective migrants from these two provinces instead of allowing Chinese from all across the mainland to come here.

As they share the same dialect and culture as local Chinese, they will have fewer problems integrating into Singapore society as compared to Chinese from far-flung inland provinces who come from a completely alien world altogether.

4. Ease of getting PR and citizenship:

Unlike countries, getting a PR and citizenship in Singapore is incredibly easy without any major restrictions.

Most developed countries like Australia, Canada and U.K set an English proficiency test for immigrants and only those who pass the test are able to work and live there.

In Australia, one has to live there three out of a period of five years before they are eligible to become PRs.

However in Singapore, the newcomers are “fast-tracked” to become PRs and citizens without first familiarizing themselves with the country first and spending adequate time to make the decision.

A Chinese national and Singapore PR Zhang Yuanyuan who worked as a teacher in a private institution in Singapore revealed to the media that she became a PR within 2 months of application.

Even construction workers, cleaners, masseurs and prostitutes are able to lay their lands on a Singapore PR, the stepping stone for citizenship.

According to the Home Affairs Ministry, two out of every three PR applicants are successful, an astonishingly high success rate for a first world country.

Because citizenships are given out too soon to foreigners, there is insufficient time for both parties to assess if they are really “compatible” with each other.

5. Lack of a comprehensive plan to integrate the newcomers:

Due to the large number of unsuitable migrants who are given citizenships too soon, we now end up with the problem of having to integrate them.

Again, the ruling party did not come up with a comprehensive plan to integrate the newcomers when they embarked on their ambitious plan to increase Singapore’s population via immigration way back in 2003.

It is now very difficult to integrate those who are already in Singapore because they have come in such big numbers that they tend to congregate within their own communities than to reach out to the rest of Singapore.

We are already seeing ethnic “enclaves” emerging in different parts of Singapore such as the Chinese in Geylang, Indians in Punggol and Filipinos in Tampines.

Furthermore, as they share few similarities with the Chinese, Malays and Indians though they may be of the same race, it is near impossible to expect them to assimilate into our society any time soon.

As usual, the ruling party comes up with a grandiose $10 million Community Integration Fund to throw money at the problem.

How does organizing tea parties, community events and free language courses help to “integrate” the immigrants into Singapore is anybody’s guess when they should have done their homework first before opening the floodgates to immigration.

They will simply turn up for the free food and goodies before return to their own cliques as before – do you call this “integration”?

6. Neglect of native Singaporeans:

The key reason why many Singaporeans are so vehemently against the ruling party’s immigration policies is because they feel they are not getting a fair deal as citizens from the elected government of the day.

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said the government cannot “shield” Singaporeans from competition, but they are the ones who forced Singaporeans to compete with foreigners on unequal terms.

Firstly, the Singapore male is already disadvantaged by having to spend 4 weeks away from work annually due to reservist obligations.

Secondly, there is no way Singaporeans can compete with foreigners in terms of cost because they do not have a family here and they can easily support them back home with their meager pay earned in Singapore.

While in the past only extremely qualified professionals and blue collar workers in sectors shunned by Singaporeans are allowed into Singapore, we are now seeing an increasing number of semi-skilled foreigners on S-passes and these are the group of foreigners who are competing with locals for jobs and depressing their wages in the process.

To exacerbate the situation, there is a dearth of social welfare benefits for Singapore citizens who have to depend entirely on their CPF and medisave for retirement and medical expenses.

CPF is proving to be grossly inadequate to support Singaporeans through their twilight years and many have to continue working just to feed themselves and their families.

With so many grouses bottled up inside, it is only natural to expect Singaporeans to blame foreigners for their woes, whether rightly or wrongly.

Had the ruling party taken the necessary measures to ensure that Singaporeans are well taken care of first before they let the foreigners in, there will not be so much anger against them now.


Instead of focusing solely on the benefits of immigration, which is namely to sustain the population and economy, the government should look at the entire problem from a holistic perspective.

Immigration has its pros and cons. We must evaluate the potential problems bring about by uncontrolled immigration first before deciding on the number of immigrants to accept each year.


Note: This article was first published in the old Temasek Review in March 2010

Posted in Commentary, Opinion | 19 Comments »

PRC new citizen volunteered for NS and is now a prominent grassroots leader

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

With rising discontentment and disenchantment among native Singaporeans at the government’s immigration policies which are deemed to benefit foreigners at the expense of locals, the state media has gone on a propaganda drive to promote ‘exemplary’ immigrants such as PRC new citizen Han Dong.

Mr Han came to Singapore when he was six from China’s Hebei province. He signed up for National Service (NS) voluntarily when he was a Permanent Resident as he felt that it was the “natural thing to do”.

Now a Singapore new citizen, he was also involved in the PAP grassroots work and is now the Vice-Chairman of Sembawang Youth Executive Council and member of the Sembawang Zone ‘B’ Residents’ Committee, the ‘breeding ground’ of future PAP MPs.

About 20 percent of grassroots leaders are now new citizens and PRs and their number is set to grow in the coming years.

All grassroots organizations in Singapore are controlled directly by the People’s Association, a ‘non-partisan’ statutory board headed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Immigrants tend to vote for the government which grants them their citizenship as shown by the 2011 U.K elections where about 80 percents of British immigrants voted for the Labor Party.

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Proposed online code of conduct for PAP ministers and MPs

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

1. Please do not hide behind your administrators. This is very misleading and irresponsible, especially when your account is under your name.

2. Please do not delete negative comments on your wall. Remember that we too have to put up with what you say, whether we like it or not. It is only fair that you reciprocate.

3. Please at least attempt to hold a conversation. It just does not make sense to get on social media to be anti-social.

4. Please try to reply to legitimate questions posed to you. Ignoring people is also very rude on the internet.

5. Please do not insult and make accusations at fellow online users. Saying that we are shadowy, subversive rumour-mongers who produce chaff isn’t very nice.

6. Please do not resort to lawsuits. Again – play nice!

7. Lastly, but not the least, do not use the police to harass bloggers – they have better things to do!


*The above is first posted as a comment here.


Posted in Commentary, Opinion | 8 Comments »

PAP MP Edwin Tong accused of showing ‘sour’ face to homeless resident seeking his help to get rental flat

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

Singapore may boast of having one of the highest home ownership in the world, but there are still some homeless Singaporeans who are unable to get a flat of their own.

However, when one homeless Singaporean William approached his MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC Edwin Tong (pic left, source: Facebook) for help, he was shown a ‘sour’ face and was turned away.

Disappointed and frustrated by the response of his MP, William posted a comment on the Workers Party’s Facebook page to vent his anger:

“When it is my turn to see him at 10pm regarding about HDB matters for a second time, his face immediately turn SOUR and seen very reluctant (corrected) to help ordinary people like me to get a rental HDB flat who is at a stage of being homeless.”

He asked if he has to go to Sembawang GRC to seek the help of National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan in person since his own MP refused to help him, adding that some MPs are very ‘hypocritical’:

“At election time, they promise you if they get elected, they will do this for you but as for me, it turn out to be empty promises…Some MPs I must say it is very amazing that in Singapore who make no contributions at all to the well-being of their fellow constituents”

There are no response from the Workers Party to Mr William’s post. Both Mr William and Mr Tong did not reply to our queries on the incident at the publication of this article.

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Filipinos FTs worried about rampant ‘anti-pinoy’ sentiments in Singapore

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

The recent outpouring of anti-pinoy comments by Singaporeans in cyberspace following a series of controversies involving Filipinos in Singapore has led to some Filipino FTs to express their concerns at the seemingly rampant ‘anti-pinoy’ sentiments in Singapore.

One Pinoy netizen ‘dazen’ started a thread in the popular forum saying that he is feeling uncomfortable with the situation on the ground:

“I’m starting to get uncomfortable on the current situation now in SG regarding pinoy FT. sometime ago locals are only venting their frustrations to PRC and Indians. but now pinoy are on their hit list as one of the race they think are pest and trash.”


His views were shared by some fellow Filipinos who urge their compatriots to keep a ‘low profile’ in Singapore and not add ‘fuel’ to the already volatile situation.

“fartfart” implored Filipinos to blend well with Singaporeans:

“I suggest that we refrain from supplying fuel to the fire and continue striving to be good if not better settlers of this foreign land. keeping quiet may not extinguish the fire but at least combining it with obedience and respect to the laws of singapore, doing what is best at work and blending well with the locals will somehow put these issues to rest.”

“jinalvarez” asked the not so talented FTs to realize their place in Singapore:

“These sentiments did not just suddenly appear. Two decades ago, pinoys were highly regarded here up there with the Japanese expats , for their skillset and experience they brought here. What has changed? Lots, I’d say….. We cant change the mindsets of the idiots who look at every FT with disdain, but at the same time it is good for some of the not so talented FTs to actually realise their place and and not to be so arrogant………… “

Despite repeated exhortations by government leaders to Singaporeans to welcome foreigners, the gulf between the two is widening with each passing day as too many foreigners have been brought into the country within too short a period of time for them to assimilate well into local society.



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Indian Singaporean complains about PRC service staff at Singtel

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

I once waited in a queue at Singtel almost close to an hour to make some enquiries. When it came to my turn all the service staff (who happened to be from PRC) at the counter could tell me was “I no no English”!

I was mad. I waited for almost 1 bloody hour only to be told that I cannot be served just because she cannot speak our common language, English? I shouted at her to get me someone who can speak English. Another service staff, a filipino, came running and took over from the non-English speaking PRC idiot. I was served.

Will I be learning Mandarin so that I’d be better served in the future? No way! Why should I? I’m a Singaporean and served 2.5 years in the SAF. I am an Indian Singaporean whose mother tongue is Tamil. I’d rather learn another Indian language like Hindi or Malayalam if I’ve to learn another language. If there are anyone who should learn another language, the PRCs here should be learning English as Singapore is not China.

Why should we give in to these PRCs to learn their language so that they may better serve us? If they can’t speak English, just embarass them and give it to them, left, right and centre and never never ever take it from them lying down and accept bad service just because they had the audacity to not learn our common language, English!


Posted in Letters | 58 Comments »

Chan Chun Sing urges netizens to shape ‘norm’ of online behavior

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

The online community has to self-moderate itself and come up with an acceptable code of conduct acceptable to all, said Minister of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Chan Chun Sing.

Speaking at the annual dialogue for the Community Engagement Programme, a national social cohesion and crisis response network., Mr Chan reminded the audience that social media is a double-edge sword and could lead to division in the nation.

“If we believe that the majority of Singaporeans are rational and calm in our responses, then surely this will be reflected in the way we relate to each other, be it on the social media space or mainstream media…At the end of the day, you can’t have one set of rules being imposed on a community, if the community does not own that set of rules,”he said.

Mr Chan added he hopes netizens will come forward to collectively shape the norms of online behaviour that are acceptable for Singaporeans.

Previous attempts by the government to control the internet has been an abject failure despite occasional arrests and conviction of ‘wayward’ netizens to ‘kill one chicken to scare the monkeys.’

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