News and views from an unique perspective

Singaporean in Australia: I am happy I need not serve Singapore anymore!

Posted by temasektimes on May 5, 2012

I am a Singaporean working abroad for the last three years. One of my trips back on board SQ, I was sitting beside an elderly western European couple. Our friendly chat brought about the usual “where are you from?” I told them Singapore and they had nothing but praises for our national carrier.

The conversation led on to their frequent visits to our country en route to Australia, whenever they make a trip down under. They asked “where were you educated? As you English is very good.” I found this question strange and unsure where it will lead to.

“I was fully educated in Singapore”, and I told them our education was all in English.

The next thing I heard from them :” when we visited 10 , 15 years back everyone there was like you and we were pleasantly surprise at how easy it is during our stopover, everyone was accommodating and friendly. But during our last trip back (4yrs ago), we found it strange And more difficult in terms of communication and the level of service declined.”

“Were they asian?”

“Yes, Chinese, just like you!”

I had to defend and told them they were probably immigrants from china, I am Chinese but I am fourth generation Singaporean, so I rather not be associated with my ethnicity, but my nationality. Probably it was the beer served with my meal, or just the general sentiment as it was election year, and change could have happened but didn’t, I let it rip.

I let loose on how our red passport, once considered a symbol of national pride, is now easily obtainable and cheap. How I would trade it for any other passport right now from a country who actually treats their citizens right. How I managed to get out of the ‘wheel’ of the Singapore lifestyle (work eat sleep bills, work eat sleep bills) and would try never to return. How I was happy I need not serve my country anymore, but 15 years ago I was actually contemplating making it a career.

Thank God and my senses for not being stupid. I further elaborated on how the poor are not adequately taken care of, the old are made to work till they are 70-80, and special needs are not given any needs, so to speak. I explained how education is like in Singapore, they cannot fanthom how governments can give free tertiary education to foreigners but citizens have to pay. They were shocked when I mentioned the concept of COE and ERP. The list goes on, it made the 15hr flight a breeZe.

I’m not a management expert, but I remember Maslows hierarchy of needs, and how every level of that hierarchy has to be filled, for someone to be happy.

Our government has failed to satisfy these needs to 40% of Singaporeans. Like a cat, once its owner is unable to provide something for its well being, it will leave and not come back. There are many friends who already left and there are tons more hoping to get out of the little red dot we once were proud of.

Only 60% are happy? ( so says the polls) that’s a fail if you ask me, for a government so hyped up on GPA and grades, scoring a 60% is a fail. The incumbent has propbably never even given a scholarship applicant a chance seeing that their grades are on average 60%, how can they even think of patting themselves on the back, let alone increase their own wages. I think Singaporeans should not even given them a chance.

*The above is first posted as a comment here.

61 Responses to “Singaporean in Australia: I am happy I need not serve Singapore anymore!”

  1. "F..." to PAP & LHL said

    Accurately pointed out “I explained how education is like in Singapore, they cannot fanthom how governments can give free tertiary education to foreigners but citizens have to pay”.

    Singaporeans are squeezed out of to overseas universities in place of foreigners. AS OVERSEAS TERTIARY EDUCATION COMES WITH A HEAVY PRICE. Some average-income Singaporeans have to resort to selling their house just to support their children’s overseas education. Thus, depleting their entire saving meant for old-age. Furthermore CPF fund is not allowed to be used for overseas education. This kind of unfair treatment towards citizens are not found elsewhere except Chinapore.

    • Henry said

      This is a very sore point. In the pursuit to meet KPIs, we have inevitably given scholarships to very talented overseas undergraduates, so that our universities collect the statistics at the expense of the locals. Most foreign students return home shortly after graduation, and the locals have to fill the gap. Sigh!

      • Singapore Chinese said

        Our government value foreign students on full scholarship more than the Singaporean students who seriously need financial help.

  2. evil said

    if got money i will left singapore, and they dun ever take care of singapore haiz…

  3. Blood suckers said

    But they had already done so. And With support of 60% daft ones.

  4. undersiege deltasierra said

    Story kinda of fake. Believe its made up.
    Firstly title is Singaporean in Australia, then writer goes on to say ‘One of my trips back’ ……………towards the end the writer states …………………………’.made the 15hrs flight a breeze’…………… which is ridiculous cos each route is only about 8hrs+ FROM Australia and 6hrs + TO Australia (from/to Singapore respectively).
    Other than this the rest of the story seems reasonable..

  5. Family Man said

    LOL…. Singaporeans are migrating out while 3rd world country migrants are coming in and our govt dare call them telent.

    • spotlessleopard said

      No wyou understand why productivity has fallen and Singapore has the highest INCOME DISPARITY among 30 top nations…..The PAP Leaders should be throughly ashamed of themselves for taking in the World Highest Salaries….shame shame shame.

  6. Chong Siow said

    I’ve never really watched an epic movie about a cat that lived for more than himself.
    Honestly, pussy cats make for poor role models.

    “I am happy I need not serve Singapore anymore!”

    I’m happy you are happy. Stay there and be happy.
    Happiness is good for those who are too weak to love anything beyond themselves.

    And that’s all you’ll get to be, not courageous, not persistence, just… happy.

    • maryanne76 said

      ‘Happiness is good for those who are too weak to love anything beyond themselves’, you say???

      Gosh. What a twisted person you are.

      • G M said

        Misery loves company. Sour grapes fella wants all S’poreans to be stuck here with him.

    • maryanne76 said

      “Happiness is good for those who are too weak to love anything beyond themselves”??

      Gosh. You’ve gotta be quite a twisted and miserable person to make that sort of remark.I wish you well.

      • Chong Siow said

        Heard you the first time.
        : )

        I think folks who prize happiness over their fellow man, their community and their planet are terribly shallow.

        Twisted and miserable for thinking so?

        Go read up the pursuits of happiness on Wall Street leading up to the 2008 crash.

    • proudtobesingaporean said

      well said.

  7. Henry said

    Hand on heart. We must have faith in our Dear Country. The country belongs to all of us (Singaporeans), not just a handful who run around doing things their own way. Let’s all step up and do our part to put things right. I am hopeful.

  8. I am one of those many young people out there like the commentator on Temasek Times[Link] above who have grown disillusioned of Singapore and wanting to emigrate out of here. Like him, I always go to explain at great lengths of how Singapore is really like to curious foreigners over a chat. My girlfriend is a S-pass holder and she totally agrees with what I’ve said about Singapore’s system and the sorry state of affairs here and how we will suffer like the rest with a government who takes their citizens for granted. We intend to get married this year but family planning or baby making is a no-no until we settled down in either Sans Franscisco(her cousin’s family is there already) or Auckland(my preference). I am currently getting my engineering degree and working full time to save up a modest fund by 2014 when I graduated.

    My current job as an engineer in a specialized trade is in the long term skill shortage list for immigration[Link], and what attracted me is they are paying 2 to 3 times higher than what I’m getting here in Singapore. In Singapore, my trade is in high demand, but apparently the Singapore employers wants to have their cake and eat it too. They resorted to hiring cheap foreign engineers and expected the existing engineers to train them, which is impossible without the necessary qualifications in knowledge. These foreign engineers have a engineering degree…but they are at best technician-quality and not engineers who innovate solutions and manage a team. The main reason why productivity is falling especially in my trade is because they hardly think about plausible solutions or simply just talk…perhaps talking is strenuous as their communication skills are poor, probably thinking too as their mindset are unfortunately very much framed up. There are enough frustrations working with low quality foreigners in our midst and I don’t see why I should put up working with them learning nothing new and always teaching, and if I want to teach, I might as well go back to be a A-Maths tutor like during my National Slavery days where I could easily earn more doing it full time today than what I could get now.

    In countries like New Zealand, they have a sound social safety net and their society’s order and economic indicators would never become as polarized and extreme like Singapore’s. Why? Simply because their governance is built on the choice of the people, and this is democracy I’m talking about. The citizens will moderate the country’s system with opposing forces always resonating among themselves to attract the majority’s support. But in Singapore, all of us have to listen to the PAP because the Opposition is kept very weak. There are no adaptations of any logical proposals that doesn’t run align with PAP’s political inclinations and the PAP will simply dismiss them as populist or radical(this choice of word by the PAP is a scare tactic…radical…oh my…could be a terrorist’s idea…like the wage shock therapy from Dr Lim Chong Yah). With PAP grassroot leaders and the mainstream media always currying favors by presenting skewed ground sentiments to their MPs and Ministers, Singaporeans ended up voiceless and policies become disconnected with reality. Look no further than at Lee Hsien Loong’s facebook. That is the breeding ground of radical PAP extremists. There are thousands of cult-like responses supporting the PAP and they would attack any anti-PAP sentiments or have the moderator deleting them like this[Link]. I sometimes wonder if I served National Slavery to protect these disgusting people, and there is 60% like them in Singapore.

    My decision to leave Singapore is more motivated by the push factors that are largely disappointments of Singapore’s system than the pull factors of retirement and family-friendly environments in New Zealand and US. Singapore is my home, I love Singapore especially when I grew up during the golden years that is the 1990s. I would like my children to grow up in the 1990s Singapore the way I did but that is no longer possible here. On my conscience level, at least I have decided to leave Singapore with a fight(that is to partake in the Opposition). I fought, I lost and now I’m gone because my family come first. People around me are telling me to stick for 2016 Elections and I told them I am not going to waste my youth here and I am telling my friends to leave as well, for my very last struggle with the PAP is to deny them the very young people they need to sustain their political dominance.

    • Henry said

      The Singaporean competency is in blaming. Some the MRT trains fail, blame SMRT, blame LTA … but have we not forgotten that we spent the past 5-6 years spending money to lure marketing and advertising revenue instead of maintenance costs.Then we complain about MRT losing money and raise fares. But then again, look at the huge profits SMRT is making, but they say it is not the same basket – then I say the management team has been distratced; they spend too much time on the celebation parties on advertising revenue, and neglected the maintenance engineering … alas!

      • said

        so who’s fault is that? the commuters? your comments are so confusing.
        so if the operators are at fault, and from wat you had mentioned, we should not blame them. then blame who? shut up and self reflect why are we even taking the mrt? crap.

  9. Singapore Chinese said

    Hope the government can reinstate the original state of Singapore 15 years ago. I dislike the Singapore today. As Singaporean, I feel like a foreigner in my own country.

    • JK said

      I totally agree with you. Could you believe it, I was being treated as ‘second class’ customer when I bought a turkey for Christmas from a hotel with Filipino service staff cos I’m Chinese! No wonder the overall service level had dropped, ever wonder why? Foreigners puzzled why the people here providing service can’t understand English or try too hard to ‘slang’ their English when it sounded awful. Sigh!
      I’m like many, deciding to stay or to leave. I felt like a stranger in my own country and space are running out. I fear for the future of my children and I do wonder with such ‘high’ education system chasing after grades, children nowadays have no childhood. Most of their time are spend on tuition. Is this really a holistic approach in developing and grooming the future generation? Does top grades guarantee a bright future? I question myself, I’ve no answer. Some may differ but for those who have their fair share in living in another country or recieved an education overseas, I’m sure you may see my point.

  10. 3rd world said

    singapore is becoming more and more 3rd world in service standards.

    • proudtobesingaporean said

      i m guessing u have not gone to a real 3rd world country. try living in the ghettos in south africa before making that statement.

      • jay said

        Try living in a war region in west Darfur before making that statement too! Trust me, I’m still working there.

      • said

        he said becoming more and more. he is not saying now. which part of that do the both of you not understand? read first before comment. two motherfuckers again. and its you again. proud? i will laugh the day you find yourself jobless by your masters’ policies. then you will find yourself alone and last thing you will do. jump down from a fxxking expensive hdb flat. stupid crap.

  11. a9fc said

    I agree with everything except COE and ERP.

    Don’t forget, Singapore’s not the size of Australia. You’ll destroy our driving/transport experience with that short sighted bs.

    But yea, it’s ridiculous how we have to pay for tiertiary education when foreigners get it for FREE. When I found out about that and how they are also giving all away fully paid ‘scholarships’ to the Chinese by actively recruiting them, I felt like giving LHL a goodamn punch in his useless face.

    • ISA said

      He was appointed by his dad to be the Prime Minister. Do not offend LKY or you will be sorry. Do not forget, our Internal Security Act (ISA) is still in full force.

      • Hsien Liao La said

        appointed? anointed more like it.

      • said

        then i guess it will be better that isa starts locking up all the anti-pap voices now before more harm is done. and they really need a damn big prison cell now. maybe locking us up in jb is a more feasible idea? pple like you exist and you shld be ashamed of the education that you have had. oh but wait. you are pap ass lickers. so no wonder you are so afraid of the isa act. idiotic sinful ass licker.

  12. singaporeson said

    pap and their ministers are motherfucking bastards. Only GOD can deal with them.x`

  13. Manegie at FareMount Hospice said

    the elderly couple must be feeling sore for telling you about how good singapore is.. lol..
    15hrs flight and they can’t enjoy the movies or have a good nap..

  14. Rafiet said

    You got e sentiments exactly right!
    I’m in Australia for a month now and i dun think i wish to go back singapore to live ever

    • proudtobesingaporean said

      yeah dont go back. we r glad u arent coming back. 🙂

      • Rafiet said

        Piss of u wanker.. Are u on a fully paid lifestyle living in singapore or somethink?? My parents have no money to retire on..all 4 kids have to help them financially each month even though they are not big spender during their whole lives! And i choose to come back when i feel like an FT perhaps.. So “ur types” can suck up to me! Haha

      • said

        not we. just you motherfucker. just you. rot in hell crap.

  15. KempeitaiTransLEEtors said

    The rotten Woody Go C0ck Tong would call you Aussie-PR defactors a ‘quitter’. We call you the brave Singaporean!
    The thousands of Aussie-PR (from Singapore) in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney are the heroes of Singapore. Just be careful not to let the Aussie white-supremacists snuff-out their cigs on your face, stuff their tampoon up your nose. and call you a ‘chink’, because they may mistaken SInkies as PRCs.

  16. espacedechange said

    So you are saying you are a cat? Be glad that you grew up and benefitted from the education system in Singapore and hence that’s the reason why you are able to survive abroad. That blaming on foreigners alone ain’t going to help. Cast your sights abroad and you know how mobile people are these days. It’s not just in Singapore but most large cities host expats and foreigners who are looking for better lives in those places. What makes you think that your being a xenophobe against Mainland Chinese people will lead you to success in a foreign land of English speaking white people? And say, if China or India really becomes unparalled one day, you are going to ride on your moral high horse again and cast nonsensical perspectives on white immigrants on this island? How immature. You said 40% of people ain’t happy. Happy in what sense? Stay in a bungalow, own a BMW? Be glad that most people here have a roof over their heads. Fucking unemployment rate is just below 3% VS some fucked up European countries I wouldn’t bother naming whose unemployment rates hover between 10 and 20 percent. I do admit that this government does have imperfections. Which government doesn’t? And naysayers, I wouldn’t be surprised if you bring in the topic about high ministerial wages of this country. Then again, if you want success, you fuckin’ strive to earn it yourself. I don’t believe that the ‘quitter’ mentality of this sort (just because the going gets tough) will lead you to greater heights.

    • Ninkompop said

      wait till u loose your job. I would like to see if you will still say the same things then. In the meantime, you can continue to be a lackey to the PAPies.

      • Chia Zong Hua said

        oh worry not, I can’t loOse my job. anyway, sad to say, I ain’t a fervent supporter of the PAP. I am making remarks about loving the country as a whole. If you leave any system that is riddled with imperfections instead of looking at making changes to improve it, I think it’s very hard for you to survive in this ever-changing world.

    • G M said

      How brainwashed are you? U believe the unemployment stats?

      I hope yr kids live to pay for yr remarks 🙂

      • durianking said

        Let’s hope his kids will not be as daft as him 🙂

      • Chia Zong Hua said

        hahaha you guys make judgments just like that, at the blink of an eye. I wonder… anyway, brainwash is a word too strong to be used, if you don’t believe the stats here, what makes you believe the stats overseas? You remark per se spells out how childish and uneducated you are. A creative man doesn’t think or answer like that. Period.

  17. Chia Zong Hua said

    So you are saying you are a cat? Be glad that you grew up and benefitted from the education system in Singapore and hence that’s the reason why you are able to survive abroad. That blaming on foreigners alone ain’t going to help. Cast your sights abroad and you know how mobile people are these days. It’s not just in Singapore but most large cities host expats and foreigners who are looking for better lives in those places. What makes you think that your being a xenophobe against Mainland Chinese people will lead you to success in a foreign land of English speaking white people? And say, if China or India really becomes unparalled one day, you are going to ride on your moral high horse again and cast nonsensical perspectives on white immigrants on this island? How immature. You said 40% of people ain’t happy. Happy in what sense? Stay in a bungalow, own a BMW? Be glad that most people here have a roof over their heads. Fucking unemployment rate is just below 3% VS some fucked up European countries I wouldn’t bother naming whose unemployment rates hover between 10 and 20 percent. I do admit that this government does have imperfections. Which government doesn’t? And naysayers, I wouldn’t be surprised if you bring in the topic about high ministerial wages of this country. Then again, if you want success, you fuckin’ strive to earn it yourself. I don’t believe that the ‘quitter’ mentality of this sort (just because the going gets tough) will lead you to greater heights.

  18. Ron said

    Sad. National Day is coming and the Pledge will be recited. But how many really want to do so and really believe in it? Reading this and other blogs, I sense there is a rising tide of frustration and anger. Where will it lead to? 2016 is being chanted even this early. It is an early warning as to what may occur.

    And when that fateful day comes, it will just mean more uncertainties ahead. Sad.

  19. Magos Biologis said

    “How I would trade it for any other passport right now from a country who actually treats their citizens right.”

    It is you who cheapen Singapore’s name worse than any foreigner can ever hope to

  20. SG said

    I hope another DEPRESSION happens . Then the FT’s all will leave & we can start all over again .

  21. Jeb said

    @ SG said..

    maybe another SARS where only foreigners get it..the recent HFMD outbreak is definitely caused by unhygenic FT teachers & helpers at the childcare’s to employing them wholesale without first checking their medical & health status

  22. Ed said

    I am with you friend. Left the country a while back and now having the time of my life.

  23. Foo Sey Thong said

    Dear forth generation Singaporean: You are happy because you found what you wanted in other country, you have the ability to do so, what about your brothers & sisters, what about all your fellow Singapore citizen? Can they all be like you? After so many years of ruin, brain wash; how many are able to or has the courage to venture out? Guess many of us are still loyal & patriotic Singaporeans or rather have no choice, many of us have family to feed, old age parents to take care of, just have to sollow the bitter pills.
    If one really care, should stay and fight, contribute to the society that has brought you up.

    • Chia Zong Hua said

      Dear Mr Foo, right, I agree with you and I’m a fourth gen Singaporean. I think Singaporeans ought to learn about their history to know how hard it was to bring this city-state to what it is now.

  24. russell said

    at times i usually request (or demand, depends on the situation) to speak to a Singaporean, especially when communicating via phone.Be it M1, Starhub or SingTel. At work, i usually would request for the duty officer on duty, instead of explaining it to the new foreign staff. I wont waste by breath and time……

    • Shane said

      Russell, sadly speaking to a duty officer or duty manager only works with call centers. Try requesting for that in any fast food joint and you’ll be directed towards another ft that’s dressed slightly smarter. Gone are the days of local managers in McD, Kfc, Bk, etc…

  25. madsinkie said

    NS is chasing away the real talents and bringing in fake talents that have no passion in anything and have nothing against wasting away 2 years of their youth in SAF.

  26. wong Mun Yong said

    In a way I am in agreement with the person who is so unhappy with singapore – it is true we take care of the foreign better thanour locals – imagine the MIC that called us DOGS and yet we have a BAEY who tells us to reflect on ourselves – you eally think this type of folks that we spend our national resources to feed , educate and give them wonderful opportunities will be grteful and stay to return what they have benefited to thjis country ? I am one of those that is working in my old age to pay for my son’s overseas education so that he can have a better chance because in SGP they prefer to give the opportunity to foreign imports . Lets face it if these so call foreign talents are so great will their own country not be the first to entice them and sponsor them to ivory league universities and keep them – so because they are not so great but Singapore unfortunately looks to them like prized catch . they will just dispppear after they got their free education !

  27. spotlessleopard said

    All my children are off voting age. … and 2 have already packed up their bags and left…3 more are leaving as soon as they are able to…..

    My family will hand this God Forsaken place to the so called Foreign Talents this PAP Government have imported with such callousnous….good luck to PAP and their supporters..

  28. Burn said

    I done my NS, I’ve completed all my reservist and I vote with my conscience in 2011 GE before I migrated over to Australia for good.. Guess I don’t owe Singapore anymore now..

    • said

      nope singapore owes you everything. stay there and watch how we 40% are being fxxked by the 60%. and how singapore rot in hell.

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