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How to assist family of late Singaporean cabby Cheng Teck Hock (秦德福) who was involved in a fatal accident in Bugis caused by a reckless PRC driver

Posted by temasektimes on May 14, 2012

52 year old Singaporean cabby Mr Cheng Teck Hock (秦德福) was killed in a fatal traffic accident on Saturday morning caused by a reckless PRC driver Ma Chi.

Mr Cheng suffered from massive bleeding in his brain, lungs and liver and was declared brain dead in Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

He passed away at 7.07pm yesterday evening.

Mr Cheng has been working as a taxi driver for more than ten years and  is the sole breadwinner of the family and leaves behind three children between the age of 16 and 21.

He did not buy any insurance for himself and his family as he was unable to afford the premiums.

His eldest daughter just graduated from a local polytechnic and has to put her plans to study in a university on hold because of her father’s unfortunate demise.

His two younger sons are taking their ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels this year.

We have received a message from a friend of Mr Cheng Dao Han, a son of Mr Cheng that his wake will be held 13 to 17 May 2012.

We have more than 20,000 unique readers daily and we urge everybody to share and spread this article with everybody you know.

Singaporeans who are keen to help the family can approach them directly at the wake:

“The funeral will be held under Blk 306 Canberra road, 13-17 May 2012.

Public is advised to come from 14 May 2012 onwards.

Please accept my gratitude for your support and assistance to my family during this difficult times.

Thank you.”

Cheng Dao Han


To family of Mr Cheng Teck Hock, if you are reading this, please contact us immediately at, providing us with some information to verify your identity and a bank account number to collect donations. Many of our readers have emailed us offering their assistance and they are not able to attend Mr Cheng’s wake in person. The Temasek Times is the 47th most visited site in Singapore and we will be able to help you reach out to a large number of Singaporeans. 


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Singaporean cabby whose taxi was rammed by Ferrari has passed away

Singaporean cabby now brain dead after being crashed by PRC Ferrari driver Ma Chi

VIDEO of fatal Bugis accident

VIDEO: Re-enactment of Bugis accident – Speeding car crashed into taxi in China

Bugis Ferrari accident: Man steals $300 from struggling woman trapped in taxi

PRC Ferrari driver sped to beat red lights causing fatal accident in Bugis

PHOTO: Fatal accident at Bugis involving Ferrari and taxi

VIDEO: Horrific road traffic accidents in China

68 Responses to “How to assist family of late Singaporean cabby Cheng Teck Hock (秦德福) who was involved in a fatal accident in Bugis caused by a reckless PRC driver”

  1. loveSG said

    would love to help. waiting for details…

    Charity starts at home, Lets help out fellow Singaporeans before being so generous to foreigners with sob stories…

    • amoztan said

      Well said bro!!!

      • govt is against the people said

        Come on Singaporeans, LET’S UNITE BEHIND a fellow SINGAPOREAN. Please post this page’s link on your facebook and encourage as many of us to contribute as possible!

  2. Ken Lee said

    HOW DID THE “Young and Capable, Tall and Handsome” FT obtain a driving license!
    did he pass his basic theory test (BTT), advance/final theory test (FTT), Riding theory test (RTT) and driving test in Singapore or just convert over?

    • SPOON said

      For those FTrash to get a license, they simply need a license in their trash country, then in Singapore they just need to pass the basic theory test and thats it.

  3. alvyn said

    Thank you TT.

    A plea from a Singaporean though, please keep politics out of this incident, and save the AT bashing for later. I am fuming with rage at how much injustice there is here, but let’s be focused on helping the late cabby and his family tide thru these tough times.


  4. Desmond Chua said

    If possible please leave a bank account number so that the public who wish to give assistance can transfer directly into the account.

  5. DT said

    Worthy cause but wonder why the insistence on stating the nationality of the driver. A reckless driver is a reckless driver.

  6. Adeline yeo said

    Hi, we would like to make a donation. Pls advise the account number to transfer. Thanks u

    • Mr good guy said

      I think we should hand the money personally to prevent scam and your money landed on those f***er who tried to cheat money instead of helping them.

    • Mei hong said

      Hi, in order to avoid any fraud (i.e. other unrelated public creating bank account to plead for donation ) and to acknowledge each and every donation…the Cheng has indicated that if you would like to make any contribution it should be done at where the funeral was held / thru Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd.

      Donation should not be made thru any electronic means.

  7. Ger said

    Seriously, we shld ask pap or Pm how r they gg to deal wif such case. More n more foreigners came in n affected our singaporeans’ lives

  8. melvinho said

    Agreed with DT. A rich prick with a fast car is a rich prick with a fast car be it FT or Singaporean. Mr Cheng and his passenger is just unfortunate to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Let’s all pray for them and their families.

  9. Duckoola said

    Yes please provide details, will definitely help!

    • govt is against the people said

      the details above not enough????? come on people!!! want to help, be sincere!

      • Duckoola said

        Eh read la! I want bank details la! Who are you to judge about sincerity?!

        EDITORS’ NOTE:

        To family of Mr Cheng Teck Hock, if you are reading this, please contact us immediately at, providing us with some information to verify your identity and a bank account number to collect donations. Many of our readers have emailed us offering their assistance and they are not able to attend Mr Cheng’s wake in person. The Temasek Times is the 47th most visited site in Singapore and we will be able to help you reach out to a large number of Singaporeans.

    • govt is against the people said

      “read la”? did you write anything about bank?
      and just go if you are truly sincere, many of us are going out of our ways to go down there. or you can send to my account.
      but you’ll say you don’t trust. so.. in the end?

      • Duckoola said

        I pasted for you to read, the editor’s note. I was replying to him, not you. I show my sincerity in a different way. You went out of your way to go there, so you are my HERO la. I hope your visit has changed the grieving family’s life. When I posted, there were no details yet, not even where the wake is. Regardless, you are going OUT OF YOUR WAY to the wake, no one’s complaining, if I want to go out of my way, I will try to fly back to Singapore. I can send to your account if you are in the same trouble, why won’t I trust you? It will be insincere, don’t you think? So, in the end….?

  10. Woody Smurf said

    This is no doubt a tragedy, but the fact that the errant driver is a PRC is irrelevant. He deserves scorn and condemnation regardless of his citizenship and origins. Most immigrants cannot afford to drive a Ferrari in Singapore, and I am guessing most Singapore-based Ferrari owners are not immigrants. We should be angry about the unnecessary loss of lives and its tragic consequences for innocent dependents, but this is not a result of the PAP’s immigration policy (which may well be wrong anyway).

  11. James said

    Hi, please revert with account number if possible, wish to make a donation.

  12. voice of the people said

    RIP fellow singaporean.

  13. Long said

    why don’t the editor approach the family directly via the wake?

  14. Christopher Teo said

    I live 2 blocks away from the wake. I can help to connect the family with Temasek. What is the email they should contact?

    Mod’s reply:

    • L Y Yen said

      Please check with Mr Cheng’s daughter if she has a paypal account, so that some us could transfer some funds over. In the thread here, some kind people are asking for Mr Cheng’s family member’s account no. to transfer some funds over to them. I am sure Mr Cheng’s bank account is still active now, his bank account details should be good enough.

      • Christopher Teo said

        I have visited the wake. They are now aware of Temasek Times and will be contacting Temasek Times with their details.

  15. ILoveSingapore said

    Lets ensure the cabby’s daughter dream to go university is not destroyed by this PRC monster. Ensure her financial needs til she completes her degree be guaranteed.
    I also appeal to lawyers out there, help to find ways to get compensation from this PRC monster’s wealth. For all innocent victims and their families.

  16. Oversea Sgporean said

    Can the family member setup PayPal for fast convenient transfer?

    • govt is against the people said

      NO PAYPAL!!! Paypal charges a HEFTY FEE for all kinds of transfer as if they are the SELLER. It’s called the SELLER’S FEE!
      And exhange rates if you sending in USD, totally not worth it. Been there, done that.

  17. m said

    how about the family of the reckless driver donating, e.g. scholarships to the children.
    They have the money, and their kin is responsible for the death of innocent people.

    Instead, now other helpful people chip in for what is the dues of the reckless.
    And , does the insurance of the ferrari not pay an annuity for support to the family of the deceased ?

    Do not forget the passenger lady who died.
    How many of us sit in the back of a taxi and could have been her ??

  18. Espire said

    I’m really please to see that Everyone have a warm heart here i Would really like to make a donation too, and i’ll notify my friends to make the donation also,, my Deepest Regards to this Family.

  19. Albert said

    I would suggest the public to pay a visit to his immediate family members at the wake in Blk 306 Canberra Rd from 13 – 17 May.

  20. David See said


    we would like to make a donation for the family if they reply. pls update us accordingly.

  21. Hi, Please can the family of the cabby please leave down an a/c number for fellow singaporean to render assistance =). Best if can get the editor to verify the a/c number belongs to the cabby’s NOK.

  22. Toa Sharon said

    Be careful, go direct to the late family incase…..

  23. yes, i think more pple will help if there is a more convenient means to pass the family the money.

  24. blue-green said

    condolences to the family.. it must be difficult for them with children who are still in schools.

    much credit to temasek times for giving a huge helping hand to the family!

    agree with alvyn, just stfu about the FTs first and focus on compiling donatns.

  25. kc said

    The diseased is also a member of the Ferrari Club here. Somebody should go and ask them if they wish to make some donation to the family. So angry.

  26. Mr good guy said

    I feel that those who wish to help should hand the money directly to their NOK. firstly to prevent scam and the money land on some f***er hand instead of helping them. secondly if you are sincere to help, by putting money to their account seem like petty them than helping them. we should not show such act to the victim

  27. Simon said

    Just bring the money to the wake!!!

  28. time is now said

    the pap sold us out and betrayed us, the ft here to steal our jobs, the prc here to kill us. But we will not back down!

    We will support each other despite all odds, against all difficulties! THIS IS SPARTA!!!!

  29. Comfort Delgro launched donation drive for family of late cabby Cheng Teck Hock

  30. Jovan Hsieh said

    Hi, please provide a bank account number to transfer donations to. I want to help.


  31. MyPaper article states that we can issue cheques payable to “LIM CHOO ENG”

    • A Singaporean Abroad said

      I’m a Singaporean living overseas, I want to transfer funds direct via bank transfer online because I have a Singapore bank account. To buy a cheque here cost a lot of money in commission – equivalent to S$50 (I think the commission should be given to the Cheng family instead) and may take a long time to arrive (10 to 14 days) even by airmail. Can anyone clue me in as to how I can donate to the Cheng family?

      • Duckoola said

        Hi, maybe you can transfer to a trusted friend in Singapore and iB to his/her account and have them help you send a cheque to the family? Just a suggestion 🙂

  32. oops, pls ignore previous comment.

    MyPaper article states that we can issue cheques payable to “LIM CHOO ENG” and mail them to “The Cheng Family, c/o Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd, 383 Sin Ming Drive, Singapore 575717, ATTN: Customer Service Centre” by end of this month.

  33. skyred5 said

    I really feel for them . almost the same age as the eldest daughter, and father is a cab driver too .

  34. edwin said

    walao THe PRC Ferrari CLOWN!!! not fit to be call driver~ stupid clown u Rich, family rich~ for F..k brain lock inside the Bank, never use ur brain drive Damm Fool.

  35. Karen said

    May I know who is this Lim Choo Eng? Will like to make some donation…..

  36. Janice said

    I really hope Mr Cheng’s two sons are able to do well for their major exams this year. To the Cheng family, Mr Cheng may not be around physically but he will always be watching over all of you from up above. I am still a student myself and am not able to provide any donations but I’ll keep you guys in my prayers. Stay strong 🙂

  37. Death is Too Easy for MaChi said

    Last time when Huang Na died, so many stupid Singaporeans donated so much money to her china parents, on the day of her funeral, lined up behind the funeral van, all crying as if their own daughter died. Huang Na’s mother promised to donate part of the donation back to Singapore charity, in the end what happened? They ran back to China and bought a 3-storey house with the money. Not a single cent was given to charity. Now that this fucking china Ferrari driver killed the taxi driver and caused his daughter to have financial difficulty in attending university, do you think any China man, ESPECIALLY THE RICH FAMILY OF MA CHI, will donate even a single cent to support her education??? OR EVEN APOLOGISE??? All these heartless dogs do not deserve any pity! They should all burn in hell!

    • sad story said

      this is Chinese from PRC. PARASITES.
      Totally different from Singaporeans, too kind hearted to foreigners, until now, looked down upon by EVERYONE.
      WE thought we looked down on others, now, ang moh, pinay and even PRC look down on Singaporeans. PAP really fucked us up big time. Soon, even Indians and Blacks will look down on us.

  38. karyn said

    i was at the wake last night & thanks to few of my friends for total of S$510 contribution to Cabby Cheng family,, also noted few other public aslo offered their last respect & contribution too. Very kind of everyone. May Cabby Cheng rest in peace.the MP werer there too

  39. How do I make a contribution if I’m not able to make it for the wake?

    • Duckoola said

      MyPaper article states that we can issue cheques payable to “LIM CHOO ENG” and mail them to “The Cheng Family, c/o Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd, 383 Sin Ming Drive, Singapore 575717, ATTN: Customer Service Centre” by end of this month.

  40. Warriorkel said

    This PRC family should just shut their mouth and help the cheng’s family. Stop saying tht we had poison tongues. Ur son should be the one responsible to the fatal accident. They shld watch the accident video.

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