News and views from an unique perspective

Indian Singaporean complains about PRC service staff at Singtel

Posted by temasektimes on April 29, 2012

I once waited in a queue at Singtel almost close to an hour to make some enquiries. When it came to my turn all the service staff (who happened to be from PRC) at the counter could tell me was “I no no English”!

I was mad. I waited for almost 1 bloody hour only to be told that I cannot be served just because she cannot speak our common language, English? I shouted at her to get me someone who can speak English. Another service staff, a filipino, came running and took over from the non-English speaking PRC idiot. I was served.

Will I be learning Mandarin so that I’d be better served in the future? No way! Why should I? I’m a Singaporean and served 2.5 years in the SAF. I am an Indian Singaporean whose mother tongue is Tamil. I’d rather learn another Indian language like Hindi or Malayalam if I’ve to learn another language. If there are anyone who should learn another language, the PRCs here should be learning English as Singapore is not China.

Why should we give in to these PRCs to learn their language so that they may better serve us? If they can’t speak English, just embarass them and give it to them, left, right and centre and never never ever take it from them lying down and accept bad service just because they had the audacity to not learn our common language, English!


58 Responses to “Indian Singaporean complains about PRC service staff at Singtel”

  1. Wally said

    This is ridiculous.

    Why don’t these morons recognise that this country is Singapore and not China.

    English is our working language.

    No wonder English speaking tourists are avoiding Singapore and going elsewhere in the region.

    Only pimps and prostitutes are coming to Singapore these days.

    • taytum2 said

      a word of english and yet deployed these prc’s at the front to agonised their customers (i wonder if war breaks out would these idiots be deployed at the front)is this how the government treats its citizen?

      • taytum2 said

        taytum2 would add that not a word of english yet these prc’s were deployed at the service counter

      • taytum2 said

        the pap government is pro employer who hires cheap labour by bringing these prc’s or those therein
        these must be stopped or there is an open invitation to the opposite of an inclusive society

    • LkySi said

      Singapore is now the capital of China

  2. RC said

    Stupid facking PRC dogs and pigs ! Still dare to say No No English. And the stupid Singtel manager never use brain. Put all the non English speaking people at the front counter. Must be a stupid FT also who will do that.

    • elaine said

      Wow, RC, you with your racist, xenophobic comment are the real disgrace to Singapore. As a Singaporean, I’m completely ashamed of citizens like you. As if calling others names and making baseless and useless assumptions is going to make anything better.

      What do you mean “still dare say no no English”? Do you expect her to lie? It’s not her personal fault that she was employed. People do what they can. If she can’t speak English, then she can’t, and she won’t be able to miraculously learn it on the spot. If it is bad attitude or rude service, then perhaps there’s something to be complained about for this particular server, but there’s no indication of that in the original post.

      Yes, you should direct your unhappiness at SingTel, who obviously does not care about serving ALL their customers well and catering to their language needs. THEY, as employers, should be ensuring that the service staff they hire are able to speak the common working language of Singapore. If they intend to hire non-English speaking staff, they should train them to be able to understand and serve in English. Write to SingTel and tell them they have terrible and frustrating customer service. Tell them to train their staff properly. Tell them you’ll take your business elsewhere if they aren’t able to serve you properly in English. But don’t take it out on the people whose fault it isn’t.

      • Nimal said

        Hi Elain, he’s not racist, probably very frustrated by the Way he is treated here. You try walking in the shoes of a non Chinese or Caucasian person in Singapore n you will see how racist Chinese Singaporeans really are.

        You’re right though, this is Singtel’s fault, but the human element in this is that the person/persons who are responsible, don’t care about serving non Chinese. It doesn’t matter to them, or worse, they don’t like other races n want to make it more difficult for them in the first place… I think they just don’t care.

        Think about it… Who’s really being racist here?

  3. SueM said

    I agree with the writer. I visited my family in Singapore during my school hols and was appalled at the way foreigners were behaving with no sense of manners or respect to the way of life of the locals. So I “gave it” to them. I screamed my head off and embarrassed them at every rudeness, cutting queue, no no english speaking or whatever they showed me. If the lame-ass government cannot stand up for the people, then the people have to stand up for themselves and show their toughness. If I am a little petite girl and can do it, so can you!

    • elaine said

      I’m sure screaming your head off and embarrassing others is proper, civilised, not-rude behaviour. Bravo! Way to show how well-bred Singaporeans are.

    • CKMPD said

      well done, Sue! But whose fault is it that we have so many non englich speaking cheap foreigners in SG?

    • chinapore said

      I agree with Sue too..we are forced to behave this way.. we have tolerated enough !!! !

  4. Lex said

    Well said brother Jack Russel!!

  5. Allgooner said

    Agreed. You should also ask Singtel how these people got recruited in the first place??!!

  6. dereth said

    One time I called for a Comfort taxi to get to work and it did not show up. I dialed the hotline again and was serviced by a lady who I think is from China.

    In the whole first minute, she could not understand what I way asking for. I was merely asking what happened to my cab and I needed one urgently. The poor girl kept saying “I am sorry, can you speak more slower? Sorry I don’t understand…”.

    In frustration, I asked her “你会说普通话吗?(Do you speak Mandarin?)” and she happily replied “没问题!没问题!(No problem! No problem!)”

    Well, we continued the call in Putonghua Mandarin and she managed to get me another cab. So I was alright about it. No complaint lodged. Thought I’m Singaporean, I’m not someone who usually complains (officially).

    Just imagine if it was someone else non-Chinese who called in.

  7. Jenny said

    I normally will shout for managers in fast food outlets and sound out my unhappiness. This is absurd…totally, this is an English speaking country and PRCs came here thinking that they are still in China.

  8. jaya said

    Totally agree. Blame it on singtel ,place them in front line somemore. These what the govt calls TALENT. Can’t even speak english .

  9. invictus said

    Why blame PRC.. Singtel is the one who hired her using their own logic.. Singtel should answer to their clients for this.

  10. Stirrer said

    no no english?
    you fuck back to Cheena

  11. xik fuck said

    well the manager that speaks english is a pinoy.

  12. CKMPD said

    Think! Whos is the culprit for us to be in this ridiculous situation? PRCs or PAP? The PAP has been negligent in allowing non- English speaking workers to work in SG. We are a multi racial, English speaking country!

  13. SV G said

    Right on! Well said, if I need to learn another language then I bludy well will take up Malay since our neighbours on both sides use it and since our national anthem is sung in it…How the hell can u justify giving some one a front line job when they bcan’t even speak the international language of business and commerce? Ridiculous!

  14. notAproudSingaporean said

    And should ask the government what kinda foreign “talent” are they bringing in. This particular staff and many others across singapore are not even talented to begin with. Wtf singapore? Wtf?!

  15. wingzero said

    Maybe you should try going to Merchant Court…

    I need to be re-directed up to the 5th time for one question…. Does the buffet includes drink? If not can I have the menu… The first 4 cannot answer me, I felt like an idiot till the manager showed up. No give face, I ask her if this was a very difficult question to answer that required me to be re-directed 4 times????

  16. Aston E.L said

    tsk tsk tsk…typical shallow and narrow minded racists Singaporean! You people think you are so damn superior huh?! Lets see how far Singaporean goes! Pui! Lousy Singaporeans!

    • Stirrer said

      Which bitch hole did you crawl out from and where are you right now bitching away? You need to be slapped/

    • suriani hussain-bates said

      Yes, u stinking twat, and u knw why we are more superior?? Because this is our birth country and we are here by natural birthright, and English is our natural language.

      If u can’t even understand this logic, then shut the fuck up and crawl back to ur shit hole and sulk for all i care.

    • SV G said

      No No, we are not superior, we just have a better understanding of “How-to-behave-when-you-are-in-a-foreign-country-where-the-natives-are-not-too-pleased-to-have-you-around-cos-they-are-being-screwed-royally-by-their-leaders” and it would do for YOUR lot to learn it…Oh btw, your command of the Queen’s English is absolutely deplorable…go and read some books and brush up on your grammar & vocabulary please…You can start with Enid Blyton’s “The Proud Golliwog”…Im sure you’ll find it enlightening on multiple levels….

  17. Marie said

    I take every opportunity I have to whack them hard! Teach them a lesson for taking away singaporean’s jobs.

  18. Han Teck said

    i’m true blue singaporean i speak Mandarin, you have problem with that? the last time i checked, there are 4 official languages in singapore and people are free to speak whatever language they like. you have problem with that?
    stop promoting your english hegemony in singapore! this is not an ang mo country, just to remind you!

    • Stirrer said

      Are you an idiot?
      There are 4 languages means there will be non Chinese Singaporean who cannot speak Mandarin. Let’s say the service line is all flooded by Indians imports who can only speak Hindi. I’ll see how you handle that.

      • emeraldgal28 said

        Best!!! hhaahaha

      • Badass Ed said

        Hey Bro.

        How did we allow in,Indian imports who can only speak Hindi in the first place?

        When I am in India, I do not expect the telco’s service line to answer my questions in Mandarin.

        The world’s two most used languages are going to be English and Mandarin (more than a quarter of the Earth’s human population). So it pays to be proficient in both and you would not need to rant so much.

      • Stirrer said

        Badass Ed

        That’s what I meant, you have the advantage of knowing English and Mandarin by virtue of your race, that’s why you won’t understand the frustration.

        Think of yourself as SINGAPOREAN Malay/Indian. PAP imported many PRC imports who cannot speak English isn’t it? How would you expect the Malays and Indians to communicate with them on a necessary basis?

        Are you saying Malays/Indians have to learn Mandarin too? Thank goodness China is the next superpower, what if it was India. Would you consider learning hindi?

    • Skiesx said

      No one said we’re an “ang mo” country, neither did anyone say that they have a problem with you speaking mandarin, so don’t get your knickers in a twist. The beauty of Singapore is (or was) that we’re a country that can foster people of different races who live together in harmony as one. The only way this has been possible is because we use the english language, our COMMON language, as the writer of the post above stated. So as a foreigner, if you wish to work and reside in our country, you are obligated to learn our lingua franca, especially if you’re taking up a job that requires you to work with the public on a daily basis. If the roles were reversed and you were faced with an Indian PR who couldn’t speak English, I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t hear the end of it. So give it a rest yeah? We “true blue singaporeans” have got to stick up for one another.

      (Might I add, you wrote your comment in english. Enough said.)

    • sweetee said

      Then why use english in parliment. Why say its our working language? I am sure you dumb tut do not understand what working language means. You are saying chinese hegemony is ok? Even the word mandarin came from India, I bet you do not even know that.

    • SV G said

      Ok Mr “true blue singaporean” heres a deal for you to placate everyone! Fine then lets make the national language Malay, since they are the original natives of Temasek and our neighbours (Malaya n Indon) speak the language as well (Im not a malay FYI). I think its only fair! The alphabets are in Anglo characters and the language is not very hard to learn and anyway our national anthem is sung in it, so fair and square lah! Why must any language of the Foreign Talent of the old days, yes the indian road-laying coolies and the opium-addicted chinese, them, why must any of their languages be used? No, we’ll start the “Make Malay Our National Language” Campaign immediately!

  19. Badass Ed said

    Calm down idiot. You don’t want to end up in the cardiac ward do you?

  20. It takes a greater IDIOT to call someone a idiot

    • Badass Ed said

      Ronald old sod, you look like you belong to a beach in Cebu not here in Singapore cyberspace.

      Yes, we are all idiots in an idiotic country that employs idiotic foreign “talents”.

  21. full of stars said

    I went to StarHub and was served by a Filipina. Suddenly, she just shouted to the customer behind me whom was in the queue in Tagalog. I was bewildered. Is this what the PM mentioned as ” quality FT”? Am I in Philippines?

  22. Ah Gen said

    Will the “Rise & Fall” of PAP encompass around foreigners??? …. PAP rise by chasing out the foreigners (British) & fall was to bring in the foreigners (everywhere or anywhere) …. it is just so sad …..

  23. Uday said

    Soon,we Singaporeans are gg to be foreigners in our own lands. No thank to the foreign talents.

  24. denzuko1 said

    Why learn PRC language? ….. Er…..mainly because they are the biggest population in the world…larger than Indians?

  25. Harry said

    I understand your feeling but let’s be fair; the problem is more with the bank that hires someone who doesn’t speak English, and who’s in turn served you; I think you should shout to the bank but not calling all PRC as “idiot”

  26. No can do said

    The writer of this article is clearly an Indian (more correctly Tamil) racist who’s targetting PRCs and, ironically, getting Chinese sinkies to support him. Note his aside: “If I hv to learn Chinese, I’d rather learn another language like Hindi or Malayalam than Chinese”. For this, he’s to be complimented as he’s aware of his Indian roots, even if low caste, to still support his race, whereas many Chinese sinkies wld just throw their support to bash PRCs who r Chinese in origin. My guess is he’s low caste Malayalam who wld hv no hesitation to favour Indians in his small circle despite his highfalutin about being sinkie.

    • SV G said

      you truly must be blissful in your little, vacuous bubble of ignorance…well rest assured that the PAP will be more then happy to have a country full of ignoramuses like your sad self to help keep their future generations rich…

    • Skiesx said

      No Can Do, your comment has so many contradictions in it but I’m not going to focus too much on that. I do want to point out a few things though. Firstly, the caste system was abolished 50 years ago, so why don’t you get out of the your nationalist 1960’s mindset and talk as if you actually understand what’s going on in the present day. Secondly, this has NOTHING to do with racism. The writer’s issue (and mine too) is that the government is blindly taking in ‘foreign talent’ that aren’t able to assimilate with the locals and it so happens that the bulk of that foreign talent hail from China. Oh, and lastly, if you have to compliment someone for being “aware of his roots”, you might have just made me lose what little faith I had left in our Singapore society.

  27. PRC’s are not to be blame here. It’s our government and our labor policies that is creating this nonsense.

    Let me give you another example that happen to me when I went to China for a holiday.

    First, let me say that I am Indian and I use to live in Taiwan as a PR. So there’s a Taiwanese residency mark on my passport.

    When I reached the immigration station at the airport in China,
    The officer was scrutinizing my passport for a long time, about ten minutes.
    He even got another officer to come validate my passport.
    And I could speak Mandarin. So I ask them if there is any issues with my passport?
    I was thinking it could be the Taiwanese Residency mark and I wanted to explain.

    But what they told me was surprising. They ask me if there are people like me in Singapore?
    Referring to my Indian decent. From this, we know how the government of Singapore is promoting us abroad as.
    Are we still a Multiracial society?

  28. No Can Do said

    @ Skiesx said May 1st 6.25 pm: If u say caste system is non-existent in Inida, let me clarify I was told by an Indian lady sinkie that Malayalees here are mainly low caste as she was disgusted that a Malayalee colleague was chasing after a Chinese sinkie and not someone like her, an Indian. But there’s no doubt the writer of the article is racist i) picking on PRCs and not Indian immigrants; coupled with ii) saying he wld study Inidian rather than Chinese, when Chinese is one of our sinkie language. He’s unnecessarily stirring up animosities between Indians and Chinese by his rantings along racist lines.

  29. Intelligent said

    Aiyah. Using a commercial situation to get angry over a language issue.
    Grow up lah!
    We are not Ang Mo country, and there are 4 official languages
    It is the company problem? Talk to the company lah.

  30. Ramesh said

    It’s the same with the Indians from NORTH India, they speak only hindi in office and outside. they mingle only with the norht indian hindi people. it is very ridiculous

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