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Google map: Singapore girls have one of the smallest breasts in the world

Posted by temasektimes on July 20, 2012

According to widely circulated map by Google on the average cup sizes of women, Singapore girls have one of the smallest breasts in the world with an average cup size of only ‘A’.

Other Asian countries with similar ‘results’ as Singapore are Hong Kong, Japan and China.

The Russians, Finns, Norwegians and Swedes have the largest breasts with an average cup size of ‘Super D’ followed by the United States of America and some European countries with an average cup size of ‘D’.



85 Responses to “Google map: Singapore girls have one of the smallest breasts in the world”

  1. Shut Up You Garrulous fool, You Vacillating Nincompoop! said

    We also have a lower rate of obesity compared to many of these Super D countries. Go figure.

  2. Karias said

    I don’t mind.

  3. Singaporeslut said

    Oh dear, is that why fertility rate so low? Can the government subsidise breast implants at c class rates?

    • mahbok tan said

      LOL….. veli de funni lei…..later hor many women with “ENHANCE” mammary gland hor ……. maybe can make SGmen want to make baby to improve on the declining fertility rate !!!!

    • Mike Zeng said

      Yes ideed! The fact remains that it’s difficult for a macho male to climax and ejaculate when he does not see nor feel his partner’s sizable boobs.but there is an optimal size…the most erotic would be pear-shaped or tennis-ball firm boobs. Too large like papayas or melons size…urgh! No can do.
      Of course if the female has a tight v which is able to grip rythmically your p till you climax, better than big boobs any time.
      Flat boobs also can’t produce much milk for the poor baby who will have to be contented with formula cow’s milk.

    • IronMan said

      Sooo….chia…lat..!!! Most of the cabo here still have no shame to demand 5Cs from us SG men. Marriage pay a lot, Divorce also pay a lot. What do us men get in return. Tam..Pok…!!! ‘A’ cup some more, might as well have no breasts or even better become a man, so no more Woman Charter

  4. What Do You Think? said

    I think that’s very true. Singapore guys are seriously deprived. Some of the girls here have breasts which are even flatter than their tummies.

  5. Kubi Bryan said

    that’s why s’porean guys are not aroused wiht s’porean ladies resulting to low fertility rate…

  6. I love c cup said

    Singaporeans should migrate to Australia to upsize.

  7. experience man said

    BUT european Pussy are the loosest and Biggest too!!!!!like stirring soup in pot!!!

  8. ChickenKing said

    YALOR, similanjiao!!! My gym chest also bigger than their small nehneh sometimes!! I had to close my eyes and squeeze their boney ass instead. Most SG girls cannot make it!

  9. SG Talent said

    What is the source that Google used? They go around squeezing nei nei?

  10. very experienced said

    When they’re big up there, they’re loose down there. When they’re small up there, they’re tight down there. Most men prefer tight down there than big up there anytime.

  11. seriously..... said

    maybe that’s why Singapore is among the top for best international Airport


    Boobs big or small and whatever shape doesn’t matter as long as they’re proportionate to the size of the body. But those totally flat chested? What can I say? Better to opt for breast enhancements or implants. Anyway, every individual may have a different preference.

  13. invictus said

    Anything more than a mouthful is a waste…

  14. kaypoh said

    Not much milk left….. all sucked dry by our dear gahmen lor 😦 Another area where we’re not “Swiss Standard” lool

    Maybe they can claim under the “new” Medishield as “congenital defect”????

  15. Jonathan Tay said

    Maybe because near the equator that is why smaller breast. Gravity plays a part!

  16. Joe said

    farking trash reporting…

  17. growupguys said

    Oh there is a survey on breast? Seriously you believe this shit?

  18. I beg to differ said

    That’s not true, i’m a C.

  19. disgusted reader said

    Temasek Times: Singapore’s No. 1 sensational news/trash blog. I ‘liked’ your facebook page to get in touch with political news. Now, i get more and more irritated by your stupid links. This is the latest one. STUPID!!!

    And to the stupid men who complain about this, there are women with good-sized breasts around. No need to complain, just look for the ones with your B and C cups.. Oh wait a minute…you can’t get them because they don’t want you, because you are CRAP, that’s why you’re here complaining now. I say the same things to any woman who complains about Singaporean men. The good/attractive men/women are out there, but are you good enough to get them??

    • SG Talent said

      I guess U are size A- 🙂

    • iknowthisislovebutifwereyouiwouldleaveher said

      You sir have no life, its good to read something different like this once in a while when all the time it has been singaporean-foreigner forum war going about…take a chill pill clockwork dude

      As for the woman part yep i agree with you, some girls do have good sized breasts.

  20. i love russian kitten said

    I want to suck the tits of russian kittens!

  21. AA said

    Luv ’em!

  22. rohani said

    Want so big for what?

  23. Waffles wu can do something about it

  24. PervertMOLE said


  25. Maximus said

    What the point of super D size , when the bulk of it is silicon?

  26. Virgo said

    This is very funny article, hahaha 😀 !!

    My theory is that the brain consumed all the nutrients and the breasts don’t get any!

  27. Seraphim said

    The next thing we know they are comparing will be the mens’ rod….

  28. Singapore’s Number ONE socio-political blog…now we know why!!! WTF has boobs size got anything to do DIRECTLY with ‘socio-political’. TELL ME, DAMMIT! TELL ME!

    • kaypoh said

      tiny boobies….

      therefore lowest birthrate….

      therefore more FTs….. which is political

      more horny Sri Lankan Docs, more Oral Sex cases, more Underage Sex cases,…which is socio-political

  29. oldguard said

    Be happy with what you have been given.
    Be happy with what your spouse have given you to fiddle.
    Be happy, a breast is still a breast.
    I don’t mind what size cup you have.

    • noel said

      overall it is the skills in bed that actually make the difference.
      big breasts can come with big CB while on the otherhand, small breasts can come with small CB ( nice and tight )

      by similar comparison, Lan Cheow can be big, but soft like over ripe banana while on the otherhand, small Lan Cheow but stiff like iron rod plus good for 5 times a day…lol

    • funnylitteboy said

      Small breast doesn’t mean no breast,
      Same goes to cock..tiny cock doesn’t mean no cock…

  30. Lam said

    I prefer to have a firm booty than huge breasts…..hahaha

  31. Bai Hu said

    I read a report that cancer loves to grow on fatty tissues & breasts are made up largely of fatty tissues. That’s why bigger doesn’t mean better if u look at the surge in breast cancer cases. I personally think that just be happy with whatever ‘size’ God has given u cos plastic surgery is no good in the long run. As i myself is a tennis player, i do not want that big piece of burden to hamper my games too 🙂

  32. Lancheowwei said

    Singaporean males have the smallest balls in the world because 60.1% of them don’t have any.

  33. Trolllololol said

    They need to find a statistic that shows average dick size.

  34. kaypoh said

    Dats why Waffles is so busy, lolol

  35. kaypoh said

    Oh, LITTLE RED DOT….. what did u expect, HUMONGOUS BOOBIES? No wonder we’re getting more & more paedophiles…. if ya can’t have what ya like, then ya gotta like what ya get, right?

    Besides, if it gets too big, gahmen is liable to impose some new tax onnit….
    they prolly callit MammaryShield….. *ENHANCED* protection against boob cancer & horny Sri Lankan docs grabbing ur boobies….

  36. Red said

    Also the smallest penises in the world.

  37. SG Men you are smallest too said

    next thing google maps should do is to publish which country’s men have the smallest penis. singapore men will likely top the list too

  38. Reblogged this on exclusively dev and commented:
    THIS. Although I’m not too sure of the credibility of this report, there is no doubt that I am a Singapore girl -_-

  39. Ren said

    Dun worry b happy…Whatever u being bestowed with, b contented…

  40. NaBey said

    Can the govt bring more RUSSIAN FT to spore lah!!! At least I have more choice in geylang !!

  41. Lets to be honest GUYS….only to those who had EVER HELD A BREAST
    DO YOU FIND size D cup IS A LITTLE TOO BIG FOR us “asian” ????
    size C would be just reasonable…..
    Unless you HAVE LONG FINGERS and CRAWS……FOR EMBRACE size D, otherwise????
    Like this>>>>>>>>

    • steven said

      D cup size is probably the max, anything bigger is a hindrance.
      The downside to huge breasts is the tendency to droop drastically with age.

  42. SG girl cannot make it. said

    Singapore girls fail!!! short, ugly like fuck breast small cheebye never wash, see already also don’t feel like fucking them, they still behave like they got golden cheebye, wait until 40, dog also don’t want to fuck them.

  43. Anthony Tang said

    The famous plastic surgeon WW laughing all the way to the bank

    • antonio said

      You are right, woffles gets paid to see and play with boobs of women, they also thank him….something their boyfriends or husbands can only envy….LOL

  44. Marie said

    It doesn’t matter to whether they survey that all ASEAN Countries have the smallest breast cup size A. Still asian women are the best creature of God.

  45. FUCK YOU said


  46. Zhang said

    you can’t suck it..but you can only lick it

  47. Tan Big Tan said

    For crying out loud, its not because of the boob size – its the fact that my wife has the face of Ho Ching and her same investment acumen plus she runs the house like Ms. Saw – of course I’m can’t come at home!!!!!

  48. iknowthisislovebutifwereyouiwouldleaveher said

    I m actually like the way Singaporean woman are and still regard them as the hottest in the world. They have a natural figure. Small breasts are actually more sensitive as the nerve endings are near to each other enhaning her sensuality. I am a fan of legs though =P , boobs big or small, natural is the way to go!

  49. Ray said

    Very interesting

  50. Howard said

    WE were talking about the size of the Japanese girls breat when I was in the Army in Japan.
    One due summed up best. He said , no big deal, everything over a mouthful is wasted anyway.

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